All Chapters of She Wows the World Post-divorce: Chapter 121 - Chapter 130
615 Chapters
Chapter 121
Holly thought she was dreaming when she heard them say that Bryce was here. He had just left this morning, surely he wouldn't come over again tonight?She turned back to look at Bryce. His tall and slender figure was revealed under the moonlight. His features were strikingly handsome, yet there was a hint of loneliness cast on his face.Holly was shocked. It really was Bryce. He was walking over to her.He was still looking spirited by the time he left this morning, but now he seemed a little exhausted.Holly couldn't believe her eyes. She stood staring at him motionlessly.Then, her bodyguard said, "It really is Mr. Gabelman, Mrs. Gabelman. He came to look for you."Only then did Holly snap out of her reverie.Her heart was beating fast as she asked subconsciously, "Why are you here?"Bryce didn't answer her. He only looked at her wordlessly. Traces of disappointment and loneliness were evident in his gaze.Holly had never seen such conflicting emotions from him. She felt as
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Chapter 122
Bryce only slowed down when they could no longer see Abelin.He asked breathlessly, "Does your leg still hurt?"Holly had an arm around his neck as she said, "It doesn't hurt anymore. You should let me down now."Bryce said, "It doesn't matter. We'll be back soon."Holly relented as she couldn't argue against him.She sorted her thoughts and explained, "The materials Annie asked someone to get haven't arrived. I had nothing to do so I went to bed early. I woke up later and couldn't fall back asleep."Then, I heard someone playing the flute, and the tune was quite beautiful. Curious, I went out to have a look. I didn't know that it was Abelin. I wouldn't have gone if I had known."Bryce hummed lowly. There wasn't any expression on his face. Holly wasn't sure if he believed her or not.After giving it some thought, she reached out to caress his worn-out face.She then chided, "Why did you come now when you've just left this morning? You don't have to always visit me since you'
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Chapter 123
It was Holly's first time hearing Bryce speak in such a tone. She found it intriguing and even felt that his aggrieved look was adorable for a split second.It was far from his usual cold and aloof image. Such vague grievance of his made her like him even more.Holly wrapped her arms around his neck and looked at his bloodshot eyes. She then gently poked at the corner of his eyes with a finger.She said, "Look at you. Your eyes are bloodshot now. You shouldn't come over again tomorrow, got it?"Byrce nuzzled his nose against her wordlessly. He didn't want to come as well, but Abelin had been watching her vigilantly and refused to leave this place.He had played the hero by rescuing Holly last night, and tonight, he was even playing the flute. It made Bryce insecure.Holly waited but no answer came from him. She knew that he refused to agree.She sighed and said, "Once the materials are here, I'll inform Prof. Gondalez that I'll bring the silk painting back to Jardington for rest
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Chapter 124
Most importantly, Trevor was over 80 years old now. He wasn't at all a threat to Bryce.After that, Bryce's hand that was on Holly's chin slipped down from her arm to wrap around her waist. He then gave her waist a suggestive pinch.He leaned closer to her ear and suggested, "Since you're not busy today, and I have nothing else to do, how about we make our time worthwhile?"Holly felt weak all over from his pinches.She purposefully asked, "Who was the one who said that he didn't fly all the way here just for this last night?"Bryce got on top of her to bite the tip of her nose before kissing her lips.He then said distractedly, "That was last night. It's a different matter now."Holly no longer said further. She wasn't in the mood to reason with him now. Her mind was blank from all his kissing, and she felt like she was walking on cloud nine.Bryce planted kisses from her chin down to her shoulders. He then gave it a light bite, making her shudder as his slender fingers gently
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Chapter 125
Abraham got angrier the more he thought about it. The Cotts and the Gabelmans had been business partners for many decades. This was the first time Bryce had been so rude to him.Even Arthur was obliged to show respect to him. How dared a youngster like Bryce come to his office and point fingers at him?Abraham was shaking in anger. He took his phone up and called Quirina.He asked, "Dracowaist Village. Motel. Mason Newman. You should know what happened, right?"Quirina immediately started panicking. She only forced herself to calm down after a while.She pretended to ask calmly, "What are you talking about? I don't understand."Abraham said irritatedly, "Stop playing games with me!"Quirina acted dumb and said, "I'm not!"Abraham told her directly, "Samantha's left hand was smashed, and her face was swollen from being beaten up. She's now even in the detention center. These all happened because of that Holly!"I know you care about Samantha and want to avenge her, but can't yo
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Chapter 126
Coupled with Quirina's foxy eyes, she seemed flirtatious and alluring whenever she looked at others. It was rather appealing to some middle-aged men.The door opened to a man in his 40s. He was dressed in dark blue casual wear and had a face mask on.The man walked in and took off his face mask. He was rather handsome, with a rectangular face shape and a clean-shaven chin.It was Ron Spencer—Quirina's lover, as well as the professional whom she was referring to.Quirina went closer to him and hugged his waist.She then said with a honeyed voice, "Bryce suspected that it was either me or Abraham. He went over to Abraham's company to threaten him a few days ago. Have you taken care of everything, darling?"Ron shut the door and gave her lips a quick peck. "You can count on me."Quirina asked, "When would Samantha be released, then? She had lived a pampered life since she was young. She got me so worried now that she has gotten detained.""Don't be anxious," Ron said as he coaxed
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Chapter 127
Quirina was startled and quickly hit the brakes. The screeching sound of the brakes hurt her ears. She had almost collided with the car.She was shocked to the point of crouching over the steering wheel. Her heart thumped loudly as she clutched her chest, breathing heavily.She was filled with shock and fear and, at the same time, bursting with anger, but the owner of the minivan didn't even show themselves. They were clearly unapologetic.Quirina was in a fit of anger. She winded the car window down and shouted at the minivan in front of her, "Do you know how to drive? Where are you rushing to? Go somewhere else if you want to die!"There was no reply from anyone in the minivan.Quirina was used to being pampered by others. How could she tolerate such humiliation, especially when it came from someone driving a minivan?How dare a minivan owner ignore her! She was beyond livid.Anyone could no longer maintain their rationality under a fit of rage.Quirina was overwhelmed by a
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Chapter 128
Quirina was lying half-naked by the trash can by the time she was discovered by someone. She looked like a frozen chicken with how deathly pale she looked. Her eyes were filled with despair.She was sent to the hospital and underwent an examination. She had a broken rib, numerous cuts and bruises on her body, and a mild concussion.She refused to let the doctor lodge a police report as she thought it was too embarrassing.Abraham went to visit her in the hospital after receiving the call. His face fell upon seeing her disheveled look. Anger rose within him."Call the police! They must catch those two bastards! I want to skin them alive!" he shouted in a fit of anger.Quirina shook her head as she pleaded tearfully, "Forget about it. I can't embarrass myself further. Things will be blown out of proportion if you lodge a police report. How would I show myself in public in the future?"She just had sex with Ron before all of this happened.When Quirina gave birth to Samantha, she e
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Chapter 129
Holly finished restoring the silk painting after a week. She then called Annie and asked her to get someone to retrieve it and send it to the museum where it would be exhibited later.She thought of how she would be able to see the painting she had restored in the future whenever she visited the museum. Holly's name would be listed under the restorer column, and the painting would be exhibited for generations. She felt rather honored.It was especially so when she thought about how she could bring her future children to the museum. She could tell them that their mother was the one who restored the painting. She felt a sense of achievement by that thought alone.Holly couldn't help but touch her flat belly when she thought of children. She had been trying to get pregnant for a while but to no avail.However, there was no point in rushing things, as she would be learning ceramic restoration under Trevor soon. It would be a long and challenging journey for her.…Holly asked Hayde
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Chapter 130
Holly replied, "You refused to let me meet people, and I can't even go on business trips. You're too overbearing. It'll suffocate me."I'm an individual that needs to work and have normal social interactions. I can't possibly center myself around you like how I used to."Bryce fell silent. He smiled faintly before replying, "I'm very open-minded. I didn't disallow you from being Trevor's mentee."That was because Trevor was already over 80 years old.Holly couldn't help but laugh. "Alright. You're handsome, so whatever you say goes."Bryce replied, "I've postponed my evening engagement, so I'll come pick you up later. Hurry and eat up."Holly hummed a reply before ending the call. She then went to the reception to foot the bill before returning to the room to continue eating.No sooner after she started eating, Bryce had sent her a WhatsApp message. There was no text, only a smiley face emoticon.He never was one to send emoticons. He rarely sent WhatsApp messages as he would c
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