All Chapters of She Wows the World Post-divorce: Chapter 141 - Chapter 150
619 Chapters
Chapter 141
Holly finally knew that Trevor was Samantha's maternal grandfather.Previously, Bryce told her not to tell Trevor that she was married.He even told her not to mention his name.Holly finally knew the reason now.Holly was nonplussed and couldn't help but admire how scheming Bryce was.It was an indirect slap in Samantha's face.Samantha was so furious she could faint.Holly was like a thorn in her flesh. Not only could she not remove it, it was also making her life miserable.Samantha couldn't believe Trevor would take Holly in as his mentee. He was even praising her a lot.There was no way Samantha could accept it.She bent down to pick up her bag and furiously brushed off the dust on it.After that, she looked up and glared at Holly in disdain.Holly lifted her chin slightly and stood up straight. She looked elegant. Holly looked straight back at Samantha with bright clear eyes and didn't feel bad at all.Feeling overwhelmed, Samantha scoffed and said to Trevor, "Gran
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Chapter 142
Trevor lowered his gaze and looked at Samantha. There was an unprecedented seriousness in his eyes."Holly is my mentee, and I took her in officially. Once a mentor, always a mentor. Being a mentor isn't fun and games. "She didn't do anything illegal, nor did she do anything wrong. If I kick her out that easily, others will make fun of us."Trevor kept things short and precise when he spoke.He also showed no sign of backing out.After finishing what he said, Trevor removed Samantha's hand from his arm. Then, he walked out with his hands behind his back. Holly shot Samantha a quick glance and followed Trevor.Samantha was infuriated as she watched the duo exit the shop.She raised her foot and kicked the pot next to her.Damian's favorite plant fell to the ground loudly.The soil in the pot was scattered across the ground.Damian frowned and couldn't help but scold Samantha, "I know you're angry, Samantha, but why are you taking it out on my plant? That's my lucky plant, a
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Chapter 143
The next morning, Bryce sent Holly to Trevor's Pavilion himself.He held her hand after getting out of the car, and they walked toward the shop together.The sun had just risen, and the sky was dimly lit.The sun gently shone on the couple.Holly felt like a child being sent to school by her parent.When they entered the shop, Trevor was standing by the window, teasing a bird.When he saw Bryce entering the shop, he scolded, "You brat! You knew that Holly wanted me to be her mentor, didn't you?"Bryce nodded with a faint smile. "Holly looked like Ms. Queenie in her younger days. You have nothing to lose for mentoring her."When Trevor heard Queenie's name, it felt like someone was jabbing him in his soft spot.He was stunned for a moment before he rolled his eyes at Bryce. "You sure know how to take advantage of someone, you brat."Bryce patted Holly on her shoulder and said, "She's a great lady. Not only is she sensible and smart, but she's also loyal and capable. Our family
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Chapter 144
Quirina said confidently, "Yes. I'm here to remind you not to be selfish!"Trevor picked up his cup and sipped his drink. Then, he calmly said, "It's my business to take in mentees, and it has nothing to do with you."Quirina frowned. "Samantha doesn't like Holly. You don't have to upset her for an outsider, right?"Trevor scoffed coldly. "Samantha isn't sensible. Are you the same as well?"Quirina furiously glanced at Holly, who was standing not far away. "Holly was the one who hurt Samantha's hand. Because Samantha slapped her, she got someone to beat Samantha up badly that night. "Aren't you looking for trouble by making someone as evil as her your mentee?"That infuriated Holly.She coldly glared at Quirina. "Please show your proof. Don't accuse others when you don't have any!"Quirina scoffed. "I can't think of anyone else other than you!"Holly smirked mockingly. "In that case, who was the one who hurt my hand?"Quirina coldly sneered. "How should I know?"Trevor clea
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Chapter 145
James started the car.Samantha quickly dodged to the side.Even after the car had driven off far away, she was still standing in the same spot.Her eyes were filled with hatred as she stared at Bryce's car. Her face became pale from the frustration.She was hurt so badly that she grew cold.When the car was gone from her sight, she finally turned around and walked toward Trevor's Pavilion.Her legs were numb, and she walked weakly.When she entered the shop, Trevor was standing by the counter with a huge magnifying glass in his hand. He was checking out an amphora with beautiful paintings on it.Samantha walked to Trevor and complained coyly, "Grandpa, you don't love me at all."Trevor adjusted his glasses and looked at her with no emotions. "If you're still talking about Holly, forget it."Samantha could only force herself to save her complaint.She said angrily, "I want to be your mentee as well."Trevor pushed the amphora in his hands toward her."Then, tell me if this
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Chapter 146
She would still be considered a beauty even by modern standards.Holly took a good look at her and realized they did look similar.They had the exact same elegance.Holly gently ran her fingers across Queenie's face on the screen. She sincerely complimented, "Ms. Queenie sure looked pretty."Bryce lifted his gaze slightly and glanced at the picture. "It was a shame that her beauty couldn't save her."Holly thought about it and said, "I heard Nina mention that Ms. Queenie went mad after losing her daughter. Was that true?"Bryce nodded and rubbed his temples. He seemingly didn't want to talk about it.Seeing that he was unhappy, Holly stopped prying on the matter.She looked down at Queenie's face again for a while.For some reason, Holly felt sadness when she looked at Queenie's beautiful smile.It was truly a shame.Queenie looked gentle and beautiful, but she had gone mad.…The next day, Holly and James went to have lunch at a restaurant in the antiques city.Since it
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Chapter 147
Seeing that it was Lucas, the calm Holly became calmer and colder. She was so calm that she didn't look like her age.Holly coldly and distantly asked, "Can I help you, Mr. Danvers?"Lucas coldly chuckled. "Drop the act. I told you clearly in the restaurant earlier. "If you don't give me the money, I'll tell everyone in the shop how selfish and cruel you are! If that's not enough, I'll expose you on television! Then, I'll sue you for neglecting your father!"Holly faintly smirked.Although it looked like she was mocking him, she was actually feeling sad.Lucas really ruined years of her dreams of having a father figure.She might've gone soft and lent him the money if he were gentle. All he had to do was act pitifully and shed some crocodile tears. He could've made her sympathize with him and had some heartfelt conversation with her.Five million dollars wasn't that much of a deal to her.However, Lucas was shameless and ferocious.Seeing that, she really didn't want to gi
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Chapter 148
Lucas wasn't afraid because he thought Abelin was just a war veteran.So, Lucas yelled at him, "Where did you come from, you brat? How dare you hit me? Pay up! You fractured my bone! Give me five million dollars, or I'll never let you go!"Throughout Abelin's life, there really weren't many people who would dare to scold him.There were even fewer people who dared to scam or threaten him.Abelin's eyes flashed coldly, and he grabbed Lucas' arm and dragged the man out.He didn't seem to use much strength.In the blink of an eye, Lucas was dragged outside by Abelin.Holly hurriedly followed them out.Since Lucas' bone was fractured, he couldn't stand up.So, Abelin forcibly dragged him out, tearing his pants in the process.Abelin dragged Lucas without saying a word, and they headed toward a corner with fewer people.Abelin was pursing his lips, and his gaze was so cold it could freeze water.There was only one thing on his mind.Lucas just stepped on Holly's hand, and her h
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Chapter 149
"Mrs. Gabelman! Are you alright?" James ran over to them while panting.He was in the public toilet earlier.Upon exiting the toilet, he saw Holly, Lucas, and Abelin by the road.Lucas and Abelin were both dangerous people.So, James immediately felt anxious and hurriedly ran to Holly.Holly shook her head at him. "I'm fine."James was finally able to relax.Seeing how more and more people were gathering, Lucas knew he definitely wouldn't get his money that day.He might even get another beating.He decided to cut his losses and called his son, Chanse Danvers. "Chanse, come pick me up now. I got beaten up and can't walk."He hung up right afterward.Abelin coldly glanced at him and looked toward Holly. "Let's go back to the shop."Holly agreed with a nod and followed him back to the shop.Then, she finally remembered to ask him, "Mr. Gabelman, what brings you to the shop today?"Abelin calmly said, "Well, it isn't easy to keep antiques around. Since I bump into them frequ
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Chapter 150
Lucas thought it was too bad.Bryce gave him money so easily, and it was a million dollars. It was a shame that Bryce had blocked his contact.However, he didn't come here in vain.He could pay off his debts with the one million dollars in his hands.Ten minutes later, Chanse arrived. He helped Lucas get up from the ground.After the two got into the car by the road, Chanse started driving.They saw a bank when they took a corner in front.Lucas hurriedly yelled, "Stop the car!"Chanse immediately slammed on the brakes and stopped by the road.Lucas took a card from his wallet and passed it to Chanse. "Take this card and check if there's a million dollars inside."Chanse was elated as he took the card. "You got the money this time?""Yeah, Bryce gave it to me. "Damn, these rich folks sure are generous. I just asked him, and he immediately transferred it to me without any questions. If I had known he would give it to me that easily, I would've asked for more. "Next time,
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