All Chapters of She Wows the World Post-divorce: Chapter 161 - Chapter 170
623 Chapters
Chapter 161
Holly would usually put her phone on silent when she worked.She was afraid of getting distracted. It might cause her to make a mistake.When she grew busy, she would forget the time. She would forget everything, in fact.It was only after it hit 10:00 pm that Holly remembered Bryce's call.She took up her phone and saw that there were several missed calls. They were all from Bryce.She dialed him back.He only picked up after three beeps.A sultry female voice could be heard saying, "Who are you looking for?"It was a familiar voice. It belonged to Samantha.Holly felt like she was struck by lightning. She trembled all over.She gritted her teeth and asked, "Are you Samantha?""Yeah. Are you surprised, Holly?" Samantha said, giggling.That giggle of hers felt like she was provoking Holly.Holly steeled herself. "What about Bryce? Why is his phone in your hands?""Oh, Bryce? He's in the shower."Holly's mind was about to explode. There was a low hum in her ears as if the
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Chapter 162
Samantha turned pale at once.She held onto the armrest and stood up weakly. She looked at Bryce with a pathetic expression on her face."Don't be angry, Bryce. I was just following Uncle Arthur's orders to send you the documents."She'd said it all in an appeasing tone. Paired with her scared, doe-eyed look, any other man would have fallen for her trap.Unfortunately for her, Bryce no longer fell for her tricks.He didn't want to hear her explanations.Seeing that Samantha was refusing to leave, Bryce lost his patience. He grabbed her arm and picked her up like she was a kitten. Then, he pushed her out of the door.With a loud slam, the door was shut in her face.He walked to the table and called Arthur.When Arthur picked up, Bryce said, "Did you tell Samantha to come over?""Yes. I promised you that I wouldn't bother Holly, and in return, you promised to take care of Samantha when it comes to work matters," Arthur replied.Bryce frowned. "You told her to come into my room
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Chapter 163
In the end, she let go.She slowly turned, leaning against the door.She would rather wait, as if time would make the truth hurt less.The pain would grow less sharp.She hadn't slept all night. Despite her heavy head and the throbbing ache in her temples, she wasn't tired. She was too tense for that.James saw that she was as pale as a sheet and that her eyes were bloodshot. In a low voice, he said, "Do you want to sleep in the room next door?"Holly shook her head lightly. "There's no need.""Should I wake him up?"Holly glanced at her watch. It was already past 6:00 am. In another hour or more, Bryce would walk out.If Samantha were in the room too, she would be following him out.She'd rather see them clothed, anyway."No," she said resolutely.James dared not disobey her.This was a trying time. He couldn't message Bryce to let him know they were there.Bryce wasn't someone he could go against. On the other hand, despite Holly's gentle demeanor, she had a lot of pers
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Chapter 164
Holly still wasn't convinced. She looked through all the rooms once more.Bryce could guess what she was thinking. Stopping her would only deepen the misunderstanding, so he let her be.He watched her from behind with a hand in his pocket.She was never one to rush through her tasks, but today, she bolted around the suite like a headless chicken.As he watched, a mix of emotions swam in his chest. It ached pretty considerably.When Holly finally stopped, Bryce went to her side and asked softly, "Who are you looking for?"Since Holly hadn't had a proper night's sleep, her reflexes weren't as sharp.She wasn't planning on hiding it. So, she said bluntly, "Samantha."Bryce smiled in exasperation. "Do you think that I slept with her last night?""Yes."Bryce was amused. "If I still had feelings for her, I would have divorced you to marry her. Why would I go through all the effort to sleep with her in Haryndale?"Holly watched him quietly. "But when I called you at around 10:00 p
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Chapter 165
Bryce's words were harsh even toward himself.Samantha bit down on her lip, seemingly holding back from speaking. She looked like she was suppressing her grievance.Bryce couldn't care less about her and mercilessly said, "I lost my appetite with you sitting here. I'll call the bodyguards to kick you out if you're still not leaving."Samantha couldn't take it anymore. She took her plate and walked off.No further from them, Arthur walked in with his assistant, Henry Denver. Arthur sat by the window while Henry went to get food for him.Samantha's eyes lit up when she saw Arthur. She hurriedly walked toward him and placed her plate down. She sat opposite him with her head hung low, looking pitiful.Arthur saw the tears in her eyes and handed her a tissue. His usually stern demeanor appeared soft when he said, "Wipe your tears."Samantha took it and wiped her tears as she quietly wept.She looked naturally pitiful, with teary eyes and cherry lips. Her delicate features made her l
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Chapter 166
Holly fast-forwarded the surveillance video. She looped it thrice before finally clicking it shut, smiling in relief as she placed her phone down.It was fortunate that she had rushed over overnight. The misunderstanding would have escalated otherwise.She recalled Samantha's aggressively provocative behavior last night and found it repulsing.Holly felt relieved with the burden finally lifted from her. She then took a shower in the bathroom before going to sleep.…Bryce ended his meeting three hours later. Just as he was about to leave the expo, he sent Samantha a message. "See you at the basement parking lot."Samantha was shocked when she received his message. It had been too long since Bryce last took the initiative to message her.She felt nervous wondering what he wanted from her, but at the same time, she felt hopeful.Women in love often enjoyed harboring fantasies toward their beloved. They couldn't help but go back to them as long as their loved ones beckoned, no mat
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Chapter 167
"That's me being lenient," Bryce said casually before flicking away nonexistent dust from his sleeves. The flair of his action failed to hide his disdain.Samantha felt as if she had fallen from heaven to hell in the blink of an eye. She took a long time to process such a huge change.She felt so much resentment while cupping her cheeks, yet she feigned ignorance as she said, "Why did you slap me, Bryce? What exactly did I do wrong?"She started feeling aggrieved the more she spoke. Tears pooled around her eyes once again."You knew what you did last night. You won't be only getting a slap if this happens again," Bryce said before turning around indifferently.He then opened the car door and settled into the seat. James and Tobin appeared soon after and got into the car.James started the car. The car's exhaust fumes streamed mercilessly onto Samantha's calves before the vehicle sped away. Samantha was left standing there, looking grimy and disheveled.After closing the car
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Chapter 168
Samantha chose to mention what benefitted her and left out the rest. She omitted the part where she answered Bryce's call without his permission and deliberately lied to Holly to create a misunderstanding.Arthur felt sorry upon seeing her aggrieved look. He looked down to study her face.Half of her face was swollen with a clear imprint of Bryce's hand. It was evident how hard Bryce had struck her.A flash of anger crossed Arthur's face.Samantha said tearfully, "My ear is ringing, and I couldn't hear you properly. I wonder if my hearing would be affected. I'll have to go get it checked in the hospital later."Arthur erupted in anger instantly. Someone as careful with his image as him now had his sleeves bunched up and his hands planted on his waist. He exclaimed in anger, "That little rascal has gone too far! How dare he slap you over such a trivial matter? I'll have to teach him a lesson!"He picked his phone up to call Bryce but was stopped by Samantha.She took his phone
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Chapter 169
The word "divorce" hit Arthur like a bolt from the blue. He was stunned at once.He had long honed the ability to remain unruffled either by honor or disgrace after years of being in the business field. However, he was panicking deep down at that moment.Despite this, his expression remained sharp. He snapped, "What kind of joke are you playing at, Sherry?"Sherry coldly smiled as she replied, "I'm not joking. I'm informing you in all seriousness."Arthur was in disbelief. "We've been married for so long. Even our son has been married for three years, and now you're asking for a divorce? All just because of such a small thing that happened today? "I accidentally spilled kombucha on Samantha. Isn't it only natural for me to help her clean up?"Upon hearing her name, Samantha quickly got up from the couch. She pursed her lips habitually and said in an aggrieved manner, "You've misunderstood us, Aunt Sherry."Sherry detested her pitiful appearance the most. Samantha was clearly at
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Chapter 170
Sherry's lips curled into a smile as she patted Holly's shoulders.She then praised, "My lovely daughter-in-law is becoming more beautiful every day."Holly felt shy from all the praise and replied, "You're the beautiful one here, Mom. Your complexion is getting healthier, and you're looking younger day by day."Sherry burst out laughing. "Look at what we're saying now!"Holly smiled and said, "I'm just telling the truth. With how energetic you are, people would even think you're in your 30s, Mom."Sherry had a wide smile as she said, "Even though it sounds a bit exaggerated, I like what you're saying."She then walked over to sit on the couch and placed her handbag on the coffee table. "Where's Bryce?"Bryce was currently working on his laptop in the bedroom. He walked out upon hearing the commotion.He then asked, "How did things go?"Sherry shrugged and replied, "It's exactly as you predicted. Samantha was crying when I walked in, she probably had been complaining to your d
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