All Chapters of She Wows the World Post-divorce: Chapter 171 - Chapter 180
623 Chapters
Chapter 171
After sending Sherry off, Bryce told Holly, "Mom and Aunt Queenie grew up together, and they were like sisters. You should take some time off and visit her with me once we're back in Jardington."Holly was rather curious about Queenie as well, so, she agreed to it.…Bryce still had to attend the expo in the afternoon.Since Holly had personally flown over and confirmed that it was all just a misunderstanding, she felt completely relieved now. She planned to get James to book her a flight ticket back to Jardington.Bryce was reluctant to part with her and said, "Just go back with me tomorrow."Holly replied truthfully, "I still have work to do."Bryce's gaze darkened as he asked, "Does Abelin need the genealogy chart urgently?"Holly gave it some thought before replying, "It's not exactly urgent."Bryce reached over to pull her into his embrace and hugged her tight.He kissed her head and asked, "Tell me, then. Am I more important, or is the genealogy chart more important?"
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Chapter 172
Bryce felt uncomfortable as he was left hanging.He quickly put on his bathrobe and walked over to the bathroom. He knocked on the door, saying patiently, "Open the door, Holly."Holly stood inside with her back against the door. She asked emotionlessly, "How do you feel?"Bryce looked down helplessly while replying, "What do you think?"Holly asked again, "Can you keep this feeling in mind now?"Bryce raised his brows and asked, "What do you mean?"Holly replied, "You left me hanging outside the bathroom just like this two nights ago. I kissed you after we got in bed, but you left me hanging again when you turned your back to me."Bryce couldn't help but laugh. He asked, "You're settling scores with me now?"Holly made herself clear, saying, "I want you to remember not to mess with me, or else you'll have to deal with the aftermath."There wasn't much threat in the warning coming from a gentle person. Instead, it only made Bryce find her even more adorable.His lips curled i
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Chapter 173
A woman in her 50s was on the hospital bed. She had long silver hair tied at the back of her head.She looked thin, and the oversized hospital gown hung loosely over her frail frame. The bones of her shoulders were protruding from beneath the fabric.The woman had a sickly and pale complexion, devoid of any color. Her eyes were large with a deep set of double eyelids and luscious eyelashes.And yet, such a beautiful pair of eyes had a vacant gaze, clouded and distant. One could easily tell that she wasn't sane.Even though the woman was mentally ill, she still retained the demeanor of a refined lady. There was a hint of gentle elegance beneath her haggard appearance.Queenie was hugging an exquisite old doll in her arms. Her head hung low as she gently rocked the doll while humming a song."Sleep, sleep, my precious one; in Mommy's arms, the day is done. Rocking gently, to and fro; close your eyes, let dreams now flow."Queenie seemed not to notice them even when they entered th
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Chapter 174
Upon hearing Bryce's words, Moses turned to Holly and looked at her carefully.He then said, "Holly did resemble my mom when she was younger. She had that same air of classical elegance."Bryce's gaze changed despite looking calm. He placed a hand on Holly's shoulders and quietly pushed her behind him to block her from Moses.Holly didn't expect him to be wary of even Moses. She smiled helplessly.She was afraid to make Moses uncomfortable, so she replied, "I learned antique scripts and painting restoration from my Grandpa since I was young. "I've been replicating a lot of ancient paintings, so I've somehow exuded an air of classical elegance as time goes by."Moses nodded slightly and said, "My mom was the same. She was a talented woman who excelled in music, chess, calligraphy, and painting. It's such a pity."Everyone had the same thought whenever they mentioned Queenie. It was indeed a pity for such a talented beauty to become mad.…Moses offered to send Bryce and Holly
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Chapter 175
Bryce eyed Quirina. He smirked and mocked, "You really taught your 'innocent' daughter well, Mrs. Cott."Anyone could tell it was an insult to both Samantha and Quirina.Quirina's lips parted as if she wanted to say something else, but Bryce couldn't be bothered further. He took Holly's hand and walked away, with Moses following behind. Only Quirina was left panicking on her own.Once they left, she took her phone out of her Hermès bag and called Samantha.As soon as the call was connected, she scolded, "You rotten girl! Why didn't you tell me you went into Bryce's room and answered his calls? It's fine if you answered his calls, but you even let Holly record the conversation. Why are you so stupid?"Samantha was stunned. "What? Holly recorded the conversation?"Quirina replied, "Yes. She just played your recording in front of Bryce, Moses, and me earlier. I'm so embarrassed because of this!"Samantha cursed, "That Holly is so fucking cunning!""You're the stupid one! Be more c
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Chapter 176
Holly managed to catch the essence of Benjamin's techniques, and her painting was rather impressive as well.When she was younger, Winston deliberately caught a lot of shrimp from the pond outside and placed it in a bowl for her to observe repeatedly. It was all just to help her bring life to her shrimp paintings.On the other hand, Bryce prepared a wheel of aged Parmigiano-Reggiano for Trevor. It was extremely rare and hard to purchase an entire wheel of aged cheese. It was a feat itself for Bryce to obtain it in the first place.Trevor had high praises for Holly's replica of "The Shrimp" but didn't even bat an eye at the expensive aged cheese gifted by Bryce.Every time a guest showed up, Trevor would pull them over and say, "This is 'The Shrimp' painted by my mentee. Just look at how vivid and lively the shrimp looks!"At first, his guests merely took a glimpse out of courtesy, but their gazes were soon filled with a particular gleam.They couldn't help but take another glimps
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Chapter 177
There were many guests here for Trevor's birthday celebration today. Holly didn't want to quarrel with Samantha.As such, she said, "You should attend to your guests, Mr. Habel. I'll have a look around outside for now."Trevor knew that Holly and Samantha didn't see eye to eye with each other, so he didn't insist on her staying.He replied kindly, "Alright. You can have a look around the courtyard, but don't go too far. Come back for lunch when it's time."Holly felt touched. Even though she wasn't related to Trevor, he still took good care of her. It made her recall Winston.She was momentarily overcome by emotions as she replied, "Okay, Mr. Habel."Holly looked for Bryce among the crowd. She found him sitting in a corner of the living room, talking with Moses. They looked like they were talking business.She decided not to disturb him and walked out on her own.Trevor lived in a Victorian-style mansion. The brick walls were painted in a combination of colors of rich earth ton
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Chapter 178
There was no one else in the courtyard.Trevor hurriedly rushed toward Samantha and Holly when he saw that they were about to drown.How pitiful it was for a man over 80 years old to have to dive into the water to rescue both of them.Trevor jumped into the pond without even kicking his shoes off. He had a hand around Samantha and the other around Holly and started swimming toward the pond bank.However, he struggled as he was too old. He even had to rescue both of them at the same time. He couldn't even help himself as he swallowed mouthfuls of dirty water.Holly struggled to help Trevor out, but she couldn't remove her arm from Samantha's iron grip.Samantha was stubborn and insisted on competing with her to the end.Just as the three of them were in danger, two people jumped into the pond one after another. It was Abelin, followed by Bryce.Abelin instinctively swam toward Holly and reached out to pull her hand without thinking, getting her out of Samantha's grip.Upon seei
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Chapter 179
A sense of foreboding crept into Samantha's heart, and she cried harder, "Why is your hand so cold, Grandpa? Grandpa! You must wake up, Grandpa!"She reached over to slap Trevor's face in hopes of waking him up.Abelin found her crying too noisy. He frowned and scolded, "Go and cry somewhere else! Don't disturb me when I'm trying to rescue him!"Abelin had a stern-looking appearance that would deter people from nearing him. He was even more intimidating when he got angry.Frightened, Samantha dared not cry anymore. She wiped her tears with the back of her hands and stood up while sobbing.She then reached into her pocket for her phone out of habit to dial 911 but couldn't find it.Samantha thought her phone had dropped in the pond, but she soon recalled that it was charging indoors as the battery was flat.She had forgotten to bring her phone out earlier as she was in a rush to kick Holly out. She then turned and ran to the main building to get her phone.Once Samantha was gone
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Chapter 180
Samantha couldn't be bothered to get changed as she ran into the living room panically. She grabbed Quirina's arm and dragged her out to the courtyard.Quirina asked, "What are you doing? Why are you so anxious?"Tears started falling as Samantha said, "Grandpa—Something happened to Grandpa, Mom!"Quirina frowned and asked, "What happened? Calm down and talk. You shouldn't be crying so much at your grandpa's birthday celebration."Samantha choked on a sob and replied, "Earlier, I wanted to find out if Grandpa loved me or Holly more, so I pushed her into the pond and called for Grandpa's help. "Who knew Grandpa tried rescuing us both at the same time? It was too hard on him, and he drowned."I didn't have my phone with me so I came back to call 911. But—But Abelin called me earlier and told me there's no need to call 911 anymore.""What? What did you say?" Quirina asked, eyes bulging out of anxiousness.Samantha cried as she said, "Grandpa—Grandpa is dead!"Quirina grabbed Sam
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