All Chapters of She Wows the World Post-divorce: Chapter 531 - Chapter 540
615 Chapters
Chapter 531
Samantha sashayed into the private room in her high heels. As she opened the door, Quirina was found sitting at the table, eating and drinking with her friends. She had called Samantha over to join them on the spur of the moment.Samantha couldn't keep the secret to herself. She disregarded the others and leaned close to Quirina, whispering, "Holly is actually Yoel Larsen's biological daughter, Mom."Quirina frowned, thinking if she had heard it wrong. "What? Holly is whose daughter?"Samantha replied, "Yoel Larson. He's the youngest heir of Larsen Enterprise and also a renowned painter."Quirina was stunned into silence for a good moment. She excused herself to the bathroom and dragged Samantha out.She found a secluded corner with no one around before asking, "Who did you hear it from? How did that country bumpkin end up being related to Yoel now?"Samantha replied, "I heard it from Bryce. I saw Holly and Yoel being intimate in the elevator earlier. I thought she was cheating
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Chapter 532
Yoel dismissed the waitstaff. He then picked up the coffee pot and personally poured Holly some coffee. His hand looked graceful as he picked up the white porcelain coffee pot, adding an artistic flair to it.Holly hurriedly reached for the coffee pot to do the honors herself but was stopped. Yoel smiled gently and said, "I've been absent from your life for the past 23 years. This is the least I could do."Holly no longer fought him for it. She needed time to slowly process such an unexpected, life-changing event. After the initial excitement and elation, her fuzzy brain slowly regained its composure.She discreetly studied Yoel's handsome face. He looked considerably younger than his actual age. He portrayed a charming demeanor that was tinged with an artist's flair.Even now, he could still charm many women.Holly softly asked, "My mother—Why didn't my mother come over today?"At the police station earlier, Holly had tried a number of times to ask about her biological mother.
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Chapter 533
Yoel picked up the serving utensils and served Holly some fish tacos. He asked softly, "Why did the two of you end up divorced?"The direct cause of the divorce was the car accident that caused the deaths of James and Holly's baby. Holly was completely disheartened back then and wanted nothing but to escape their flawed marriage.However, it was clearly inappropriate to talk about such heavy topics with Yoel, whom she had only met today. It would only intensify the conflict between him and Bryce.Holly casually mentioned, "It's just a social class issue. My ex-father-in-law put great emphasis on social class."Yoel slammed the serving utensils onto the table. "We're no longer in the age of prioritizing social class! I've seen your background information. You're more than qualified to be with his son, even without a prominent family background."Bryce served some gumbo for Holly. He slowly replied, "Holly was indeed more than qualified to be with me."Yoel straightened his back an
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Chapter 534
Holly and Yoel's relationship was confirmed as biological. Their DNA similarities were as high as 99.99%.Bryce was the one who had instructed Tobin to get the paternity test report done. It was impossible for it to be fake.Even though the evidence was right in front of him, he still felt instinctively repulsed by Yoel.He fell silent for a moment. He then took his phone and called Yax. "Is it natural for a son-in-law to be repulsed by his father-in-law?"Yax chuckled and replied, "It should be the other way around. There's only one attitude for the son-in-law to take toward his father-in-law."Bryce raised his brows and asked, "What is it?"Yax replied, "The attitude to kiss ass."Bryce frowned. "Fuck off! I'm being serious here. Holly just got reunited with her biological father. But for some reason, I keep finding him displeasing no matter how I look."Yax exclaimed in surprise. "Holly has two families? Who's her biological father?"Bryce replied, "It's Yoel Larsen."Yax
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Chapter 535
"Invite your adoptive mother. We want to thank her properly.""Alright. I'll call her right now."After hanging up the call, Holly called Priscilla. Then, she told the latter about how she reunited with Yoel and how he invited her to his house. Priscilla didn't sound too happy. "Since you've reunited with your family, I shouldn't interrupt your moment."Holly kept quiet for a moment and said, "Mom, please don't be sad.""I was too narrow-minded. Back then, I was worried that you would be upset if you knew that I wasn't your actual mother. Now, it seems like you're taking your reunion with your actual father well."Holly tensed up. "Mom, you'll always be my actual mom.""Since you're my only daughter, you'll always be my daughter as well." Priscilla sniffled and wiped away the tears in the corner of her eyes. "By the way, the police came yesterday and asked me to help in their investigation. I told them the truth and gave them the blanket and clothes you had last time.""Alr
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Chapter 536
After half an hour, Arthur arrived at Larsen Manor. During his drive there, he was in deep thought. In the end, he accepted reality and decided what he would say to Holly when he arrived. Since things had changed, he had to be flexible.Upon entering the living room, everyone looked toward him in unison. Arthur smiled and loosened his tie. Then, he gently cleared his throat and greeted everyone with a friendly tone, "It looks like everyone is here."No one answered him, and he stood there awkwardly. Then, he shot Holly a look before glancing at Bryce and Yoel.Everyone looked deadpan. Even Olivia wasn't excited to see him at all, and he felt miserable. After all, she was the one who told him to come here. Now, she was giving him the cold shoulder. There weren't many people who would dare do that to him in his entire life.For a split second, he wanted to turn around and leave badly. However, having been in the business world for many years, he had learned how to be composed.
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Chapter 537
Feeling helpless, Arthur had no choice but to speak up. "I knew Holly was different from the others. I guess she picked up your elegance."Yoel smirked faintly. "Don't say that, Mr. Gabelman Senior. The Larsen family is nothing great, so there's no elegance here."Arthur was stunned for a moment, and he stuttered, "The Larsen family's net worth is as good as the Gabelman family's. How could you guys be nothing great?"Yoel filled a bowl with chicken broth and brought it to Holly. Then, he slowly said, "There's always a higher mountain. "Although we're as great as the Gabelman family, we're still insignificant in the eyes of royalties and world-class wealthy families."It isn't scary to be mediocre. Instead, it's worse to be prideful and always look down on others. Being arrogant isn't that different from being ignorant." He didn't hold back when he said that. At that point, he might as well point at Arthur and call him ignorant.Arthur had always been flattered by others, and
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Chapter 538
For the past few months, Arthur had been trying to pair Bryce up with multiple women, but the latter kept rejecting them. If this went on, his relationship with Bryce would only get worse. So, he decided to let it go for his own son. After all, there was no harm in letting the others criticize him a little.He looked at his watch and turned around. Then, he said with a fake smile, "I've just remembered that I've let my assistant deal with it, so there's no need for me to attend to it myself now."No one answered him, and he awkwardly smiled. He found an excuse for himself and grabbed a seat again.After they had finally finished the meal, Holly was brought by Grace and Olivia to the backyard to enjoy the flowers. Bryce followed behind.Meanwhile, Arthur was having coffee with Yoel in the living room. As the wind blew through the windows, the aroma of coffee filled the room. Arthur brought the coffee to his mouth and took a sip. "Is this from the Robinsons?"He usually drank Go
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Chapter 539
Arthur couldn't accept the cruel rejection, even though he had mentally prepared himself for it while on the way here. He had always been an arrogant person. At that moment, he couldn't take it anymore."I shall take my leave now and not disturb you further, Mr. Larsen." He grabbed his phone and left.When he reached the door, he heard Yoel's calm voice from behind. "Show yourself out. Goodbye." Arthur stopped in his tracks for a moment and started walking faster after that. Upon leaving the room, he asked the housekeeper to call Olivia from the backyard so that they could leave together.After getting in the car, he could no longer hold it in and started complaining, "Yoel is more than ten years younger than me, but he has been cold toward me the whole night and wouldn't stop attacking me with his words. "How could he do that when he isn't even that capable?"Olivia rolled her eyes at him."When Bryce was stuck in a wheelchair for two years, Holly did everything for him. Afte
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Chapter 540
Bryce thought Yoel made sense, but he still felt something was wrong. What the latter said didn't feel like what a father would say. However, logically speaking, there wasn't anything wrong with it as well. Bryce glanced at the toothbrush and decided to conduct another DNA test before making his next move.Upon returning to his room, he sealed Yoel's old toothbrush in a bag. Holly saw what he was doing and asked, "Whose toothbrush is that?""Your dad's."She was puzzled. "What are you doing with his toothbrush?""I want to do another DNA test. He was reluctant when we asked him to give us a strand of his hair last time. Something feels wrong."Holly found an excuse for Yoel. "Maybe he's afraid of the pain? Or maybe he's an elegant man who thinks pulling out his hair might ruin his image. That's how much some people would care about their reputation."Bryce walked to her side and held her waist from behind. Then, he placed his chin on her head and gently said, "Some people wou
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