All Chapters of She Wows the World Post-divorce: Chapter 541 - Chapter 550
615 Chapters
Chapter 541
Julien Zachman answered, "It's been too long. We couldn't find anything useful from the blanket and clothes that Priscilla had given us. We've also checked with the hospital she mentioned previously."Surveillance cameras weren't common back then, so the footage could only be stored for a year. Since you wouldn't allow us to investigate publicly, this case is difficult to handle."Yoel pinched the bridge of his nose in frustration. "We're on the opposite side of the law. If we do things out in the open, the murderer might get anxious, and Holly's life will be in danger.""That's true. Safety comes first. We'll do our best to investigate in secret and not let anyone find out about it.""Thank you for your hard work. Call me if you have any leads.""Understood, Yoel."After hanging up the call, Yoel looked up at the psychiatric hospital near him. The light in that particular ward would never go out at night. With the bars installed outside, it looked like a prison with someone trap
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Chapter 542
The auctioneer looked toward her board and yelled, "Bidder 88, 11 million dollars. Going once. Going twice. Is there anyone else who would like to place another bid?"At that moment, a coy voice came from the corner, "I'll pay 12 million dollars for it."Holly turned around and saw a familiar young face. The person was wearing branded clothes and had delicate makeup on. Various pieces of jewelry adorned her slender neck and ears, all shining brilliantly. It was Samantha.Holly wasn't too surprised to find her there. After all, a wealthy woman like her would be at events like this regularly. Holly turned back to the stage and raised her board again, calmly calling out, "20 million dollars."Samantha wanted to raise her board again to call out her new price. Just as she was about to do it, she heard Holly's new bid and chose to pull her hand back again. She felt pressured enough when she bid the necklace for 12 million dollars, calling out that price through gritted teeth.Aft
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Chapter 543
If Samantha asked her parents for it, she would definitely be lectured badly. She thought hard about it and took out her phone. Then, she sent Levi a message. "Levi, can you lend me 40 million dollars?"She waited for a long time, but he didn't reply to her at all. She gave up hope, and the auction continued.In the end, Holly spent five million dollars and bought a pearl necklace. The golden pearls were pretty, and each of them was almost a perfect sphere. They glowed faintly under the light, and she was certain Priscilla would love it.When the auction was over, Holly grabbed Bryce's check to make the payment and sign the agreement. When she came out, she saw Samantha hiding in the corner and making calls to borrow money. Samantha didn't notice Holly approaching her since she had her back facing the latter.Holly silently stood behind her and heard what she was saying on the phone. Samantha cried, "Levi, you're my fiancé, and we're getting married. What's wrong with me borr
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Chapter 544
With that, Bryce took Holly's hand and left. They got out of the building and into their car. The street lights by the road lit up the dark night.Even after they had been on the road for a while, Holly still felt down. Her head was lowered slightly, and she didn't say a word. Her long eyelashes looked like a pair of lifeless butterflies.Bryce held her in his embrace and gently caressed her cheeks. Then, he comforted her in a gentle tone, "None of what Samantha said was true. You don't have to take it to heart."She stayed silent. Yoel had been keeping mum about her biological mother. He would always act mysterious and avoid the topic, like it wasn't something to be proud of. Holly figured what Samantha had said might be true, after all. She didn't expect she would be an illegitimate child at all.When they were about to reach their house, her phone suddenly rang. It was Yoel. After answering the call, Holly tiredly greeted, "Hey, Dad." Then, she said nothing else. She was
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Chapter 545
Arthur said confidently, "A successful businessman should know how to make use of every opportunity."Bryce said calmly with disdain, "You pushed me to be with Samantha because of the Cott family's construction company. Then, you forced me to be with Penelope because of her family's land."Now, you have your gaze set on the Larsens' renewable energy and biotechnology, telling me that you want to dive into that industry. Mr. Gabelman Senior, is your son a tool for you to get benefits?"Arthur grabbed his cup and leisurely drank his coffee. After putting down the cup, he said calmly, "My marriage was built on benefits, so yours isn't any different. "I've provided you and Levi with the best life and education ever since you were young. Shouldn't you repay me a little?"Bryce smiled coldly. "I think I've repaid you enough by working for the company."Arthur tapped his fingers on the table. "I'm doing this for Holly as well. I'm helping her see how valuable she is to Yoel. If he won'
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Chapter 546
The breeze was cold, and the waves crashed into the beach nonstop. It was Holly's first time learning how to surf. So, she did it near the shore to ensure her safety. She wore a black, modest swimming suit that wrapped her slim figure tightly, looking graceful.She had already learned the basics from Bryce and her cousins. After failing several times, she finally managed to stand on the surfboard. When the first wave came, she quickly got on the board and started pedaling. Then, the waves pushed the board forward steadily.It was an experience that words couldn't describe. The waves under her feet pushed her forward with great speed, and it felt like she was flying.The refreshing force and speed spread from her legs to her brain. The sky, ocean, and wind surrounded her. The fresh air and bright sun made her feel like she was controlling the waves. She was basically going with the flow.Bryce and her three dashing cousins were all experts at surfing. However, they didn't go to
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Chapter 547
Bryce turned his head away. "I don't like prawns. You should have it."Holly smiled and ate the prawn. It was soft and fresh. The prawn also tasted a little sweet and was extremely delicious.Yoel smiled slightly and was really satisfied with their interactions. Arthur was incredibly satisfied as well.The three young men of the Larsen family had great characters and weren't sly. They were also loyal and not ambitious at all.Arthur figured he wouldn't have to worry about them snatching his company away after he let Bryce inherit it. If anything happened to the Gabelman family, they would provide assistance as well.When Juno was done cracking the oyster open, he dipped it in some sauce and brought it to Holly's mouth. Holly felt slightly shy and hesitated for a moment before grabbing it by hand. "Thank you, Juno."He smiled and said, "We're all family here, so there's no need to thank me. Do you know the meaning behind our names?""No. What do they mean?"As he continued pee
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Chapter 548
"Abel, why don't you reunite with your father?"Abelin kept quiet. After a long while, he said depressingly, "He's dead. Even if he's still alive, he's dead to me."Holly stopped talking. Not every father was as great as Yoel.Suddenly, she felt a pair of slender hands grasping her wrist and smelled a familiar scent. Holly turned her head and saw Bryce's handsome face. She smiled. "Why are you out here?""It's windy out here, so I'm here to bring you a coat." He covered her snuggly with a coat, and it helped keep her off the wind.Abelin heard their conversation over the phone and said to Holly, "There's nothing wrong here. I was just calling to check up on you. I won't disturb you further."She was stunned for a moment. "Alright. Goodbye, Abel."He answered with a hum, "Take care." It was a simple reply, but it showed how much he missed her. They were in different countries, but his heart was with her at all times. He couldn't forget her, even if he wanted to.Holly then r
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Chapter 549
Needless to say, it was Arthur who brought those people. Holly and Bryce went downstairs after they changed into fresh clothes together. They could see a line of luxurious cars outside through the huge gate. From what they could observe, there were at least a dozen of them.A group of strong bodyguards were carrying the gifts out of the trunks. Then, they moved the gifts one after another into the yard. There were accessories, like pieces of jewelry, rings, bracelets, necklaces, earrings, and more. There were also delicious treats, wine, shoes, and clothes.As promised, Arthur didn't leave anything out at all. Just the accessories alone were enough to make a small hill.There were at least ten pairs of bracelets, ten golden necklaces, and many golden accessories that shone so brightly that they could blind a person. Of course, they were branded and expensive as well. Arthur clearly spent a lot of time and energy on this.Other than that, he was also giving them a villa that was
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Chapter 550
Quirina said unhappily, "Our family isn't worse than the Larsens, so you only have yourself to blame for being useless. If you can have Levi in the palm of your hand, Arthur won't look down on you at all."When Quirina brought up Levi, Samantha was furious. "Don't get me started. Levi wouldn't even lend me 40 million dollars when I asked him for it at the charity auction back then."Quirina knocked on her head."Don't you feel ashamed bringing that up again? You're a loser for spending more than 50 million dollars on a necklace that was only worth ten million dollars. "You'd better learn from Holly and see how she's manipulating Bryce. I wouldn't have been humiliated if you were half as good as her."Samantha refuted Quirina, "Mom, are you mad? Why do you want me to learn from that country bumpkin?""You should learn how to manipulate men. That girl looks ordinary on the outside, but she's unexpectedly sly."Samantha didn't care at all. "Yeah, right. Bryce is just being nice an
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