All Chapters of CEO's Tears Over Pregnancy Test Discovery: Chapter 521 - Chapter 530
688 Chapters
Chapter 521
Nina said, "It's not really helping. You have the talent, and we came up with this idea together. If it were someone else and you have the same idea, the result would be the same. Besides, helping you is also helping myself."Penelope smiled, "Even a great horse needs a good trainer. This is fate. Alright, I have to get busy now. Let's catch up later.""Okay."After hanging up the phone, Angel leaned on the table and winked at Nina. "Nina, I think you are excellent at everything you do. You could even be Penelope's agent.""You're flattering me too much," Nina said modestly. "Her success was inevitable. Traditional media might not achieve this, but short videos certainly can."It was no longer the era when exposure relied solely on traditional media.The first person to break new ground would always unforgettable.At the end of the workday, Nina said to Angel, "It's time to go home.""Okay." Angel packed up her things. "We don’t go the same way, or I’d go home with you."Nina
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Chapter 522
The mission was accomplished!But before she could smile for even three seconds, she noticed a car following closely behind her.It was tailing her tightly.She sped up.The road was busy with traffic, and despite her increased speed, the car stayed right on her tail, seemingly reckless in its pursuit.Realizing the risk of a serious accident, she could not accelerate any further.The car caught up.After a long standoff, they reached a large bridge, and her car was forced to the edge, on the verge of falling into the river below.She slammed on the brakes to stop.The other car performed a sharp drift, blocking her path to prevent her escape.Wilfred stepped out of the car without hesitation.The woman in the car took a moment to adjust herself, then got out and demanded, "Why did you follow me? Didn’t you say you had an urgent matter? You’re always punctual, never early or late. Are you more in a hurry than I am?"Wilfred, eyes narrowing dangerously, asked, "Is the pregna
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Chapter 523
Scarlett could not understand.She had worked with Wilfred for so many years, but she had never seen him like this before.Wilfred did not say anything. He placed Nina in the back seat, then drove away without looking back.Scarlett watched his car leave, feeling a twinge of sadness. He did not even explain himself to her. Had he really become indifferent to life and death?But she could not just watch him throw his life away.Scarlett clenched her fists tightly, calming herself down before releasing her grip. She then casually brushed her red hair as if nothing had happened, got into her car, and left the scene.Wilfred took Nina straight home.Since he did not know the code to her apartment, he carried her into his own home.He laid her on the sofa. After ensuring she was not injured, he sat quietly beside her, waiting.His gaze lingered on Nina’s face, his eyes filled with emotion. The bandages on his exposed arm were clearly visible.He waited like this, doing nothing.A
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Chapter 524
Wilfred lowered his eyes and said, "I won’t hurt you."Nina stood up, distancing herself from him. "I don’t know if I should trust you, but you don’t seem entirely clean. I hope we don’t have too much contact."She did not dare get too close to him.Protecting herself was the most important thing.Wilfred offered a bitter smile and looked at the strawberries he had picked earlier. He picked them up and handed them to her. "These are the strawberries you like. I just picked them today. Take them."Nina did not accept them and instead said, "Thank you, but no thanks."With that, she quickly walked out.Her palms were sweating.One moment she wondered if Wilfred was pretending, planning to kill her. Everything was uncertain.Now she wondered if she should move.Living next door to him might be dangerous.She could not risk her life.She hurried away as if he were a virus.Wilfred remained alone in his apartment, the basket of strawberries still in his hand.His expression wa
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Chapter 525
The middle-aged man snorted disdainfully and left.Scarlett collapsed to the ground, finally relaxing.She wiped the blood from the corner of her mouth. One side of her face was swollen, losing its usual refinement, and her eyes showed a fear that was not there before.It was clear she was scared.They were people who lived in the shadows and could not leave the organizationLeaving meant the only path left for them was death.She began to worry about Wilfred. His current actions were directly opposing the organization.If he was discovered one day, what would happen?A hint of sorrow appeared on Scarlett’s face. No matter what, she had to complete the mission.It was not only to save herself but also Wilfred.She had no time to waste, just one week.This was their countdown.Scarlett stood up, covered the red mark on her face with foundation, tidied her hair, and left looking as if nothing had happened.She arrived at the riverbank.Wilfred was already waiting there."S
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Chapter 526
"I still remember when you were a bit shorter than me, and now you’re a head taller. You've grown into quite a handsome man. Seeing you makes me as happy as if I were seeing my own son," Mark said, patting Nash’s shoulder and looking him up and down.In the past, Nash had been under Mark’s guidance.Back then, Mark was not yet a colonel, just a small squad leader.They had shared life-and-death experiences, forming a deep bond.Even though Nash had left the military for many years, they both remembered the old camaraderie.Given their age difference, Nash could have been Mark’s son, and Mark regarded him as such.They chatted for a while, reminiscing about past experiences. When the moment was right, Nash said, "I came because I need your help with something."Mark immediately responded, "Whatever you need, just say it. If I can help, I will. But I have to ask, do you have any plans to return to the military?"He hoped Nash would consider staying."I’m not considering that for
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Chapter 527
"Hello?"Nash was sitting, and hearing Nina’s voice made his eyes flicker with emotion. In a raspy voice, he said, "I miss you."For a moment, Nina tightly gripped her phone but could not find any words to respond.Having just nearly been kidnapped today, Nina was still shaken. With Wilfred living next door, she was not sure how safe she was. Talking to Nash helped distract her.She could not help but talk a bit more. "Where are you?"Nash looked outside at the people doing exercises, the loud commands making him shut the window tightly. "Out of town.""You're out of town?" Nina remembered that when they parted ways, Nash had something urgent to attend to, but she had not known he would be leaving town."Yes, I had some things to take care of." He did not elaborate, not wanting Nina to worry.Nash asked, "How have you been? Eating regularly?"He was still very concerned about Nina.Nina thought for a moment, her worries evident. "I’m fine."Nash wanted her to talk more.
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Chapter 528
She came in carrying a lot of things. When Nina saw Yvonne, she felt as if she were seeing an angel and immediately hugged her. “Thank goodness you came. Otherwise, I wouldn’t have been able to sleep well tonight.”“What’s going on?” Yvonne asked. “No wonder Nash called me and asked me to come check on you. Something must have happened.”Nash would not have asked her to check on Nina for no reason.She was worried and came over right away.“He called you?” Nina was a bit surprised.Yvonne replied, “Nash must be tied up and couldn’t come himself, so he asked me to keep you company.”She touched Nina’s face. “Look at you, you’re pale. Did something scare you?”Nina held her hand and explained, “I don’t know who I’ve offended, but I was almost kidnapped today.”“What?” Yvonne was shocked. “Why didn’t you tell Nash? If he knew, he would have made sure the kidnapper was caught. And why would someone want to kidnap you? Think about it, who could you have offended?”Nina thought for
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Chapter 529
"She's doing well," the assistant replied. "She's been very busy with work lately and hasn't been able to visit you.""Busy with work, huh," Sally felt a twinge of disappointment but said, "That's good. Being busy with work is a good sign. She's a big star now, and she'll only get more successful. Having lots of work means she has a bright future. I'm really happy for her.""Alright, Sally, I have to get back to work," the assistant said."Okay." Sally could not see Miranda in person, but she looked at the thermos bottles in her hand and quickly handed them to the assistant. "I made this chicken soup myself. She must be too busy to eat properly. Please give it to her so she can have it when she has some time."The assistant took the thermos bottles. "Sure, I'll make sure she gets it."With that, the assistant went back inside.Sally stayed at the entrance for a while, hoping to catch a glimpse of Miranda, but it was in vain. After lingering for a long time, she finally got into h
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Chapter 530
“You bastard!” Sally's eyes were red with anger, and she gritted her teeth. “If it weren’t for you, I wouldn’t have married into the York family. Seth, you owe me for the rest of your life!”Seth Duncan remembered this favor. “I haven’t forgotten.”He paused before continuing, “However, when I get out, it will benefit both you and your daughter.”Sally’s expression remained cold. “When you get out, just live your life and stay away from me and Miranda. Don’t interfere with her career. That’s the biggest favor you can do!”She no longer expected anything from him. She only hoped he would not cause further trouble.Miranda had worked hard to get to where she was, and Sally would not let him ruin that.She could imagine that giving Miranda to him had not led to a good life.These years had been hard on her, which only deepened Sally’s sense of guilt.Seth said nothing, giving Sally a meaningful look.Sally had come to warn him and had nothing more to say.After delivering her me
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