All Chapters of CEO's Tears Over Pregnancy Test Discovery: Chapter 541 - Chapter 550
684 Chapters
Chapter 541
Miranda saw Nash through the glass window. He looked like he was barely hanging on. She grabbed the man in the camouflage uniform, her eyes red with anxiety. "How is he? Is he seriously injured? How did he get hurt so badly, and when will he wake up?""I don't know," the man in the camouflage uniform replied. "But miss, this is a quiet zone. If you want to wait for Captain York to wake up, you need to do so quietly.""How did he get hurt and end up in the ICU?" Miranda said anxiously. "Will he die?"She was clearly frightened.Yvonne, seeing her panic, could not help but say, "Why is she so worked up? She's not his wife! And how does she know Nash was injured? Could she be the one behind your kidnapping?"Nina had already suspected something when Miranda asked about Nash. It had only been a few hours since he was shot and admitted to the ICU, and no one had been informed. How did Miranda know? Unless she was in cahoots with them. Just from that information, Nina was alread
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Chapter 542
Miranda's gaze at Nina was incredibly fierce, as if declaring war. She was silently saying that she would not let her off easily! Nina had never seen such a gaze before, and it was clear that even Miranda felt some pressure.No longer willing to give Miranda any face, Nina said, "Miss Miranda, you've seen him and made your scene. Please leave now. You don't need to worry about when my husband will wake up!"Miranda was even more reluctant to leave. "Nina, who do you think you are? You’re nothing but an abandoned wife!""I'm his wife. He risked his life to save me. You have no right to be here!" Nina retorted sharply. "Escort her out!""You..." Miranda seethed with anger.But the man in the camouflage uniform followed Nina's orders. They all knew Nash had been injured saving Nina, and she was rightfully his wife."Miss, please leave. Otherwise, we’ll have to force you out."Seeing the group of tall, muscular men armed and ready, Miranda knew she could not win this fight. She gl
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Chapter 543
Seeing that Nina had not come out for a long time, Julia went into the study."Nina, what are you looking for?" Julia asked from the doorway, seeing Nina buried in her search.Nina looked up. "Mom, I remember Dad loved collecting newspapers. How come I can't find them?"Zion had a hobby of collecting newspapers, keeping them in a box from the earliest editions to the most recent. They should have been well-organized, easy to find. But she could not locate them.At this, Julia's expression changed slightly. Not wanting Nina to notice, she walked over with a smile. "What newspapers are you looking for? Let me help."Nina replied, "It's from when I was in middle school. There should be some, right?"Julia grew more nervous. "Which issue specifically? You were in middle school for three years. Do you know the exact issue?""When I was kidnapped at school," Nina said casually. "That was a big event. It should've made the papers."Julia's expression shifted again and again. "Why are
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Chapter 544
After speaking, Julia went to the kitchen. Nina still felt very happy. She had loving parents who were in good health. With all the commotion at home, Zion woke up too. He got up and brought them some fruit to eat. As parents, they always feared their children might go hungry and were eager to provide food.“Dad, you should go back to bed. Sorry to disturb you so late,” Nina said.“What are you talking about? It's never too late for you to come home,” Zion replied, his eyes full of affection. He then turned to Yvonne. “You also haven't visited for a while.”“I’ve been busy with work, but I stay in touch with Nina. I’m sorry I came in such a rush that I didn’t bring any gifts,” Yvonne said.“It’s fine, you don’t need to bring anything. You and Nina are like sisters, and to me, you’re like another daughter. No need to be so formal,” Zion said warmly. Then he got up. “I’ll go check on your mom.”He also headed to the kitchen. The TV in the living room was still on. Yvonne bit into
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Chapter 545
"Alright," Nina agreed, telling her, "Let's sleep."Yvonne was exhausted and quickly fell back asleep. However, Nina had too much on her mind to rest. Yvonne's mention of praying made her think of the green prayer beads Wilfred always had with him, which felt oddly familiar.In the morning, Nina was awakened by Yvonne's urgent voice."Nina, wake up! It's bad. Nash is in critical condition!"Nina's eyes flew open. "What?"Her heart raced as she jumped out of bed. "When did this happen?""Just now. They called from the hospital!" Yvonne explained.Seeing the missed call on her phone, Nina's heart sank. Was Nash really not going to make it?Tears welled up in her eyes as she imagined a life without Nash. If he died, she would never see him again, and that thought was unbearable. She felt as though her heart had been ripped apart.Fighting back her tears, Nina hurriedly dressed, knowing she needed to be strong and get to the hospital.On the way, Yvonne tried to comfort her,
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Chapter 546
Nina shook off his hand. "I don't accept this. If you want to die so badly, go ahead and die!" She turned to leave."Nina!" Nash tried to get out of bed to follow her, but the movement pulled at his wound, and he fell back, coughing heavily. Nina stopped and looked back, seeing him in pain, his brows furrowed. She could not help but rush back to his side. "Are you okay? Did you pull your wound? Should I call the doctor?"Despite the pain, Nash held onto her hand. "I'll be fine as long as you don't leave."Looking at his pale face and the desperation in his eyes, she found it impossible to be cold-hearted. "Alright. Lie down properly. Let the doctor check on you."Nash obeyed, lying back down but still asked, "So, you're not leaving?"Nina replied, "You got hurt because of me. If I leave now, that would be ungrateful. I still owe you."A small smile appeared on Nash's lips. "As long as you stay, I'm happy."Seeing him smile touched Nina deeply. She had been thinking about endin
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Chapter 547
Upon hearing that, Nina thought something was wrong and asked with concern, "Uncomfortable? Where does it hurt?"Her eyes widened as she looked at him.Looking at her face, Nash said in a husky voice, "My body hurts."Nina quickly checked to see what was wrong. When she felt his burning body and heard his labored breathing, she realized what was happening. Her face immediately turned red, and she pulled away, a bit annoyed. "At a time like this, you're thinking about that? Can't you control yourself?""It's a natural reaction. How could I possibly control it?" Nash said with a hint of helplessness, trying to calm the fire within him.Nina retorted, "I think you just think about it too much. It's always on your mind!"Nash looked at her and disagreed, saying, "If I didn't think about it, that would be a problem. If I couldn't get an erection being this close, I might as well be useless!"Nina, embarrassed by his bluntness, could not respond directly."Just sleep," Nash said, p
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Chapter 548
Nash used the process of elimination. The fact that they fired at him suggested a personal grudge. The only unresolved case from back then was the human trafficking case.These criminals would typically target children, not an adult woman like Nina, unless it involved organ trafficking.Given the exposure from the first attempt, they would likely be cautious and avoid targeting the same person twice. Moreover, Nina’s status made her an unlikely target for such criminals. This pointed more towards someone hiring them specifically to harm Nina.“Captain York, that woman from yesterday is here again,” a soldier reported urgently, unable to keep her out.Miranda stood not far away, visibly emotional as she saw Nash awake. As a public figure, she always wore sunglasses to avoid negative press, especially during sensitive times. Removing her glasses now, her eyes were red and tears streamed down her face, making her look both pitiful and deeply affectionate.“Nash, are you okay?” she
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Chapter 549
“What's going on? Are they getting along better now?”, Miranda thought to herself.She wanted to tear them apart, but wasn’t she just helping them now?Miranda's fingers clenched tightly, her unwillingness almost spilling from her eyes. If she could not have him, why should Nina? She knew Nash first and had risked half her life for him. Nina should not get to benefit from her sacrifices! It was not fair.“Miranda.” Nash’s sharp gaze fixed on her. “Did you hear what I said?”Miranda snapped back to attention, hiding the fierceness in her eyes. She softened her expression and said, “I understand. I won’t let myself be plagued by negative news anymore. I’ve already taken on several new roles and will focus on my career. I’ll make sure to build a solid image.”She had already stumbled once. To make a comeback, she needed to keep taking on new projects. As long as she focused on her career, people would eventually notice her. In the internet age, any image could be easily promoted.
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Chapter 550
Nina nodded. Nash had just finished his IV drip and was ready to eat together.In the hospital room, Nash had prepared a hearty meal specifically tailored for a pregnant woman. He opened the lid and handed a bowl of soup to Nina.She took a sip and found it delicious, even better than her own cooking. Her appetite had been quite good lately.Nash sat across from her. Nina picked up a piece of meat, tasted it, and found it too gamey. "This isn't good. You can have it." She tossed it into Nash's bowl and continued drinking her soup.Nash looked at the food in his bowl, then at Nina. He noticed how casually she relied on him for things she did not want, which made him feel needed. A smile crept onto his lips. "Alright, I'll eat anything you don't like."He ate what Nina did not want. Nina did not think much of it. It was just a natural action from her.After finishing her meal, she noticed that Nash had eaten everything she had left. She was a bit surprised and asked, "Why are you e
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