All Chapters of CEO's Tears Over Pregnancy Test Discovery: Chapter 561 - Chapter 570
642 Chapters
Chapter 561
Nina suddenly felt a wave of pity for Penelope. Growing up without parental love must have left her with a deep sense of insecurity, making her more likely to endure hardships silently. Unable to help herself, Nina linked her arm with Penelope's. "It's all in the past. Things will get better from now on. One day, you'll reach the pinnacle of your career."Penelope smiled. "You have high hopes for me.""If you could endure so much from a young age, there's nothing you can't achieve."Penelope felt a growing fondness for Nina. Perhaps it was the encouragement that stirred a renewed determination within her. She could not go back to the past. She had to escape poverty and hunger.Just then, Miranda arrived. She spotted Penelope and Nina together. Seeing Nina walking around energetically, showing no signs of weakness, confused her. But her sharp eyes noticed the beads on Nina's wrist, and her expression changed. She rushed over and grabbed Nina's arm."Where did you get these?" Mi
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Chapter 562
Seeing so many onlookers and Penelope looking so fragile, Miranda panicked. "Stop recording! She's faking it! I didn't touch her. She ran into me! I was just defending myself!"Nina quickly helped Penelope up and said, "You've already gotten everything you wanted. Why do you still bully her? Will you only be satisfied if she leaves the industry?""What nonsense are you spouting?" Miranda retorted, flustered by Nina's words.With so many people around, Miranda could not find a way to explain herself. She had been too careless. She had not expected them to change and become so cunning, daring to plot against her."You'll pay for this!" Miranda snapped before hastily leaving to avoid drawing more attention.After she left, Nina helped Penelope inside. To make it believable, Penelope clung to Nina's hand, but then she noticed something odd. "Does Miranda have such a strong grip? Your arm is bruised."Nina followed her gaze and saw the bruise on her arm. It was faint and not painful.
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Chapter 563
He quickly picked her up and rushed to find a doctor. Nina was taken into the emergency room, where the doctors began to examine her. Nash stood outside, feeling anxious. His deep eyes were fixed on her silhouette, unable to relax as his palms grew sweaty with worry. He could sense something was seriously wrong with Nina.After about ten minutes, the doctor came out and spoke to Nash. "I couldn't find anything wrong with the patient. All her tests came back healthy. There's no clear reason for her sudden fainting. However, I did notice several bruises on her body, which appeared rather suspicious. Also, there was a needle mark on the back of her neck."Hearing this made Nash's expression grow even grimmer. Not finding any symptoms was the most dangerous sign. He went into the room and looked at Nina's thin face. She had lost a lot of weight recently. Pregnancy was already hard on her, and now there were these additional symptoms. He could not help but feel a pang of sorrow.Nash
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Chapter 564
Nash realized that only one person had the potential to help. He looked at the increasingly frail Nina, knowing he could not afford to wait any longer."Stay here and keep an eye on her. I'm going to check something," Nash told Caleb before heading back to the apartment. Caleb, unsure of where Nash was heading, simply replied, "Okay."Nash knew that the kidnapping had left Nina harmed. Someone who could detect the poison so quickly and provide an antidote had to be extraordinary. He could not overlook any potential help.Nash arrived at the apartment and looked at the door next to Nina's. It was closed, and he knocked urgently. Within a minute, the door opened.Wilfred had been at home, seemingly expecting Nash. He showed no surprise and simply said, "Come in."Nash noticed Wilfred's pale complexion and weak body. "Did you give Nina those beads?"Wilfred poured a glass of water for Nash. "Those beads were originally hers."Nash's deep eyes fixed on Wilfred as he asked calmly,
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Chapter 565
Nash had heard of this name back in the military, but he could never track down the person."You've never seen him either?" Nash asked.Wilfred shook his head. "He's very secretive. He never shows himself to anyone. He's skilled in both virology and combat. That's all I know about him."Involving this criminal organization made things even more serious. It seemed that Nina might have been caught up in this long ago. This matched with her disappearance for an entire summer during high school, when a criminal gang was busted. Many were captured, and many died. Now, it seemed that one would be released soon, and this Pharaoh was still at large.Nash looked at Wilfred. "Aren't you afraid of the organization retaliating against you for telling me all this?"Wilfred smiled. "I've told you, my purpose for living is to protect her. Besides, I'm a healer. Creating a healer takes a lot of resources and effort. They won't harm me."Wilfred's willingness to risk his life for Nina surpris
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Chapter 566
Nina was feeling calmer now and she could see how much Nash had been worrying about her. Any hurtful words she had been holding back seemed to dissipate in this moment.She hugged Nash around the waist. "Let's not fight anymore. Let's talk things through calmly, okay?""Okay," Nash responded softly.Nina noticed something off. "Why just one word? Are you upset?""No," Nash said gently, stroking her face. "You've said we won't fight anymore. How could I be upset about that?"Nina gazed into his eyes. "What if you've lost faith in me and are planning to leave me? Then everything I've said would be pointless.""That's impossible," Nash reassured her. "We won't be separated.""You won't divorce me?" she asked.They had been arguing about this for a long time. She had often brought up divorce. But now, thinking about all that Nash had done for her, she realized things were not as bad as they seemed. She might never find another person like Nash, and their baby needed a father. G
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Chapter 567
"I can teach you," Nash offered.Nina's mood brightened. "Great! Then I don't have to find a teacher, I'll just learn from you.""Let's talk about it later," Nash said. "You've been cooped up in the hospital for a while. Let's go out and have some fun."Nina linked her arm through his and said in her playful voice. "I want some candy apples and donuts.""You sure love sweets.""Well, I'm pregnant. My cravings change all the time."It was a rare opportunity for Nina and Nash to spend time together. She felt happy and content, a feeling she had not experienced before. She wished this happiness could last forever.James drove while they sat in the back. The motion of the car made Nina feel tired, and she soon leaned against Nash's shoulder. Seeing this, Nash gently supported her head, letting her rest more comfortably. Eventually he placed her head on his lap. Normally, Nina would wake up, but this time, she seemed deeply asleep.This worried Nash. He feared the day might come
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Chapter 568
The man in front laughed when he heard this. "Loving your wife brings good fortune? What nonsense! I don't believe in such superstitions at all! Let me ask you, have you gotten rich? Hahaha.""The fact that she's not wasting money is already good enough. Expecting to get rich is ridiculous," the man behind said. "We should save money wherever we can. If she weren't pregnant, I wouldn't even be here!"The men in front and behind Nash seemed to share the same mindset."Believe what you want," Nash replied coldly. He did not agree with their views at all. How extravagant could his wife really be? They had not complained about these things when they got married. If they did not believe in marriage, why did they get married in the first place?Seeing Nash's cold expression and realizing he did not agree with them, the men refused to believe Nash was rich at all."Don't ignore what we're saying. Just by looking at you, I can tell you've only been married for a short while, still in
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Chapter 569
Before the man could reach Nash, James stepped in and twisted his arm, causing him to cry out in pain."Ouch, ouch, ouch!"James, a trained fighter, was always on high alert. Anyone making a move towards them would not get far. He quickly neutralized the threat, leaving no opportunity for the attacker to act."You okay, Captain?" James asked."I'm fine."Seeing James in his camouflage uniform and realizing his skill level, the men suddenly became very respectful towards Nash, realizing they had messed with the wrong person.They quickly came to their senses and apologized. "We're sorry, boss. We were out of line. We shouldn't have said those things!""You're right, loving your wife does bring good fortune!""Please don't hold it against us. We didn't know who we were dealing with!"Nash had not said much, but the men were already scared. They feared losing their jobs, which would be far worse than not getting rich.Nash, now in a better mood, did not bother to make things dif
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Chapter 570
"Ah..." Nina wanted to call out to the little girl, but before she could, a plump white dove flew towards them. Startled, Nina shrank back, fearing the dove might peck her. But then she noticed something in the dove's beak. It was holding a ring. Before she could fully process what was happening, the dove dropped the ring into Nash's hand.She stared in shock as Nash revealed a diamond ring in his palm. The sunlight made the diamond sparkle so brightly it almost hurt her eyes. Instinctively squinting, she watched as Nash slipped the ring onto her finger.Suddenly, applause erupted around them. Nina looked up to see people clapping, their faces filled with admiration and joy. Overwhelmed by the attention, she felt a surge of social anxiety. "What's happening?" she asked in a panic."It's so romantic! Someone's proposing here with all these roses and even a helicopter! It's beautiful!" someone in the crowd exclaimed."Which fairytale princess and prince story is this? If some
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