All Chapters of Trapped by Him: Chapter 121 - Chapter 130
277 Chapters
Chapter 123
 Derrick didn't intend to admire the moonlight with Gloria. Looking at her hair that had been ruffled by the wind, he reached out to fix her hair.  During this period, Derrick often hugged Gloria's shoulders and caressed her hair. She no longer resisted his actions.  Derrick looked at Gloria and said, "Good night, Gloria."  Gloria also said good night to him. Then she turned around and walked into the dormitory.  Derrick watched as Gloria went upstairs.  He was not in a hurry to leave. He lit a cigarette and looked up at the floor where Gloria's room was located. The lights in the living room were on.  Derrick extinguished the cigarette. He walked to his car and glanced in Patrick's direction. Then Derrick opened the door and got in. He started the engine and drove away slowly.  When Derrick's car passed Patrick's, Derrick didn't stop.  Leonard saw this through the window and asked, "Alpha Patrick, what should we do?"  Patrick or
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Chapter 124
  Patrick revealed a smile, but there was a hint of cruelty in his eyes.  He said, "Why are you so sure? What if Gloria is not what you think she is?"  "Then I will still choose her." Derrick was unmoved.  Patrick mocked and said, "You're really in love with her. Are you trying to tell me that your feelings toward Gloria won't change? No matter what happens, you will never give up on that woman?"  Patrick continued, "That's good. I don't want to ruin it for you, but I will watch you. I want to see how much you love her."  Derrick replied, "Let's wait and see."  "Leonard, let's go," Patrick ordered coldly. The rear window of his car slowly went up, and the black car drew a graceful arc in front of Derrick before leaving.  Inside the black car, Christine held her breath. She was afraid that she would enrage Patrick.  Patrick leaned against the back of the seat, his hands on his thighs clenched.  His eyes were cold.  "This is
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Chapter 125
 Gloria looked at Patrick coldly. "So, Mr. Hammond, you want to sleep with me too?"  Patrick was so angry that he laughed. "Sure, you don't have to go back today. I will be your customer today."  A hand reached up to Patrick. He looked at Gloria's hand and asked, "What do you mean?"  Gloria said confidently, "Money. Though you are the boss of the Fittro Club, you still need to pay."  Patrick's eyes were filled with shock.  He then looked at her palm in front of him. He couldn't describe the feeling. A strange pain filled his heart.  When he first bumped into her, he was full of anger, but he didn't know why he was angry or how to vent it.  Yet at this moment, the woman made him feel depressed. The way he looked at her changed as he said, "Miss Carter, I don't know when you have become so tactful. What happened? Mike doesn't want you anymore? And you've hooked up with Blood Moon Pack's Alpha?"  Gloria stared at Patrick. She was puzzled.
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Chapter 126
  Unlike Gloria, who was filled with worry during the movie, Derrick was very cheerful. He held Gloria's hand and headed to the parking lot. Derrick opened the door to the driver's side after Gloria sat in the passenger seat.  "Wait a minute," Gloria suddenly said.  Derrick tilted his head and asked with a puzzled face, "Do you want to go shopping?"  Derrick immediately thought about whether she wanted to buy something. The more considerate he was, the more unhappy Gloria felt.  Derrick urged her again, "What do you want? It's the weekend. We have plenty of time."  "No," She gritted her teeth and said with a determined look, "Mr. Fisher, we're..."  She was about to say something when Derrick suddenly frowned. He said to Gloria, "Wait a minute. Someone mind links me."  Then, Derrick picked up the mind link request. A familiar and old voice sounded in his mind.  "Derrick, return to the wolf pack now."  Derrick replied with dissatis
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Chapter 127
 "If I had known that you would disregard the safety of Blood Moon Pack for a woman, I would never let you be the Alpha of our pack. You are just as disappointing as your brother!" Curtis said fiercely.  Derrick raised his head. He glared fiercely at the angry Curtis. His eyes were bloodshot as he stared at Curtis with a ferocious and terrifying gaze. "Curtis, my brother has passed away!"  Not many people knew that Derrick had a brother, and the death of Derrick's brother was a pain that he could not get rid of.  He glared at Curtis, and there was a trace of hidden hatred in his eyes.  The housekeeper hurriedly pulled Curtis and said, "Mr. Fisher, please calm down."  Curtis was also shocked by the terrible look in Derrick's eyes. The room fell into silence.  After a long time, Curtis released his hand. His cane dropped on the marble floor tiles, and he fell onto the sofa behind him.  In an instant, Curtis seemed to have aged ten years. A tra
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Chapter 128
 The smile on Derrick's face froze. He was reluctant to yield. He said, "Mr. Hammond, you kept emphasizing that you don't want some things any longer. But why do I feel that you are just jealous because you never really owned those things?"  Patrick's eyes turned cold. He looked at Derrick's face and said, "It's none of your business, Mr. Fisher. You'd better care more about yourself."  After he said that, he walked past Derrick and left.  The atmosphere between the two men was tense, but they kept their voices low, so other people could not hear what they were talking about. They only saw two equally outstanding men talking to each other.  Patrick walked past Derrick and walked in. Only he knew how angry he was at the moment.  Would he fall in love with Gloria? And would he be jealous of Gloria and Derrick?  Patrick thought, 'Even an ordinary man wouldn't fall for Gloria, not to mention an outstanding man like me.'  Patrick shouted in his h
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Chapter 129
  "I might be busy these days, Gloria. Take care of yourself. Don't get hurt," said Derrick, looking at Gloria.  His concern and the genuine look in his eyes made Gloria touched.  She had the urge to tell him the truth.  "Mr. Fisher, my full name is Gloria Carter." She took a deep breath. Then she said, intending to tell him all, "I used to..."  "Miss Carter, of course, I know what your name is," Derrick smiled and kissed her lips. He continued, "In my eyes, you will always be Gloria. I like you no matter what you've done in the past."  Gloria didn't expect Derrick to say that. She gawked at him and said, "Mr. Fisher, why?"  "Don't think too much." Derrick opened the door. "Go back. I will come back to you after I'm done with my business."  As Gloria's figure disappeared, Derrick started the car and returned to the Blood Moon Pack.  These days, Derrick had been dealing with matters in the Fisher Group. He tried his best to solve the pr
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Chapter 130
 As soon as Gloria finished speaking, Derrick opened the door.  He smiled and said, "Gloria, let me introduce you to my friends. We grew up together. They are the Alpha and the Beta of the Sea Moon Pack, Mike and Lucas."  The door was completely pushed open, and everyone looked at each other in shock.  Gloria looked at the two people in the room, and her face turned pale.  "So, it's Miss Carter," Lucas greeted them in a meaningful tone, breaking the silence.  "Gloria?" Mike said.  Derrick was surprised that Lucas and Mike knew Gloria.  Then he looked at Lucas, since he found Lucas was acting strangely. He said, "Stop staring at my girlfriend like that."  Derrick didn't like the way Lucas stared at Gloria. He also disliked the tone Lucas used to address her as Miss Carter.  Lucas glanced at Derrick out of the corner of his eye, and then he looked at Gloria. After that, he said indifferently, "Take it easy. She is not my type."
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Chapter 131
  Lucas was surprised. He thought, 'Seriously? Does she admit it just like that?  I feel so bad for Derrick!'  Lucas was furious. He said, "Don't get carried away. I will make sure he knows what kind of woman you are. You are like cancer. I will not allow you to stay around my friend and hurt him!" Then Lucas loosened his grip.  Gloria and Lucas returned to the room one after the other.  The look in Derrick's eyes changed. As soon as Lucas sat down, he looked up and met Derrick's deep eyes.  "You don't smell of smoke." Derrick looked coldly at Lucas, who was opposite him.  Derrick thought, 'Lucas claimed that he was going out for a smoke, but he doesn't smell of smoke at all. Also, he comes back right after Gloria. And I always have the feeling that he was targeting Gloria by saying those things earlier. And after saying that, he left the room after Gloria did.'  Instantly, Derrick's face looked colder.  Mike took a sip of his coffee a
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Chapter 132
  Gloria knew the woman in front of her. Her name was Audrey Hall.  Soon, more people appeared in front of Gloria. Gloria glanced over and found that she was familiar with them all.  They began to talk to each other.  "It really is Gloria! I couldn't believe it when you told me it was Gloria just now. But it is her!" said one of the women.  "But Gloria, how did you become like this?" Another woman asked. She sounded quite curious.  "She has just left werewolf prison. What do you think?" Audrey chuckled. Then she suddenly thought of something and said to Gloria with care, "Gloria, when were you released? Why didn't you tell us? We studied in the werewolf school together before. You should tell us so that we can have a gathering."  Gloria felt a little embarrassed. A gathering? Would they still want to have a gathering with her? She looked at Audrey. She could see the smirk on Audrey's face. She knew that Audrey wanted to make fun of her.  "But it doesn't m
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