All Chapters of Trapped by Him: Chapter 141 - Chapter 150
277 Chapters
Chapter 143
  "Didn't I tell you? There's a glass wall in the bathroom. You can't see the inside from the outside. But you can see the outside from the inside." Patrick asked.  "Why didn't I see it?" Gloria asked subconsciously.  "Why didn't you see it?" He chuckled and said, "Maybe because the window blinds are usually down. However, I just rolled them up."  As he spoke, he returned to the bathroom and turned off the tap. Then, he raised the swipe card in his hand and asked, "Are you looking for this?"  When Gloria saw the swipe card, her shoulders trembled uncontrollably. It turned out that he already knew what was on her mind.  Patrick's forehead was wet. Water dripped down the tip of his hair. He walked toward Gloria.  There was no way to retreat. She swallowed subconsciously.  "Mr. Hammond, I'm sorry!" An imperceptible light flashed in Gloria's eyes. She bent her knees and knelt to Patrick as she spoke.  Patrick reached out a hand to hold Glo
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Chapter 144
  Gloria stubbornly stood in place and did not move.  "Gloria, pick it up," Patrick said for the second time. His deep eyes were aggressive.  Tiny beads of sweat appeared on Gloria's forehead, but she still said, "I am an employee of Fittro Club. I work in the Public Relations Department of Fittro Club. I'm not an employee of the Hammond Group."  Patrick walked toward Gloria. Gloria wanted to retreat, but she just couldn't move.  Patrick stood in front of her and glanced at her. Then, under her gaze, he bent down.  He picked up the suit on the ground and handed it back to Gloria.  "Gloria, for what you've lost, I'll help you get them back." He looked at Gloria and said, "Go change your clothes."  Gloria did not understand what Patrick meant, but she could only obey Patrick since he insisted on it.  Soon, Gloria changed her clothes and followed Patrick into the car.  Soon, Patrick's black car stopped in front of the building of th
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Chapter 145
  Patrick noticed that Gloria was reluctant to let him in. However, he chose to ignore her feelings and walked straight in.  "Mr. Hammond, wait a moment. I'll go get some water for you." Gloria lowered her head and walked towards the kitchen. However, just as she took a step, her arm was grabbed.  "No need. Pack your things and come with me." Patrick said straightforwardly.  "What?" Gloria looked at Patrick doubtfully.  Patrick smiled and said, "You didn't hear it wrong. I asked you to pack your luggage and come with me. You are not staying here anymore."  "Then where will I live?" Gloria asked subconsciously.  "Stay with me," Patrick replied.  Gloria thought something was wrong with her ears. She said carefully, "Mr. Hammond, I think this place is pretty good."  Patrick didn't say anything. He checked his watch. "I'll give you fifteen minutes to pack your things, and then we'll leave here."  After he said this, he glanced at her
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Chapter 146
  After stepping out of the room, Gloria woke up from her trance and struggled.  She said, "I won't go, Mr. Hammond. I won't go. Can I live alone? I prefer to live alone. I beg you. I don't want to move there."  She refused to leave, but she was too weak to cut herself loose.  It was no use begging for mercy, and she scolded angrily, "Patrick! You are so overbearing. You are breaking into my home! It is kidnapping!"  Before she could finish her sentence, a phone was handed to her. Patrick said, "Take it and call the police."  Gloria had used all her tricks. He was not angry even if she begged for mercy or scolded him. Patrick was terrifyingly rational!  "What exactly do you want?" Gloria asked dejectedly. Her hoarse voice was no longer as humble as when she was begging for mercy. It didn't even sound as mad as she cursed just now. There was simply despair.  "Patrick, I'm so tired. Please." She was exhausted and desperate. It was as if she wa
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Chapter 147
  "There are books there. You can read them if you want. I'm going to a meeting," Patrick said.  Gloria was stunned as Patrick turned around and walked out of the office, leaving her here alone.  Looking around, the decoration here was no different from three years ago. It was his usual style.  Gloria was arranged to sleep in Patrick's bedroom for two nights. However, she had not slept for two nights. She sat down on the sofa and soon could not resist the sleepiness and fell asleep on the sofa.  About an hour later, the door opened silently.  Patrick stood at the door and was surprised to see that Gloria had fallen asleep on the sofa. Then, he walked to the sofa and looked at the woman in front of him for a long time.  It seemed that the temperature in the office was relatively low. Gloria, who was on the sofa, was not sleeping soundly and slowly curled up.  He took off his suit jacket and covered her with it. When he got close to Gloria, he
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Chapter 148
  Patrick stood up and walked towards Gloria. He raised his hand, looked at his watch, and said, "Let's go. It's time for lunch. Let's go downstairs to eat."  Gloria thought that she might go through the torture of being stared at by the crowd this morning, so she didn't want to leave this office.  She lowered her head and said in a low voice, "I'm not hungry."  Patrick raised his eyebrows and said, "I'm hungry."  "I don't want to eat. I'm not feeling well and have no appetite. I won't have lunch." Gloria said again.  Patrick knew that it was her excuse. He said calmly, "You don't feel well. Alright, I'll take you to the werewolf hospital of Black Thorn Pack."  Then, he took out his phone and made a call. "Sean, are you in the werewolf hospital now?"  Gloria, who was on the sofa, suddenly reached out and pulled his sleeve. There was a trace of surprise in his eyes. He did not expect that the call would make her so anxious.  Caught off
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Chapter 149
  Moonlight Group was founded by the old Alpha of the Silver Spring Pack, but the actual operator was Gloria.  On the day of Gloria's 18th birthday, he signed the change of property rights himself, and from then on, Gloria, an 18-year-old girl, became the CEO of Moonlight Group, a huge company.  With Gloria running the company, the profit generated by Moonlight Group could cover the half-year expenses of the Silver Spring Pack.  When the old Alpha of the Silver Spring Pack, Gloria's grandfather, was still alive, he favored Gloria especially. Even Harry, his grandson, couldn't be compared with her.  Gloria had been nurtured by the old Alpha since she was a child, and Harry did not get to have such treatment. Because of this, back then, Gloria was known as the confident and flamboyant Miss Carter.  In terms of packs, she-wolves' marriages tended not to be valued, including Alphas' daughters.  The best thing that could happen to an Alpha's daughter w
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Chapter 150
 Gloria followed Patrick to a jewelry store with a simple décor.  Yet when Gloria walked into the jewelry store, she realized that it was no ordinary craft workshop.  On both sides of the jewelry store were a variety of accessories and each of them had a unique design.  She couldn't help but exclaim, "It is the side business of some great artist, right? Who is the owner?"  It might be true that Patrick could erase her identity and her past. However, he couldn't alter her taste. She had been nurtured by the old Alpha of the Silver Spring Pack since she was a kid. In other words, it was something in her blood.  "You are right. This is..." Just as Patrick was about to speak, he was interrupted by a woman.  "I didn't expect to run into you when I came to Gabbs on vacation, Mr. Hammond. I guess it was the Moon Goddess' blessing." From a room inside the shop came a woman with features both deep and delicate.  Gloria sized the woman up quiet
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Chapter 151
  Gloria still remembered that three years ago. She stood in front of that gate. She and Harry looked at each other through the gate.  Today, she looked serious and determined. Her steps were slow yet very steady.  Everyone was watching them as they walked in.  Patrick was born to be eye-catching. Nobody could ignore him.  But today, people paid more attention to Gloria.  With a little makeup, it was easier for people to recognize who she was.  "That is ... Gloria?"  "Why is she here?"  "Why is she with Mr. Hammond?"  "I thought she had disappeared."  "That was a long time ago. Don't you know that? I heard from Audrey that Gloria had become a timid woman. She's no longer like before."  Everyone was discussing Gloria and Patrick while looking at them.  Their eyes were filled with doubt and disbelief.  Harry and Alger were chatting with guests. At this moment, they looked at Gloria with gloomy expressions.
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Chapter 152
 Gloria's mind became clearer after the despair. She understood that Camille had already revealed her thoughts the moment Camille said, "I will visit you another time."  "Camille, do you still consider it a kind gesture if you pay a visit?" Gloria asked.  Gloria removed Camille's hand, which was grabbing her arm tightly. She pushed Camille away and said, "Will you excuse me? Camille, I'm busy."  After that, Gloria turned around and walked clumsily towards Patrick in her heels.  She didn't walk towards Alger and Harry again because there was no point in questioning them anymore.  Standing not too far, Alger and Harry saw that Gloria was not walking towards them. They heaved a sigh of relief, but before they resumed calm, they were frightened again.  "Why is she walking towards Mr. Hammond?" Alger asked Harry, looking worried.  Alger had no clue, and neither was Harry.  Camille was shocked and a little annoyed after Gloria pushed her awa
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