All Chapters of Trapped by Him: Chapter 151 - Chapter 160
277 Chapters
Chapter 153
  Gloria clenched her fists as she uttered her theory, controlling herself desperately for fear that she might rush forward and punch the man she had called Daddy for more than twenty years.  Her heart ached.  The people around knew that Moonlight Group was no different from worthless already, but a lot of them were still interested and kept bidding. Their voices calling out bids rang in her ears.  Gloria hated that she could do nothing but stand by and watch them. She clenched her fists harder, letting her nails sink into her palms.  "You've run Moonlight Group too well," Patrick said meaningfully. He reached out and unclenched her fists gently.  Gloria gritted her teeth and thought, 'You are right. I've run the company so well that even though everyone here knows Moonlight Group is a shell now, they're still bidding because the company's reputation is still there.'  "Any other offers?" Alger said to the guests who showed up today in high spirits
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Chapter 154
  Gloria had been trembling with anger, but after Harry said that, she calmed down.  Gloria raised her head and looked at the young and handsome face in front of her for a while. Suddenly, she chuckled and said, "I never knew that you were so jealous of me, Harry. Grandpa brought me up and taught me. Do you think that he favored me and I took your position? Mr. Carter, do you think that I took everything that should belong to you?"  Gloria suddenly felt that she did not understand this "family" that she had spent twenty years with.  "Grandpa gave me a chance, but he also gave you a chance. That summer, when it was so hot that people could fire eggs on the ground, grandpa asked us to transcribe the history of werewolves under the shade of trees. But you were playful and couldn't stand the heat. You couldn't sit still and ran to the house to play video games. I was afraid that he would punish you, so after I finished my part, I helped you finish yours. Mr. Carter, fr
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Chapter 155
  People only saw Gloria's calm face, but they didn't know that she was crying inside.  Patrick stood out. This incomparably dazzling man almost stopped breathing, but he did not stop or berate Gloria.  Alger was also stunned by Gloria's question, but he reacted quickly and said, "The text messages on her phone were proof. How do you explain that?"  If Gloria was not involved in the incident, then how could she explain those text messages and the last few calls made to her? It was hard to believe that she was innocent.  Gloria chuckled with self-mockery, "No. It was not a coincidence. The person that planned to set me up, got herself in trouble as well. And I became the victim of this plot."  Besides Gloria, only Gabrielle and those rogues who had disappeared knew about the truth.  Unless Gloria could find those rogues, she probably would not be able to whitewash herself in this life.  Back then, Alger and Camille happened to have already ai
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Chapter 156
  When Daley heard Alger's words, he immediately cursed Alger for being a bastard. Because Alger didn't want to offend others, Alger asked Daley to do so.  Gloria's gaze shifted to Daley. She said, "Moonlight Group was run by me and my grandfather. Why does the Middleton Family have to intervene in this matter? Mr. Middleton, you're a smart person. You should give up."  She didn't even want to waste time and asked Daley to give up Moonlight Group directly.  Daley was furious, but when his gaze fell on the pair of eyes behind Gloria, Daley felt extremely upset. "It would be a shame to fight with you."  He had already made his stance clear.  Gloria's gaze fell on Alger again as she said, "Three years ago, the decision of the Carter family was so decisive that there was no room for negotiation. We all know whether it was because you were really afraid of being involved or for other reasons. At this point, it is no longer necessary to mention the past. Alge
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Chapter 157
  As soon as Derrick left the room, the people who were angry but didn't dare to say anything suddenly cursed.  Derrick ignored them. He turned back and glanced at the door. He took out a cigarette and smoked. His fingers parted, and the cigarette fell to the ground silently.  He stepped on it hard in his leather shoes and crushed it back and forth.  He glanced out of the window with a sullen expression, raised his foot on the cigarette, and strode out.  The car sped along the road, almost flying, yet he did not seem to notice it at all. His eyes were staring straight ahead.  It was already almost midnight.  He drove fast and finally stopped in front of the Fisher's.  As soon as the car stopped, the door was pushed open. Then, Derrick got out of the car and hurried into the house.  When the butler heard the noise, he immediately opened the door. However, he said as he saw Derrick, "Alpha Derrick, Curtis said that you were not allowed t
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Chapter 158
  Patrick walked towards the bed and waved at her. He ordered, "Sit over here."  Gloria didn't know what was going on, but under his deep gaze, she braced herself and sat closer to him.  Patrick took a towel from a shelf and placed it on her head. He rubbed it gently.  Then, he dried her hair with a hairdryer.  After her hair was dry, he said, "From now on, don't sleep with wet hair."  Patrick's action did not make Gloria feel better.  On the contrary, she was about to be driven crazy by such abnormal behavior.  She did not know what he was going to do, yet she could not stand his behavior like this. She would prefer Patrick treat her the same way as before. She didn't want his sudden gentleness.  Finally, she closed her eyes. When she opened them again, she asked, "Why?"  Patrick put down the hairdryer and tucked her hair behind her ears. Instead of answering her, he said, "Sleep tight."  He turned around. Gloria wanted to
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Chapter 159
 When Gloria heard what the fired receptionist said, she reached out and stopped the receptionist. She said, "I can guarantee that Moonlight Group is not just a shell company as you said."  Gloria turned around and saw an employee behind her. She was a young woman. Gloria called her to come over.  Gloria asked, "What is your job at the company?"  The girl was a little flustered. She replied, "I am an intern. Mostly, I'm just printing documents."  "Do you know how to deal with visiting clients?" Gloria asked.  "I'm sorry. I haven't done that before. But I think we should treat them politely and proactively," the intern replied cautiously.  Gloria nodded. "Very good. From now on, you are the receptionist of Moonlight Group."  Hearing Gloria's words, the receptionist who had been fired felt humiliated.  She pointed at Gloria and scolded, "How can you ask an intern to be the receptionist? I majored in administrative management! You must be
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Chapter 160
  "Miss Carter, we are all waiting for you to come back. We always believe that you will return to Moonlight Group." Mandy's eyes turned red. She said, "Miss Carter, three years ago, we tried our best to see you, but they always block us from you. Later, we lost track of you."  Although they had heard the rumors of Gloria working in Fittro Club, they did not dare to look for her. If the rumors were true, Mandy believed that Gloria would not want to be seen like that.  What Mandy said planted another seed of doubt in Gloria's heart.  Gloria did not doubt the words they said. She felt a trace of warmth in her frozen heart.  In the three years, she was in the werewolf prison, no one visited her. It turned out that Mandy couldn't manage to meet her. Gloria could not help but sigh. Patrick was so ruthless!  From that day on, Gloria seemed to have become a different person. She was quieter, but she listened to Patrick more.  What Patrick did not know wa
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Chapter 161
  Patrick rushed back at once after Leonard mind-linked him.  With thick curtains, no light could get through and the entire room was dark.  Patrick looked around the room and finally found Gloria in a cabinet in the storage room.  Patrick's heart ached, and Leo couldn't help but let out a sad howl.  Gloria huddled herself in the cabinet. When Patrick opened the door, she wanted to run away. But she was in the closet and had nowhere to go.  Patrick saw every bit of her reaction. So far, he had no idea why she reacted so violently.  "Are you here to see me make a fool of myself?" Gloria looked up at the man in front of her.  She revealed a miserable smile and said, "Mr. Hammond, you saw the video. You must be delighted, right? You don't need to go through all that trouble at all. I was wondering why you suddenly changed your attitude towards me. Now I get it."  Patrick's breath paused. With great pity, he looked down at Gloria, who curled herself into a ball in the cabinet.  H
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Chapter 162
  "Gloria, you know what? The truth is, you were protected by the old Alpha. And you weren't involved in the real battle yet." After saying this, Patrick stood up, straightened his clothes, and left the study without another word.  Sitting on the sofa, Gloria was left alone in the study. She gawked at the desk, while Patrick's words echoed in her mind.  Gloria had always believed that she was outstanding, and that Moonlight Group's rise was a result of her talent and hard work.  And she still believed so.  However, Patrick had just shown her a different angle she had never thought of in all these years. Her opponents were not all gentlemen.  In fact, her grandfather, the old Alpha of the Silver Spring Pack, had told her about the rough waters of business from day one. Yet she was too arrogant to take his words seriously.  Gloria was not a fool. Quite contrary, she was very smart.  To taunt her or to teach her, Patrick was right about one thing. This video proved one point. Some
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