All Chapters of Unwanted daughter of cursed Alpha King : Chapter 11 - Chapter 20
82 Chapters
In the white room
Aralyn’s POV I woke up in that bloody white room again. Luckily, no one is around. But fuck my luck. I am strapped with silver shackles again. I looked at my hands, and apart from a few almost-healed bruises, I looked as if nothing had happened. Oh God, don’t tell me I was out for a few weeks again? I tried to move my jaw, and it worked amazingly, as though it wasn’t broken two times in the past few weeks. Is this the Lycan healing at work? I know I was a mushed mess of meat and broken bones when I was awake last time. I was lashed, scalding “soup” was poured down my throat, my whipped body was dipped in wolfsbane, and then I was beaten to the pulp when I was conscious last time. Now, my body looks as though I was on a spa holiday. Whatever, as long as I am alive and healthy, and as long as I can find a way to get myself lost from this fucking mess. I remember hearing Sentaya’s voice when I was out, but I can’t remember what she said. If I manage to get myself out of here, I will go
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Trust no one
Naevres POV“Fuck! No! Bitch!” I screamed after her. I stupidly believed her. I could feel unknown magic before hearing the brief commotion and those very words: “Fuck you, Marcellus, fuck you, Wengarthria. See you never again.” The bitch fucked me up. I believed her, and she signed my death sentence without even thinking of the consequences of what will happen to those who stayed here after her escape. Marcellus will have my balls fried for this. He had acted overly strange since she was dropped off in the dungeons weeks ago. He was babbling about unresolved childhood issues and vendetta occasionally when someone mentioned her. Still, I felt like there was way more behind this. I couldn’t put my finger on it, but something is fishy here. Well, either way, I am dead meat.What a fuck am I going to do now? Shall I try to escape too? Fuck no, with his abilities, Marcellus would find me in one breath, and when he would, I would be in an even more fucked up position than I already am.“
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Nethanaiah of Charterwallis
Aralyn’s POV “I am Nethanaiah of Charterwallis, one of the elder mages of the land of faes. I mean no harm, especially not to the daughter of Malleteagan and Larissa,” she said, watching me with bright citrine eyes. Her eyes sparkled like the eyes of an owl on this gloomy night. Platinum blonde hair falling on her shoulders carelessly made her look angelic.“How do you know who I am? Where am I?”“I can smell your father's magic blood running through your veins,” she said, and I cringed. “I can also smell your Lycan, powerful, primaeval and of the royal bloodline, sitting in the pits of your mind waiting to awake for the first time. She will be awakened tonight. So, to answer your question, it is not hard to put two and two together, Aralyn, especially when you are an ancient, almost primordial mage like I am. In these many centuries that passed by, I have seen it all. There are not many stones that I have left unturned and not many things that I haven’t seen. There are no many thin
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She is a bridge between heaven and hell
Aralyn POV I woke up in a charming little cottage near the lake where Merlius beat the shit out of me. I have heard Merlius and Nethanaiah trying to whisper in the distance. Probably to not wake me up. “You have to control your Lycan, Merlius. You could have killed her. I thought you could help her understand her Lycan side as I cannot help her with that, but now I am not so sure anymore. You cannot control even your own Lycan. How will you be able to help her then?” she scolded, and he hung his head low, eye cast down as a little boy who was embarrassed after being scolded by his parents. They were sweet.“Sorry, sweets”, he sighed and kissed her forehead. ”look, I went out of my mind when I sensed your scent on her, and she did not smell like a rogue but did not smell as if she belonged to a pack either. And then your scent all over her was enough to make my Lycan go bat-shit crazy….” he sighed and continued. “I did not even register that this was the scent of a female Lycan and no
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A lineage of traitors and liars
Marcellus POV ***Trigger Warning: scenes of physical violence I barely got rid of that pesky whore Noosha and the pestering nags of my father. He is absolutely ruled over by that whore. I scoffed and rolled my eyes whilst dashing through corridors to get to the bloody room. Naevres will beg for death because of this, that stupid, incompetent fucker. I came into the room. It still smelled like lilies of the valley, hyacinths and roses. This minx had such a unique and potent scent, so mouthwatering and mesmerising. Speaking of little bitch, why did I feel that I was hurting more than her each time when I inflicted pain on her? Each fucking lash on her body ached worse than it would if it was inflicted on my own body. It appeared as if I was reliving every second of her misery and pain when my boys tortured her. Forget about it. Focus. I came to my senses and saw the idiot sitting on the chair next to the bed, hands tucked in the head, elbows on slightly spread legs, and he was rock
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Marcellus POV“Noosha”, I nodded. I looked like shit. My suit and shirt were drenched with twats blood, and my face was spray painted with it. I finally looked like the devil everyone portrayed me to be. Noosha, the bitch, on the other hand, you would never think that she is my stepmother. She looked more like my younger sister. She looked like she was barely 20, all pampered and pristine. But fuck that. Not relevant. I was about to close the door, where semiconscious Naevres was still wheezing and gargling, and to walk away, but she grabbed me for the shoulder. I momentarily froze, trying to stop the anger, bile and disgust brewing again. God, how I want to kill this fucking bitch. I first pulled out a handkerchief from my blood-drenched trousers and wiped the blood sprayed on my face. Then I dusted away invisible dust from the shoulder she had just touched. She raised her eyebrow and looked at me murderously, with malice, but just for a second, and then she masked it to her usual
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A suicide mission
Malleteagan’s POVI cannot stand this fucker. At all.But I need him. And he knows that. And he will use that shit against me for sure.“ Malleteagan, my dear old friend, long time no see. What brings you in Netevalia.” the dickhead said with his preposterously courteous voice. “Yes, Kandreah, I think we haven’t seen each other for, what…four-five centuries?Now, let’s cut the crap. I am here because I need you. My...umh…daughter…is captured in the underworld, and Sentaya refuses to hand her back. I must gather the army to take over what belongs to me.” I said in one breath, knowing that this bastard probably knew more about this than I thought. Also, I hate sucking the ass of the fucking leech, but I have no choice. “Now, quite a heartbreaking story, my old friend. Given that you ask me for help, I must say that I have a couple of questions for you. Firstly, and…” he stood up, and somehow, in the next second, he transpired crouched next to my ear whilst dismissing his lackeys with
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War of Homerian proportions brewing between realms
-Three months later-“Aralyn, that’s enough for today,” Merlius said. Thank God, I thought this tyrant would never say this. He is a pain in the ass with his strict training schedule, but I must say that I have improved my strength, stamina and combat skills to an exceptional standard. Nethanaiah taught me how to summon and control my mage and elemental abilities while Merlius was helping me with embracing my Lycan. Apparently, due to my mother’s lineage, I can control weather, earth, and water, whilst due to my father’s lineage, I can control the moon, wind and air. I can also paralyse the one in time and space as I did to Malleteagan when he chased me through the desert. Nethanaiah says that there is way more than that. Meena also became more attuned to me. We can now shift to human or Lycan form without pain or issues with taking control, and we become one body and soul. Her combat skills are more controlled, calculated and brutal. “Soon, I will not be able to train you anymore,” h
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A Hefty reward
Marcellus’ POV“Idiot”, I punched the twat straight into his face with all my might. Blood trickled from his broken nose, and he fell to the ground. “All of you are incompetent” I smashed all the books, a shitload of paperwork, whiskey bottles, glasses and other random crap on my table. “For three fucking months, you cannot find a little girl!!!” I snarled and smacked each of the morons standing in front of me straight into their stupid faces. And they endured my ordeal silently. “Best trackers, my ass! Fucking!!!! Incompetent!!!” The veins on my neck protruded as I roared from the bottom of my lungs to fuel off this fucking rage. Where is that fucking bitch? I thought to myself, I am going to skin her alive and dip her sleazy body in wolfsbane until she doesn’t sizzle to death when I get my hands on her. I started to thrash and break the stuff around me, then punched the tracker closest to me just for the sake of fun. Before I made my way out, I shouted in pure rage, which suffoca
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Where could she go?
Malleteagan’s POVWhere could that little vixen go? For fuck sake, I have mobilised the best trackers, and still, no fucking sign of her. I thought she was in Oribus on that fucking night when I lost so many in the battle against Sentaya. Some of them were my best soldiers. My revenge will be merciless. The eyeless, botched old hag will remember me. I will be the last thing she will remember in her miserable existence. “Omar, any updates on the girl?” I asked Omar, who came from Nerzelis, to report on updates.“No, Alpha,” he answered. “Fuck that shit!” I slammed my fist, and fucking table broke in two. Fuck, this dodgy hotel in the middle of nowhere will add another item to the broken inventory charge. “Omar, make a contact to schedule a joint meeting with Kandreah, Thersar and Nexelex to see the progress of our plan urgently. Each of us to come alone. Only our first in command can accompany us, apart from the four of us. I suggest we meet in Amaralva’s castle in a week. Nexelex a
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