All Chapters of My Master: Chapter 21 - Chapter 30
54 Chapters
Chapter 21;the question
Ezra's Point of view: Ever since I was wrongly accused of what I still don't know and stayed in the dungeon, I have become moody. All I wanted was what was best for the master ,but what I got in return was getting punished. Thinking about it made me angry at him but I couldn't do anything to him. I was just a lowly maid that can't be trusted by the master. Gloria had asked me what happened but I gave her no reply, I didn't want to talk about it and she understood and didn't ask again. The guards were punished and they died in the process that was supposed to make me happy,it only made me fear Chris. Naomi had come to my room to see me with sympathetic eyes,I don't know what to believe anymore. I nursed the cup of tea I held in my hand deeply in thought. "Ezra " Gloria called and touched my shoulder."What's wrong?" I asked."I have been calling you for a while now, finish your tea so that we can get to work" she said. I dropped the tea back on the table."And who will clean
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Chapter 22:a new friend.
Ezra's POVGloria's home was lovely,her family acted as one. I missed this type of bond,it made me remember home,I was welcomed so well that I didn't feel out of place. The next day I yawned as I woke up,her younger siblings were still sleeping. I walked out of the room to the kitchen where I saw Gloria and her mum. We exchanged greetings and I helped them prepare breakfast. It was really nice. Her mum asked what I would like to eat but I told her that everything was fine. After eating her parents went to work and her siblings went school,after doing all the house chores Gloria and I went out to her friends house. When we got there,we knocked on the door and a beautiful woman opened up. She smiled when she saw us. She was very happy to see Gloria. I think they have a good relationship ."Gloria how are you?" She asked and she let us in."I am fine ma,this is my friend Ezra" Gloria introduced me to the woman. "Nice to meet you Ezra ,Mirabel is in her room,can I get you anything?" Sh
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Chapter 23:The drunkard.
Ezra's POVThe next two days were uneventful and I was so bored, we stayed at home mostly. Mirabel came over the next day to treat us to lunch, since our last lunch plan was cut short due to her cheating ex and her running off. We went to a local restaurant. We ordered food and Mirabel ordered for wine,I just stared at it in amazement. Gloria had argued with her on that but after all said she still ordered it and didn't listen to a word Gloria said. We were eating and Mirabel was busy gulping down the wine.I don't know what she's thinking while drinking all that wine."Easy Mira you will get a stomach ache" Gloria told her."Am fine, " Mirabel giggled. She had only taken two glasses of wine and she was already acting drunk.I really don't want to deal with a drunk. I hope she has a high alcohol tolerance."She never drinks I didn't know she doesn't have a high tolerance to wine" Gloria told me as she tried to drag the cup out of Mirabel's hand but Mirabel refused to let go,I conti
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Chapter 24: Gloria's crush.
Ezra's POVUpon our return to the mansion,the maids were all happy but Gloria was afraid she prayed that the master forgets what happened and not question us about it.Coming back to the mansion tied a knot in my stomach, I prefer being free to do as I please and go wherever I want. The funny thing is that I already miss Mirabel. She is an interesting person. No matter how troublesome she is, I really prefer being outside the mansion. Naomi and the maids looked lively ,I guess I am not the only one who doesn't want to return here,it felt like a prison all of a sudden,I felt trapped and unable to breathe well,always on edge wondering what I will do that will annoy the master and he punishes me for it. I went to meet Gina and gave her a perfume I bought from the shop Mirabel took us to. She was so happy and thanked me nonstop for it. The slaves never left the mansion. If they do, they will be killed unless their master intervenes on their behalf. Fred was paying extra attention to m
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Chapter 25 :who wants to poison the master.
Chris's POVDisputing land issues is so stressful that's why I don't like doing it at all. It sucks out the life in me and gives it to someone else,but after I decided to go to the garden and rest while waiting for my lunch to arrive,I felt so tired. I loved this garden because it bought a sense of peace to me, my late mother planted this garden when she married my Father,so she cherished it a lot and loved it and we would all come here to have a picnic almost everyday when I was younger it felt really wonderful, my mother was a lovely woman, she was kind to a fault and always treated the slaves like they were humans, I cherished and loved her most ,how unfortunate and hard life is. My father was not present all the time and I felt upset about it,he did not pay Much attention to us and I was always upset about it,I wonders if maybe he had a family elsewhere but now that am in his shoes i finally understand how busy he was that was why he couldn't stay with us as we wanted,or went t
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Chapter 26: watching him sleep.
Ezra's POVI have been helping Nora in cooking for the master,I rather not but he insisted. I go and get the stuff for cooking myself and when I come to cook everyone leaves. Nora practically told me to serve the master alone.I don't know what's wrong with that woman sometimes,she is acting as if she is planning something. I don't want to be around him but fate keeps pushing me towards him. Fate take it easy on me . This man is dangerous, being around him isn't good for me at all. When lady Hannah came she told me she would tell the master that I should be his personal chef, I begged her not to but she laughed it off,does she wish for my death . My only duty now was to serve the master which I sincerely dislike,but I have no choice since he is the master. We have to follow his orders or get punished because you refused. Sometimes I feel like putting more pepper into his food so that I would be called a bad cook,and he will find someone else but that would get me punished and I cer
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Chapter 27 : greatest betrayal.
Chris POV I thought I had seen it all until Tony decided to visit me at my mansion. It was very surprising and shocking. He knows very well that I hate him so why bother coming. He had sent me invitations several times and I refused all that time,his carriage stopped outside my gate waiting for my word,there was murmuring in the mansion when after hours he didn't leave. Master George Stephen's father and Stephen came and he was let in . Tony started making a commotion, George asked what he came for I was unsure how to reply because I didn't know. George said he heard word of what was happening and came here , word was spreading fast he advised I should let him in. I told them to let him in,Tony sent them back to tell me he would come another time he had something urgent to do and he left."Weird man," Stephen said . We were sitting in the yard. George was in deep thought."Is something wrong?" I was concerned. He shook his head."Old age is taking a toil on me. I sp
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Chapter 28 :how fragile friendship is.
Chris POV. It's been a week since I found out that George, a man I took as a father, had a hand in the death of my family. My father was his best friend but all in the quest for power he did something so cruel. I barely ate and I had no appetite. Stephen came to the mansion every day but he was asked to leave. He would remain at the gates till he got tired and left. What did he want? What is there to talk about? We are enemies now. I so want to kill George but I might be cruel but I didn't have it in me to kill the man I took as a father and yet he tried to poison me."Master " someone called. I was pulled out of my thoughts and it was Ezra. I didn't even notice when she came in."What is it?" I asked. "You were staring into space, " Ezra said."Was I now? " I sighed."Enjoy your meal " Ezra said and left. I didn't have much of an appetite but I forced the food down and drank water. A knock ."Come in," I said. Fred came in and greeted me." Master Stephen is at the
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Chapter 29: the perfect lady doesn't exist
Chris's POV The next day after going about my morning routine,I wanted to go hunting but I remembered Hannah would be coming over with the lady so I stayed. In the afternoon a case was brought to me ,a slave tried to escape ,I told them to whip him 20 times for being stupid and throw him into the dungeon. I know I am ruthless , that's not my business. Hannah arrived in the afternoon with the said Lady. I was sitting in the garden as they approached. I glanced over to them and Hannah smiled. The lady is gorgeous, but beauty isn't what I am looking for. She walked with elegance as well as arrogance, I liked such ladies that carried themselves with pride but I won't say that out loud. They got me where I was."Greetings master, my name is Anastasia," the Lady said. I nodded and Hannah gave me a disapproving look ,she was expecting me to reply."Hi C" Hannah said. I rolled my eyes. Must she be so childish? "Sit " I said. She thanked me and they both sat. I too
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Chapter 30:in love with the master
._____________We don't choose who we fall in love with,nature does it for us_________Ezra's POVWhen lady Hannah brought ladies to the house,I was upset and acted unlike myself. It seemed like the master was searching for a wife,that's what the maids said and that made me really sad . Among all the ladies that came, the only one I liked was Twinkle. She was so free with everyone but she didn't know how to cook,so I guess that was her only problem since the master needs a wife who can cook . She even talked to the maids.I liked her but I didn't like her presence in the mansion. It reminded me that the master wanted a wife. I don't like it when they come over. I feel jealous and angry, dare I say. Why should I be feeling jealous when there's nothing going on between me and the master? My reactions baffled me and left me confused. The master ignores me now ,he seems to enjoy their presence very much,as he paid no attention to what was going on around him. Everyone was surprised
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