All Chapters of My Master: Chapter 41 - Chapter 50
54 Chapters
Chapter 41 who's king Grey
Chris POV She got to king Grey table,he wasn't looking at her but am sure he noticed her presence,she stood still and just stared at him. "Pa...Papa " she called. King Grey's head immediately turned to her ,his expression unreadable. "Papa" she called. "What is the meaning of this master Chris?" King Grey asked, irritated."My apologies....Ezra what's wrong?" I said and walked to her."Call Nora," I told Fred." Wait papa, it's Ezra," he stood up immediately and looked at her."Who's this master Chris?" he asked."It's my lover Ezra," I replied."Does she see things then?" King Grey asked." I don't I look like my Papa ...but I guess I'm mistaken because he will always recognize me my sincere apologies" Ezra said. King Grey smiled."Well I wanted to meet you to know why master Chris refused to marry my daughter. She's a handful and in her mid twenties and still single, how old are you?" Grey asked."I'm going to be twenty soon," Ezra replied."That's nice ,w
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Chapter 42 meeting the royal family.
King Grey's POV(Ezra's father) We arrived home after a two day journey, my queen Sandra came and embraced me,accompanied by my children. I have two sons ,Philip is 35, he is married and has a son ,his is my first son and his only concentration is on being king . Joseph is 30 he's just interested in his books and studies ,if he loves anything else I don't know,he's also married and has two lovely daughters. My lovely daughter beauty is 27,she's what you would call a sassy Lady, she has succeeded in chasing away all her suitors and even the man I brought to court her,the only one she agreed to marry.She divorced him ,her husband found out she had an abortion and confronted her and she divorced him for shouting at her,ever since then I ignored her,she's my baby so I won't want to do anything to upset,if she wants to ruin her life I will let her since her mother supports her."I don't want to ruin my body by carrying a child," the beauty said. She is nodded a beauty to behold but he
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Chapter 43: The Queen killed my family.
King Grey's POV Joseph is the easy going one in the family and I find him hard to read well. It's for the best. Am proud I have such a selfless daughter,but her reply and selfishness just made beauty more angry.I know that my wife is plotting something but for her sake let it not hurt Ezra. I was so devastated and heartbroken when I returned and saw her mum and siblings had died. I haven't felt such pain of losing something so dear to me it broke me.Ezra's POV When I first arrived I was nervous, king Grey's wife kept glaring at me,his sons were looking at it indifferently ,Beauty was ....I just don't know her problem. When dad suggested I will be crowned a princess,the only thing that came into my mind was that there was no way that happening I don't have a death wish. I miss master Chris a lot. I can't bear to be away from him. I am sure he misses me as well. He was reluctant to let me come here when dad made the request but he agreed after much persuading. A knock on my do
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Chapter 44:ruined coronation.
Ezra's POV I hugged the letter close to my chest,he supported whatever I chose. I kept the letter in a safe place and went to meet dad. I saw Philip (the crown Prince) coming out of dads study,I greeted him and he stopped. "You seem to like annoying my mother," he said."I don't, she just doesn't like it," I said."Who would like a mistress' child?" he said. I smiled at him and walked past him and the guard announced my presence."Just be careful, " he said and left. He knows his mothers ways well,so I went to meet dad and told him about my decision."I want to be crowned," I said. "Then the arrangements shall be made," he said.I left after speaking to him for a while. When dad made the announcement of my coronation there were many disapproval. What quieted it down was that many knew that dad had a second wife,that got me thinking did mum know about dad identity as well. After much argument the counsel finally agreed ,I was the daughter of the king and I needed to be recogni
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Chapter 45: rejected proposal
Chris POV"Thank you for coming," she said."It's no problem ....but we are going home together, as a matter of fact we should leave now to get home early ,that is if you want to" I said."Not yet I need to see the queen punished," she said."You know I can't stay here and is all this worth it ?" I asked. She removed her head from my chest and stared into my eyes." She killed my family and she wants to kill me ,I can't forgive her, " she said. "Ezra, I am not asking you to forgive her, I am asking you to come home with me," I said. I can't stay in king Grey's kingdom and she isn't safe here."Am sorry I can't leave now,all these years that I suffered I want to be compensated" she said. She has made up her mind. I have never seen Ezra this way,nor have I heard her talking this way."This is not you,you always forgive" I said. "I forgive those that ask for forgiveness," she said. I dipped my hands into my pocket and bought out the ring. "Ezra, let's get married," I said as I ope
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Chapter 46: what is love
King Grey's POV: The next day I woke up ,I exhaled today, I just wanted to skip it. I took a bath and wore my robe and after breakfast I went to meet the counsel. We all sat and the prince was there ,the princess and Ezra were there as well ,I saw how beauty glared at Ezra and she was unaffected by it. The Queen was brought in shortly, and she greeted us. I stared at this woman and I just didn't know what I felt for her anymore, love doesn't just die overnight . The questioning began." Did you send the assassin to cause commotion yesterday? " I asked." I did," she replied. She wasn't even trying to defend herself." What will you say in your defense? " I asked."Should I sit still and watch a mistress child get crowned,I will be ridiculed my Lord and called a woman who can't keep her husband, " she replied."Will you accept any punishment?" I asked."Why should I get punished my lord ,when you bought this on yourself? " she said." I did?" I chuckled. "What punishment would
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Chapter 47: beauty's past and a new bond.
Beauty POV"Hello Caleb" I greeted."Good afternoon my princess, " he greeted me. That didn't sound right in his mouth. I loved it when he called my name. The lady with him greeted me as well." I see you have company,Who is this?" I asked . I shouldn't be asking but I wanted to know."She's my cousin ,she came to visit," Caleb replied. His cousin there is nothing to worry about."Oh nice to meet you" I said."Likewise......I heard about your beauty but I didn't believe it,your name is well deserved " his cousin said. I smiled happily and thanked her ,Caleb was drinking his wine not paying attention to me."We should have lunch sometime Caleb" I said. Everything starts somewhere right?"I'm sorry but I have to decline. I can't trouble my princess and I have a son at home to take care of," he said."Caleb," his cousin called. I expected such an answer"It's fine I will take my leave" I said and left. I still loved him. I just wanted him to come get me himself. Is that too muc
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Chapter 48;my family.
Beauty's POV Why was I talking to her when she's trying to ruin my family?"What's your game?" I asked."I have no quarrel with you,you are my sister after all can't we talk" she said ."He is my ex husband," I said."Ex ...I wasn't aware you were married before" she says."You didn't ask," I replied."You still love him," she said."Veronica, you can leave, we will see later," I said. Veronica left after bidding farewell."Yes I still do ,do you want to chase after him to get me upset,and see how crazy I am" I said."I won't do such a thing,I just want to help who knows, maybe it can make us get along," she smiled."How can you help me?" I asked.."First, why did you get divorced?" She asked. If I didn't tell her she could ask father and he would certainly tell her, there was no need to hide it."I aborted his child" I said."Why did you do such an evil act on your husband?" She asked. Funny enough he asked Me the same question."It's my body,so...don't judge me" I replied."If
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Chapter 49:How can we get along?
Beauty's POV"We will get along when our parents do," I said." Beauty invites Caleb over when you two are ready, " he said."You didn't answer my previous question" I said."It wasn't a question, it was a sentence....we can't get along when your mum still sees nothing wrong in what she did," he replied."But you are at fault as well" I said."I know but I admit it ,just go am tired don't worry we won't be breaking up" he said."But you are already broken up," I said and left . I went to meet Ezra in her room,she was reading a book in her bed when I arrived. She smiled happily at me when I told her I got back together with Caleb, she was happy for me,I thanked her for her words."My mum, please forgive her ,because my dad means the whole word to her and you are trying to tear them apart" I said."I am not trying to tear them apart ,their relationship was already torn, its holes are being seen now,she doesn't want to admit she was wrong, how can I forgive her?" Ezra said. "Well I j
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Chapter 50:meeting the slaves.
Ezra's POV He must be a higher class if he was there did the Queen send him. "I haven't introduced myself, my name is Kelvin," he said. "Nice to meet you, I must be on my way, " I said. "Can I accompany you, my Lady?" he asked. "The guards are doing that so I apologize," I said. "Of course my lady it was a pleasure meeting you" he bowed and left. Their whole bowing stuff was still weird to me. "Who was that?" I asked the guards as I began my walk. "He's a scholar in the palace,a war strategists" the guard replied. "Oh thank you" I said. Why was he even talking to me? I felt as if he was waiting for me to come ,did he know I was here?It's probably just a coincidence. I continued walking around the palace,I didn't have anything to do so I was bored. I miss the mansions and Gloria and the slaves.... Wait, does dad have any slaves? I stopped in my tracks. "Where are the slaves ?" I asked the guards and they didn't reply. I turned to look at
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