All Chapters of My Mirror Image: Chapter 121 - Chapter 130
580 Chapters
Chapter 0121
Candice said to Alex, “We’re here.”However, Alex didn’t move. Because of all the wine he drank, his voice sounded raspy. “Are you in so much rush to see Jackson?”His tone was quite faint, as if there was not much emotion inside.Candice paused. “Sieg told you?”No one would monitor her like that o
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Chapter 0122
“I...” Sonia bit her lips and then looked at her pitifully. “Candice, didn’t you promise you’ll tell me the chairman’s likes and dislikes?”Candice didn’t expect it to be because of this. After a moment of silence, she said, “It’s not that convenient right now.”It was still during work hours, and C
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Chapter 0123
However, Candice had underestimated Sonia.She appeared in her office during the next break with a notebook in her hand.Her eyes were still red. It was obvious that she had cried.She stood in front of Candice. Her voice sounded stuffy. “I’m sorry, Candice. I shouldn’t have said something like that
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Chapter 0124
-Joe had stayed in the hospital for a few days and his condition had improved a lot. At least, he could speak clearer than before.However, they still couldn’t mention Yvonne. Otherwise, he would get emotional easily.Candice had wanted to ask him a few times just what exactly Yvonne had said, but
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Chapter 0125
Sonia’s face instantly turned pale as she looked at Helen, stunned.From the afternoon when she met Helen, she seemed to have mostly ignored her. At first, she thought it was just because Helen was a little cold. She didn’t expect Helen to act against her at such a time.But Candice was still here a
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Chapter 0126
He had just received the gift when Sieg’s voice rang. “Candice, you’re so considerate. As expected of Aether’s ex-best secretary.”He emphasized the word “ex”, as if to remind Candice of something.Candice gave him a lazy glance and said, “Looking at how worried you are about Aether, there are proba
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Chapter 0127
Sonia was a vivacious person. With Sieg by her side, she was able to blend in with ease.Meanwhile, Candice lingered on the outskirts for a short while, feeling idle. Eventually, she made her way to the grill stations, took several skewers nonchalantly, and set them on a grill.Not being a regular a
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Chapter 0128
"Help! Come quickly! Sonia was hit!"There was a ruckus outside, and those inside started to head out in groups.Candice sensed a sudden chill in Alex's demeanor before he swiftly made his way outside.She chose to stay put, observing as the crowd dispersed. With so many already attending to the sit
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Chapter 0129
Sieg's stare at Candice was loaded with scorn. He rested his hand on Rolf's shoulder, voicing his displeasure. "Lex is in there. Aren't you able to behave yourself?"In the past, Candice would have defended herself against Sieg's misunderstandings. Now she felt too drained to exert effort in counter
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Chapter 0130
Sonia gently smiled, resting her head on Alex's shoulder. In a soft voice, she said, "If it really is the case, Candice and Mr. Shyan are quite the heavenly pair."Alex subtly lowered his gaze in response, making a low hum. Sonia's smile widened a bit more.-In the corner, Candice sat idly. To pass
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