All Chapters of My Mirror Image: Chapter 131 - Chapter 140
580 Chapters
Chapter 0131
Candice remained silent in the face of Sieg's mockery.The interior of the car was dark. She found solace in looking out the window.Meanwhile, Sieg also fell silent as he reclined in his seat, engrossed in his phone, typing away, and occasionally chuckling to himself.Out of the blue, he casually r
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Chapter 0132
Candice was caught up with the property staff when Alex's voice interrupted."The water pipe upstairs burst," the staff explained, "and we need to check her apartment."Alex looked at Candice, who appeared frustrated, as she assured them. "I've already inspected. Everything's fine here.""We're worr
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Chapter 0133
Joe was visibly surprised and asked, "Why suddenly consider resigning?"He had witnessed Candice's efforts to remain at Aether Corporation. After a brief contemplation, he gravely questioned, "Is this about Lex?"Joe had learned of Candice's complications with Alex during his last hospitalization.
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Chapter 0134
Candice refrained from further explanation and returned to her office.She relayed the news of the upcoming Friday deadline for document submissions, causing a wave of dismay among her colleagues.Kayla was disheartened and asked, "Is there a problem between Mr. Elysian and our office? We used to ge
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Chapter 0135
Candice was not surprised to learn of Sonia's promotion to full-time employment, given that her internship was coming to an end. Looking at Alex, she asked, "Hasn't Julie retrieved her file yet?""The file remains in the Secretary's Office. It's not been moved," Alex replied, detached.Candice frown
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Chapter 0136
Julie was only brought out of her thoughts after Sonia called her name a few times.She looked at Sonia again, feeling a sense of boredom. Settling for a salad, Julie spent her time engrossed in her phone.-In the fondue restaurant, Candice showed a rare enthusiasm for the dinner. She wore her hai
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Chapter 0137
Helen's remarks were biting and unkind.Candice's gaze darkened in response, but she chose not to engage in a dispute with Helen, instead pressing her lips together.In contrast, Helen's scorn grew in response to Candice’s silence."I've already made it clear that I won't approve of my son marrying
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Chapter 0138
Alex glanced down at Sonia, his dark eyes devoid of emotion. His Adam's apple bobbed slightly as he swallowed, and he finally spoke in a non-committal tone. "There's no rush."Sonia struggled to maintain her composure, expecting more from him. But he seemed indifferent to her emotional display.She
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Chapter 0139
Candice maintained eye contact with Alex, waiting for his verdict.Alex's gaze momentarily darkened before he looked at Candice with a frosty gaze, saying, "Proceed as you deem fit."His voice was nonchalant and devoid of emotion.Yet Candice grasped his underlying message. If she chose to exclude S
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Chapter 0140
Despite the softness of Sonia’s words, the interns could clearly hear them. They left a shadow of displeasure on their faces.Candice maintained her composure and said dismissively, "If that's all, you can leave now."Sonia responded with a forced chuckle, "I was just offering a friendly reminder."
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