All Chapters of Contract with CEO: Having A Child Unexpected : Chapter 31 - Chapter 40
100 Chapters
Chapter 31 Misunderstanding Our Relationship
When Henry heard Regina's accusation, his expression turned serious. "Oh, so you didn't sleep that night and now you're accusing me of going out to cheat? If you were so curious, why didn't you follow me? Accusing without proof is unacceptable!"Regina smirked. "Do I still need proof? Your interaction with that woman and her behavior towards you are clear enough."Henry narrowed his eyes. "Regina, don't tell me you're jealous."Regina looked away. "No, why should I be jealous? I already know you enjoy flirting with women."Henry stepped closer and kissed her cheek. Regina was startled, reflexively pushing him away, but Henry held her hand. "We're in public, even if you're angry, we should still act like a couple, right?" Henry whispered, so only Regina could hear."Excuse me, I know you two are a couple, but could you not be affectionate here?" Rose's voice broke the tension.Henry pulled away, his expression irritated. He looked at Rosa. "So, are the tests done? Can we finalize the r
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Chapter 32 Coaxing into Betrayal
Regina stared at Mr. Tan, her eyes wide with shock. “Resign? Dad, isn’t it too sudden for me to step down without even meeting with the board of directors?”“I’ve already met with them, and besides, I hold the majority shares in this company. Regina, you must realize what you’ve done to the company. There’s been no progress, and you’ve caused us significant losses. Do you really think you still deserve to lead?”Regina swallowed hard, trying to maintain her composure. “Dad, I can’t just leave. Please give me another chance. I’ll recover the losses by securing even bigger projects.”Mr. Tan scoffed, his disdain evident. “How do you plan to do that? You’ve failed so many times that it’s been embarrassing for me. It’s better if I manage my own company. Your academic brilliance has done nothing but bring this family down.”Regina clenched her fists. It was always like this; no matter how obedient she was, any problem was always deemed her fault.“Give
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Chapter 33 Mover and Shaker
"Henry, I don't have time for games, and stop threatening me to fulfill your desires. You can't possibly know what I need anyway.""Are you challenging me? Do you want me to prove it by barging in right now and causing chaos?" Henry retorted.Regina bit her lip, feeling pressured. "Don't come in. Okay, I'll come out. Just don't make trouble again."Regina could hear the annoying laughter from the man. "Relax, I won't do anything as long as you comply. I'll give you a minute, if you don't show up, then I will." Henry abruptly ended the phone call."Damn man!" Regina couldn't help but curse the man who infuriated her.Regina quickly exited the office, ignoring the employees who looked at her with curious eyes. The only thing on her mind was preventing Henry from causing further trouble for her.Regina found Henry's conspicuously luxurious and limited edition car, its license plate was enough to demonstrate its owner's influence. She yanked ope
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Chapter 34 Sly Vixen
"Regina, I know it's hard to believe, but I truly had no part in leaking that project. That's why I'm helping you now to make up for what my family did to you," Henry took a deep breath before continuing. "If you're feeling vulnerable, my parents might try to pressure me into making you leave. If you agree, I'll be the one at a loss, and that's why I'm doing this."Regina stayed quiet, thinking about Henry's words. After a moment, she responded. "Alright. If you're doing this out of guilt and you have the information I need, then you have to either pull out your spy or tell me who they are. I'll take it from there.""That's not possible. Mr. Tan probably has spies in every rival company, right? Why should I pull out mine? They could be useful to you," Henry firmly stated."They're not useful to me. Ultimately, they'll only report to you. Only you can control them. How can I trust you won't misuse them to harm our family?" Regina insisted."Regina, don't y
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Chapter 35 My Husband is Acting Strange.
“Ah!” Rosa whimpered in pain as Henry pushed her away. Henry immediately turned to Kevin. “What’s wrong? Why are you crying? Did someone hurt you?” “I want to go home! Go ahead and do whatever you want with the Principal. I’m going to tell Mom about this,” Kevin said, glaring at Henry before turning to leave. “Wait!” “Mr. Jian, are you just going to leave me here? My leg hurts even more now,” Rosa complained, her voice tinged with a childish whine. “I’m sorry, Ms. Rosa. You can call my assistant to pick you up,” Henry responded, trying to remain polite. But Rosa persisted, “I want you to take me. Don’t you feel responsible after—” “Principal, are you trying to test my patience? Don’t say things that can be misunderstood. I don’t want any trouble.” Henry brushed her hand away and walked off. “Damn it! It’s all because of that kid! I almost had Henry Jian.” *** Henry caught up with Kevin just as he was about to step out the door. “Wait, you can’t go home alone. What
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Chapter 36 Stop Acting Out of Your Character.
Regina exited the store with the man she had just met. “Thank you for helping me,” she said. “No problem. I hope your son likes it. Here, you can contact me if you need anything.” The man handed her his business card. Regina accepted it politely. They exchanged farewells, and Regina returned to the car where Henry was waiting. His gaze was sharp. “Who was he? You seemed quite familiar.” “An old friend I ran into,” Regina replied curtly. Henry was about to say something, but Regina cut him off. “He’s married! Your look suggests you think I’m having an affair, so let me be clear—that’s not happening.” Henry nodded. “Oh. Good. I trust my wife.” His words were gentle, but his eyes were not. “If you’re angry and want to criticize me like you usually do, just say it. There’s no point in holding back,” Regina scoffed. “No, I won’t get angry at my wife over something as small as this.” Henry smiled softly, but the smile concealed much. “Whatever!” Regina grabbed a drink from h
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Chapter 37 Surprise
The secretary retrieved her phone. "Have you seen enough? Now I understand why you're so adamant about holding on. Before, I envied you, but unlucky women will always be unlucky.""Have you said enough? Go back to your work and stop meddling in other people's affairs," Regina sighed, trying to contain her emotions.The secretary smirked sardonically, "Regina, you're still acting arrogant. You'll lose everything, whether it's your career, family, or husband."Regina slammed the table in frustration. "I can't take it anymore. Do you think you're so great? If my father were to dismiss you, you'd be worse off than me! You'd better focus on buttering up my father to keep yourself in his favor.""You!" The secretary moved as if to strike Regina, but her hand was pulled back. She just walked away, leaving Regina behind.Regina sighed. "Henry, what do you really want?" muttered Regina.She picked up her phone, dialing Henry Jian's number. "I want to meet you. Book a private place. I need to
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Chapter 38 Showing Affection
Regina pushed Henry away. "What are you doing? Why you using  a trick like this in public?" She shot him a furious glance."This is part I was telling you about ."Regina's mind was still reeling after the staged kiss from Henry. She could still sense a lingering warmth on her lips."Mommy!" Kevin approached them, accompanied by a man who turned out to be Evan.Evan greeted Regina warmly and received a polite response. His gaze turned sharp upon seeing Henry. "I understand this isn't polite, but can you both restrain yourselves? It's not appropriate for children to witness such displays of affection. I can shield Kevin's eyes, but there are many other kids here."Regina felt uneasy. Henry, however, responded with nonchalance. "Apologies for my lack of restraint, but surely you understand the sentiment, as a fellow man wanting to express love upon seeing such a beautiful wife."Evan nodded.
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Chapter 39 Breaking a Promise.
"Dad?" Regina was startled to see Mr. Tan in her office. She stepped forward and took the documents from his hand. "Isn't it impolite to enter someone else's office and read important documents?""Are you dare challenge me now?" Mr. Tan stared at her with an intimidating glare. "Because Henry is behind you, so you feel better than me?""No. I just--""Forget about that project. They won't give you a chance just because Henry supports you. But, I'm impressed with what you've done, even stealing company data to make this useless proposal." Mr. Tan criticized her."It's not useless. I'm sure I'll land this big project!" Regina asserted confidently."Regina, I'm impressed. I'll give you a chance. You know about the ongoing project, I want you to take charge. I've already prepared a team to go with you tomorrow, and about accommodation, I've taken care of it as well.""Why is dad suddenly giving me this job?" Regina
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Chapter 40 Negotiating with A Lecherous Man
"Dad, why didn’t you tell me this project had so many problems? How are we supposed to proceed like this?" Regina called Mr. Tan, seeking an explanation."That’s a challenge you need to face. I wanted you to handle everything. Haven’t I already provided you with a team of experts?" Mr. Tan responded nonchalantly."But some of them are delayed. Did you intentionally give me a problematic project?" Regina questioned."Regina, every project has its issues. Handle it your way. You want me to keep you as CEO, right? If you can't manage a problem this small, how do you expect to be worthy?" Mr. Tan ended the call abruptly, leaving her feeling belittled.Regina put down her phone, contemplating her next steps. "Are you done complaining to Mr. Tan?" her secretary approached. "You look stressed. Are you thinking about quitting?""No. We’re starting a discussion. Gather the rest of the team," Regina asserted firmly. "We don’t have Grace Company's office room here so book a meeting room, even i
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