All Chapters of Contract with CEO: Having A Child Unexpected : Chapter 71 - Chapter 80
100 Chapters
Chapter 71 Temporary Interest
Regina awoke and quietly reached for the medication she had hidden in the drawer, quickly swallowing it.Henry wrapped his arms around her waist, startling her. Luckily, she had already taken the pill. She turned to Henry. "You're awake?""Don't you want to have kids?" Henry asked, his voice deep and serious.Regina paused, considering his question. "We already have Kevin, and if I get pregnant, you might lose interest in me. I don't want that," she replied as naturally as possible, concealing her true reason.Henry tightened his embrace. "You talk as if I'm only interested in your body." He released her and added, "Stop taking those pills; they're bad for your health. I'll use protection."Henry got out of bed, his expression cold."Henry, are you upset?" Regina asked hesitantly."No, I'm not angry over something so trivial. Besides, you're right; if you got pregnant and became unattractive, I might leave you," he said before heading to the bathroom.Regina clutched her chest, feeli
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Chapter 72 Anger Without Cause
"What's up with Kevin? It's not like him to be so cold to you," asked Henry, watching Kevin walk away without acknowledging Regina's greeting."It's because he's just like you. Jealous over ridiculous things," Regina replied. "I just can't understand you guys.""Regina, if I or Kevin complimented someone else, wouldn't you feel annoyed? Didn't you dislike it when Amelie got too close to me and Kevin?" Henry said, trying to explain.Regina paused, contemplating. "So, that's how Kevin feels?" She had grown accustomed to suppressing her emotions. Finally, she began to understand the feelings she couldn't grasp before."Don't worry about it too much. He'll return to his usual self once his anger subsides," Henry reassured her."But I'm not sure. Henry, is your assistant feeling better? I want to visit the hospital," Regina said.Henry put down his utensils. "Regina, wasn't the punishment I gave yesterday enough?" His gaze turned sharp."A
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Chapter 73 Leave if You Want
"Have you successfully acquired their factory?" Mr. Tan stared coldly."No, I didn't manage to," Regina replied with a regretful expression. "But, I came to discuss--"Mr. Tan grew furious, "How dare you come here in failure! Do you still expect me to acknowledge you as the company leader?""Dad, but I successfully completed the project in City A. Haven't I met the requirements? Today is exactly the last day we agreed upon." Regina tried to remain calm, attempting to soothe her pounding heart."No. You're still not worthy because you've only succeeded in one project. What would become of this company if you were to take over?" Mr. Tan opposed.Regina felt profound disappointment, "Papa, you're breaking your promise! I've given my best for the project I promised to succeed, but you don't acknowledge it just because of one failed project."Mr. Tan smirked cynically, "Regina, failure in business remains failure. Now go back there until you succ
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Chapter 74 I'm Sick of Seeing You
Regina felt a warm embrace from behind, yet her heart remained filled with uncertainty. "Henry, let go of me!" Henry gently kissed her ear. "I'm sorry, Regina. I'm just worried. That man must be dangerous because I've had trouble catching or doing anything to him. I'm just afraid something might happen to you without my knowing." Regina turned her face away, uncomfortable. She still tried to pry Henry's hands from her waist. "I'll forgive you this time, but you must withdraw everyone who's been watching me. You know, I'm tired of being surveilled." Henry reluctantly released her and turned her to face him. "But what if something happens to you?" "Nothing will happen to me. You're just being paranoid, Henry. There's something more important I need to talk to you about," Regina said, her tone turning serious. "What is it? Do you need my help?" Henry asked. "I want to keep my promise to you. I know you must already know that I've resigned, right? Can I join your company soon?
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Chapter 75 Dangerous Threat
Regina felt her heart pounding rapidly. She found herself in a disadvantageous position. Stuck in a dead-end, Regina quickly thought of a way out that would keep her alive. "Mrs. Jian, killing me won't solve anything. Henry will hate you." Mrs. Jian's gaze sharpened even more, "He will only hate me for a while, you will be quickly forgotten. If I let you live, my relationship with my son will worsen." Regina grinned instead, "You should come with me too, Mrs. Jian." Suddenly, she grabbed the startled Mrs. Jian, causing both women to nearly fall off the balcony. "You crazy woman!" Mrs. Jian cursed. Both bodies were now at the edge of the balcony. This time, Regina could match Mrs. Jian's strength. "Mrs. Jian, if you push me once, our lives will end together." Regina could see the woman's pale face. "No, you will die first!" Mrs. Jian tried to release her grip. The sudden movement caused their bodies to lose balance. "Regina!" Henry ran and immediately held Regina's bod
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Chapter 76 Taking Risks for the Sake of Wife
Henry raised his voice. "What's the meaning of all this? How dare you accuse my wife?"The police calmly responded, "CEO Jian, this is a case that concerns your mother, will you protect your wife? Mrs. Regina, please come with us!"Henry stood in front of Regina, blocking the police as they approached her. "Wait a minute! What evidence do you have?"The police stared at Henry seriously. "We have enough evidence to arrest Mrs. Regina for attempted murder against Mrs. Jian. We will take her for further questioning.""What evidence? All the evidence my mother showed you is just manipulated. I can testify because I witnessed the argument between my mother and my wife."Regina grabbed Henry's hand. "Henry, I will go with them. Besides, I haven't done anything wrong.""But, Regina, they might force you to--""Henry, trust me."Regina let the police take her away, leaving Henry helpless. "Meeting adjourned! You can leave, and I hope you keep your mouths shut. If anyone dares to spread it, I
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Chapter 77 Worrying About His Wife
The next day, articles and viral posts began to surface, accusing those who cornered Henry. The company's stock plummeted. Regina approached Henry. "Forgive me, for you're caught in the crossfire. You shouldn't have to bear this burden." Regina sincerely expressed her regret. Henry looked at Regina. "This isn't my fault, I've considered all of this." He tightly grasped Regina's hand. "What's important to me is that you don't suffer. I can handle this." "What will you do? Hold a press conference? But what if people don't believe you?" Henry sighed. "Regina, I believe the truth will come out. Even if they don't believe my words, I have to defend myself." "Then I'll stand by your side." Henry objected. "Let me face this alone." "No. I'm involved in this too. If you don't allow me, I'll still break through and be there." "Fine, you can stand by my side," Henry said, unable to refuse his wife's insistence. The room filled with reporters, Henry stood at the podium with Re
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Chapter 78 Redeeming Mistakes
"My husband, I can't do that. Won't this hurt our family's dignity?" Mrs. Jian objected strongly. "No. It's actually better than hiding it and making the public think even worse," "I understand. This time, I'll do what you suggest," Mrs. Jian finally agreed with her husband's advice. "Remember, this time, don't deviate. If not, there might not be another chance." Mr. Jian warned his wife. Mrs. Jian reluctantly nodded. She walked away and contacted someone. *** Regina furrowed her brow at the unfamiliar number. She ignored it at first, but eventually answered. "Who is this?" Regina asked. "If you're just a prankster, I'll hang up." "It's me," the cold voice sounded familiar to Regina. Regina took a deep breath, trying to calm herself. "What is it, Mrs. Jian?" Regina didn't bother asking how this woman got her number; she knew about her mother-in-law's connections. "I want us to meet and resolve this issue together!" Regina refused, "I've already forgotten what happened, and i
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Chapter 79 Kissing in The Car
Henry swiftly approached to catch Regina's body. He glared angrily at the man, "What have you done to my wife? She's been nothing but kind to you!"The man eyed Henry cynically, "Kind, you say? Do you think we'd be touched by your pretentious kindness and lavish meals for your own gain? This woman is from the Tan family, isn't she? It's enough for you to oppress us!"Henry stepped forward, "You, how dare you!" Henry's expression of anger couldn't be concealed anymore. Regina restrained her husband's hand."Henry, there's no need for violence. It'll only make him hate us more," Regina tried to calm her husband's anger. Then, she looked at the man who had pushed her earlier. "I don't know what the Tan family has done to you. I sincerely apologize." Regina showed her sincerity.Henry immediately pulled Regina away and forced her into the car. "But, I drove here.""Give me the keys. Let my assistant take it home," Regina reluctantly handed over her car keys and got into the car. They didn
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Chapter 80 Beware of Your Husband
"My wife, I told you not to cause any trouble, didn't I?"Mrs. Jian casually set down her teacup, unaware of any issue. "Husband, what's the matter? I did something good to enhance my image, so why are you so upset?""Enhance your image, you say? Look at this video circulating online!" Mr. Jian handed her his phone.Mrs. Jian watched the video, her shock evident. "How did they get this footage without me knowing?"She had chosen a discreet place to meet, with her own paparazzi present. But someone had recorded her conversation with Regina at the restaurant.Comments about Mrs. Jian's behavior flooded social media, with shares and reposts outnumbering her original posts. "Husband, can you take all this down?""Removing the video won't change the situation now. I told you to have lunch and treat Regina kindly. That woman must have been suspicious of you from the start, planning this all along!" Mr. Jian expressed his disappointment."Hu
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