All Chapters of Contract with CEO: Having A Child Unexpected : Chapter 81 - Chapter 90
100 Chapters
Chapter 81 Caught in the Act
Regina glanced at Henry. "Yes, I went to your office, but I intercepted it before reaching your room because I thought you must be busy. Why are you staring at me so sharply? Is there something you're hiding that makes you look at me like that?"Henry softened his cold expression. "No, dear. I'll contact my Assistant and ask her to bring it." Henry messaged his Assistant.Henry stepped towards the comfortable sofa. "Sit down, I brought some lunch. You must not have had time to eat anything because you're late, right?" Henry patted the seat beside him.Regina approached, although she didn't want to see Henry after what happened, but if she refused, Henry would become more suspicious. As long as her almost-forgotten goal remained unfulfilled, she still needed to be by this man's side.Henry handed the lunch box to Regina. "Come on, eat!""Can you feed me?" Regina returned to her playful side."You're finally being playful with me again."
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Chapter 82 Does Mom Have Someone Like That?
Regina jolted in surprise as she saw Henry standing in the doorway. "Henry, why are you back?"Henry looked at her seriously. "What's wrong? Why do you look so nervous?" His footsteps drew closer. Regina stepped back until she bumped into a chair.She collapsed into the chair. Henry extended his hand, touching her chin. "My dear wife, what are you searching for when I'm not around? Just tell me, and I'll give you anything you want."Regina looked into Henry's eyes, which were sharp and contrasting with his smiling lips. "I just wanted to sleep in your study, but I saw your documents in disarray, so I decided to tidy up."Henry smiled bitterly. "Regina, aren't you tired of pretending? I've given you what you wanted, but you desire more, don't you? Tell me, what are you looking for? Are you searching for documents that could undermine my company? Regina, are you betraying me?"Regina stopped, feeling the intense pressure of Henry's gaze. "Henry, you're the one hiding something from me.
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Chapter 83 Just a Friend?
Regina took a deep breath, attempting to control the nervous feeling in her heart. Her eyes shifted towards the figure in front of her."Brother, I'll consider it after you show me what you've found."The man grinned. "Do you think you can deceive me?""Brother, I don't have the courage to help you destroy Jian Corporation or win the battle against Dad. I would truly be of no use to you, you know that, right?" Regina spoke with a hint of humility."Regina, you underestimate yourself. If you didn't have the ability, I wouldn't have invited you to be my partner. I have good news for you; Dad is going to acknowledge me officially. I might gradually take over the company. But it's useless if Henry Jian undermines everything I need.""What do you mean, brother?" Regina inquired.The man handed her a document. "I managed to gather all the information. I didn't actually want to give it to you until you agreed, but who knows, you might change your mind."Regina scrutinized each page of the do
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Chapter 84 Unable to Attract Mom's Attention
Regina swallowed hard, feeling overwhelmed by Henry's actions. Silence filled the room, Henry's breaths audible in the stillness."Regina, I'm just worried about you. You could encounter some bad people out there. Promise me that if you meet anyone, including clients, I'll go with you!" Henry said firmly."Aren't you busy? I can take care of myself, besides, what danger could there possibly be? You already caught the killers who were after us, right? There's nothing to worry about anymore," Regina tried to find excuses to avoid Henry's surveillance.Henry looked at Regina with a mixture of concern and firmness. "Regina, I can stop worrying about you."Regina understood the true meaning behind Henry's words. If she kept insisting, Henry would only grow more suspicious. "Fine, I'll do what my husband wants. I know you just want to keep me safe.""Excuse me, Mrs. Regina," her assistant stood at the door. "May I come in?""Yes, please come in."The assistant glanced briefly at Henry befor
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Chapter 85 Come to My Room
"Why are you here?" Kevin asked the man harshly. "Regina, is this how you’ve raised your child? He can’t even be polite to his own grandfather," Mr. Jian scolded his daughter. "Don't blame my mom!" Kevin protested. "Kevin, you shouldn’t speak to your grandfather like that." Kevin glared coldly at Mr. Tan. "But does a man like him deserve to be called Grandpa? He has hurt Mom repeatedly. I can't accept him!" Mr. Tan was taken aback by Kevin's attitude. "Regina, your son is too rude. This is what you get for having Jian blood. I’ll let this go. Kevin, I came to see you as your grandfather. Forget the past, and let’s make peace." Mr. Tan extended his hand, but Kevin brushed it away. "I don’t want to make peace with a bad person." "You!" Mr. Tan's eyes flared with anger. Regina grabbed Kevin’s hand, hiding it behind her back. "Dad, how did you know I was here? And just tell me what you need, don’t bother Kevin." Regina’s voice was firm, masking the tremor from standing up to the f
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Chapter 86 Henry's Tight Rein
Regina pushed against Henry’s chest as he leaned over her on the bed. “I need to get my phone.” Henry let her go, disappointment clear in his eyes. “I’ll get it for you.” He reached for her phone on the nightstand. “Why do you need your phone while we’re in bed?” Regina opened her gallery. “Look, I want you to watch this video I recorded. You’ll regret missing it.” She showed him the video. Henry’s annoyed expression softened gradually. “When did he learn to play the piano?” “I’m not sure. Kevin seems to have a natural talent for music. Henry, what if we enroll him in piano lessons?” Regina suggested. Henry watched the video of Kevin playing the piano, pride lighting up his face. “He’s really talented.” Regina turned to Henry, noticing an expression she had never seen before. Even when he won first place at school, his face never looked like this; it was always blank, or mocking when he looked at her. Henry glanced back at her, their eyes locking. “Why are you looking at me li
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Chapter 87 Possessive Men
"Mrs. Regina, don't go out. I'll contact CEO Jian to come and deal with those people," her assistant intervened. "Don't report this to Henry. I've already assured I can handle it. Don't worry, this won't take long," Regina persisted in approaching the car. Her assistant smirked, grabbing his phone with a cunning look on his face. Regina approached the car blocking the way, and the door opened immediately. "Get in. There's something I need to discuss with you!" "Dad, if you want to discuss that project, we can arrange another meeting. Who knows if Henry has sent someone to watch over me right now," she cautioned. Mr. Tan brushed it off, "You're just being foolish, aren't you? If someone was watching you, they would have come here already. Just get in and resolve this issue quickly." "Let's talk outside!" Regina insisted. Mr. Tan finally stepped out of the car, handing over some documents. "Replace that company with the ones listed here!" "Dad, what's your plan? Are you trying t
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Chapter 88 An Extraordinary Child
Regina was still trying to maintain her composure. "No, dear. I don't know why he's contacting me. Just forget about it." Kevin remained unsatisfied. "No. I can't let this go. You should block and delete his number!" "No, Kevin, I can't. How can I block a family member's number?" "Mom, are you afraid of that old man? Does he even deserve to be called family? He's only trying to ruin you! I don't want him to take advantage of you. Do you even know the current state of the Tan family...?" Kevin suddenly stopped himself. Regina frowned. How could a seven-year-old know this? "Kevin, do you know something? Tell me more. Where did you hear this? Did Henry tell you?" Kevin averted his gaze, unable to look Regina in the eye. "No, Mom. The news is out. Everyone knows. More importantly, block that number now! If you don't, I won't let you sleep here tonight!" "You’re just like Henry. Kevin, you're not being ho
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Chapter 89 Why Not Go with Mom?
Regina felt uneasy after meeting Mr. Tan, but she couldn't talk to him because Henry was always around. "What are you staring at so intensely?" Henry asked, noticing Regina's prolonged gaze at a document. "Nothing," Regina quickly signed the document. The loud ring of the phone broke the silence, and she promptly answered. "Mrs. Jian, we approve of the collaboration with your company. Can we discuss the contract soon?" "Sure, how about having a meeting today?" "Yes, we have no issues with that," the company agreed. "Could you also show us some samples? We're looking for high-quality game development." "No problem at all. We won't disappoint you." After discussing a few details, Regina ended the call. She looked at Henry, who remained silent. "Henry, they've agreed to collaborate with us. Luckily, you haven't committed that fraudulent act yet." Regina noticed
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Chapter 90 Disguise
"Kevin, I'm going on a business trip, not a vacation, and Regina has her own work to do. I can't take her with me," Henry explained calmly. "Dad, aren't you worried something bad might happen? I can only rely on you to protect Mom. Why can't she come along and let someone else handle her job? She's not just any employee, right?" Kevin persisted. Regina found her son's insistence strange, as if he wanted her constantly under Henry's watch. What was he really after? Regina didn't want to be under Henry's supervision without freedom. "Kevin, what could possibly happen to me? I can take care of myself. You don't need to worry about that." "But, Mom—" Regina smiled gently at Kevin. "Kevin, I don't know what you're worried about, but we can't just leave our work behind. Your dad has important responsibilities, and so do I. If we both leave, people will criticize me. You don't want that, do you?" Henry placed a gentle ha
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