All Chapters of The billionaire’s surprise baby: Chapter 51 - Chapter 60
102 Chapters
Fifty one
•ROWAN•I have to get twisted and filthy drunk for hours just to forget Emma. She filled my mind like a dangerous drug I was trying so hard to get rid of.Thats what I get for trusting and giving yourself and your whole world to the one person who could not even be truthful with you.It felt like a large blow to see her and her boyfriend together. As I watched them kiss, they both knew they were playing me. I knew no matter how hard I tried to douse the feeling down with alcohol, it still hurt.I spent hours in the club before I called a chauffeur to come pick me up and take me home. Walking into the apartment felt wrong, but I tried to concentrate more on my intoxicated mind and shut everything out, including ignoring Emma’s door as I walked right past it and entered my room.Quickly taking off my tie and throwing my suit that had been long taken off my body at the bar, I removed my shoe and fell flat to the bed, hoping the alcohol would take away my misery. It didn’t.Instead, I was
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Fifty two
EMMAThe moment I told Amy about my plan I could see the shock and panic on her face as she grabbed my tighter.“What? What do you mean you’re leaving?” Amy asked me with a panicked look on her face. Even in a million years, I won’t forget how scared she looked as she took my hands, which warmed from her touch.“I want to leave, Amy. I want to take my mother and start a new life anywhere else than here.”“What about your job and school?” She asked in a panic, like she was looking for anything she could use to hold me back.“You know I’m done with my project, and I have applied to graduate early. My job was always an internship. I can find something better with what I’ve saved,” I explained to her. Most of it was true, though I haven’t found a job opening yet. I know that with what I have saved, I could get decent housing there. I would look for a job to pay Mrs. Layla back, and I would take care of my baby myself. I thought as I rubbed my belly.“You don’t mean that. I mean, you have a
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Fifty three
ROWANI felt like my world was spinning out of bounds I could barely hear anything the moment after Amy told me the news about Emma. "Emma has left. She is gone.""Gone? What do you mean, gone?" I asked her in anger, but Amy was having none of it. She neither cared nor worried about my frantic questions about Emma."I don’t have to answer that, Mr. King," Amy retorted as she reached for her door to close it and shut me out."Wait!" I raged as she paused and looked at me, her eyes filled with annoyance and hate."What?""T-Tell me where she is. I know you know where she is.""No, I don’t know anything about her location, and even if I knew, Rowan, I would not tell you. Goodbye," she called coldly as she shut the door and left me in the dimly lit hallway of her apartment.I was raging mad at this point as I stormed out and down the steps and into my car. Where the hell was she? How could Emma just leave like that? After playing with my feelings, is this what she truly wanted? To ruin me?
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Fifty four
RowanI just couldn’t believe it. Emma was gone; her whereabouts were nowhere to be found. She had played me and used me, and now she was finally with Paxton, and they must have run away together. My anger knew no bounds from Emma’s endless betrayal. Every night I went to sleep, I dreamt of her. But why did she look so broken that day? Yet she decided to leave me without a second thought. Now my thoughts were filled with her, and it had become maddening.I steeled myself to forget her—forget everything we ever were. As I woke up in the morning and wore my work clothes, I got a call with the ID showing that it was my mom. She must have found out by now. "Fuck," I muttered as I watched the phone ring, and only on the third ring did I pick it up. "Hello?" I started as I buttoned up my suit."What is the meaning of what I’m hearing?! Where is Emma?" My mother raged over the phone. I knew it wouldn’t be long until she found out, even if she was out of the country. "What do you mean you can
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Fifty five
ROWAN...Being starkly pissed was an understatement forHow I felt the moment Raya left my office after saying all those things to me. I slammed my fist into the desk, pushing away my failed attempts as I stood up in annoyance and paced through my office.Not only were my mom and Raya not on my side, but doubts also kept swimming back in my head, like I had done something terribly wrong or there was something I didn’t do.Everything has become messed up because of Emma Smith coming into my life. Now I had to dance to the music of letting her go. No, she let go first, and now I am the one paying for everything. I wouldn’t let her get the best of me.I walked to the open plane of my windows that extended from the ceiling and had the whole outdoors open and sunny in my office space. Not long after, the door opened, and I saw Keith come in and close the doors behind him with a look of annoyance on his face."What is it?" I called coldly to him as I still faced the windows, combing my dis
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Fifty six
*EMMA*Call me a coward for running away, but what choice did I have? There was nothing left for me back in New York. Not only was I rejected and disgraced by Rowan, but my workplace sees me as a villain in Rowan's life. I have the most important person in my life right now growing in my belly, and one of them is in the city of Los Angeles that I’m currently heading to.Leaving Amy at the airport was bittersweet, but I knew that wouldn’t be the end of us. She is my best friend, and as soon as I got settled in, I would be sure to bring her along. But right now, I needed to focus on starting a new life.On the way to the hospital, I filled in my work experiences at different local shops and management firms.I knew I had saved enough from selling our appliances and the pay I had gotten from work to sustain us for a few months with rent. But that would not stop me from striving for a better future for me and my mom, especially since there would be another addition to my family soon.“We
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Fifty seven
After Emma had left the hospital with her mom, they took a cab to a hotel she had booked along the way before she had takentaking her mom away.They reached the small room withat held one large bed and some small items they could use; it wasn’t much, but it would do for now, and she had rented the room out for a week.Emma had hoped that she wouldo find work to do before then; she didn’t want anything to do with the king’s family, so she could only depend on herself now for a good life for her mom.ButHowever, after a few days of searching, she found that the places that calleding her for interviews were not as accepting as they claimed twhe momentn they saw her six-month pregnant belly.She would be turned away without a poorvalid excuse of them not needing a problem, even though Emma was qualified for the job, but sort of she couldn’'t blame them.“"Any news?”" Her mom called the moment andas she walked back to the hotel to see her mother waiting, but she. Emma smiled sadly, and he
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Fifty eight
•Emma•I settled into my new job surprisingly well. Since I knew how to tend and serve drinks from working in the restaurant, I got into a turn behind the counter and learned how to make coffee while my mom was in the back with Mrs. Ford while they both worked in the kitchen to perfect mom's recipes, which had become a bestseller in just the months that we’ve been here. Life was simple and not as complicated as it was in New York; it was quiet, and people were friendly. A lot admired me and called me pretty with a pregnant glow, even though some still asked for the father. When I didn’t answer, they got the hint but didn’t judge. My thoughts were interrupted by the jingle of the café bell, and it opened up to a familiar face; he was tall and had one of everyone’s dreams, as well as my employer’s son, Eric Ford.And he had been making his visits more frequent, even though he had work in other branches. Like I said before, Mrs. Ford was very humble not to tell me how they had a chain s
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Fifty nine
*ROWAN*I don’t know why I was in this messed-up dream.I dream of a life with a beautiful, familiar woman. The sight of her silhouette makes my heart ache. While we sat down at the park and ate our picnic sandwich while I caressed her belly and smiled proudly at her, Her green emerald eyes called me in as I whispered the words I keep deep in my heart. “I love you, Emma,” I called, moving forward to finally taste the cherry lips I have been yearning for.Then I woke up. My eyes shot open to fucking loud buzzing from my phone that vibrated in the room,. “Uhm, Fuck!” I muttered as I rolled over to see that I wasn’t alone. I noticed a blonde woman on my bed when, and I remembered last night that I had gone to a party, and. I was sure she was one of the directors’ or investors nieces, but I was too horny and drunk to care.She woke up and smiled at me and reached over to kiss me, but I wasn’t in the mood for that sh*t; I was never in the mood for it. “Get out,” I muttered coldly to her.
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EMMA..“Ryan R. Smith! Get back here!” I called out to the small baby boy who waddled around the room butt-naked while I pursued him with his little shorts. He had the nerve to giggle as he led me around the apartment in an attempt to run away from wearing his shorts. “Mama, no! Mama!” he called with a giggle.I couldn’t believe my two-and-a-half-year-old was trying to outrun me. I caught him, and he let out a laugh, half-scared. I blew mouth bubbles on his tummy. “I caught you, baby!”“Ah, that tickles, Mama!” he called to me happily as I laid him on the carpet and put on his pants with a bright smile on my face. He was my joy and everything to me. Luckily, today was Sunday, even though I had missed one of the most important days of my best friend's life. I was sorry I couldn’t come for the engagement.My phone buzzed at that moment, and I reached for it to see if it was a video call from Amy. I picked it up immediately, as I was met with a blinding smile from my friend.“If it isn’
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