All Chapters of The billionaire’s surprise baby: Chapter 71 - Chapter 80
102 Chapters
Seventy one
One could say that it was destiny. Just as she lost her footing, a strong hand shot out, catching her just in time. It was Rowan, his eyes filled with concern, and an undeniable connection was sparking between them.Their gazes locked, and time seemed to stand still as the world around them faded away. Emma's breath caught in her throat as she felt an inexplicable pull towards Rowan, his touch igniting a flurry of emotions she couldn't comprehend. But before the moment could fully unravel, Rowan abruptly pushed her away, causing her to collide with a nearby tree trunk.Confusion and hurt clouded Emma's eyes as she glared at Rowan, her voice quivering with a mix of anger and vulnerability. "Why did you catch me only to push me away? What is it about me being on this island for a wedding that makes you so determined to keep your distance?"Rowan's eyes darkened with a mix of regret and frustration. He hesitated for a moment before finally speaking, his voice tinged with bitterness. "You
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Seventy two
Emma then drops her son off with Eric, knowing she needed to have an honest conversation with Rowan. She hated that she had to, even though he had blown her off and called her a liar so many times, and all the memories with him hurt.It felt like just yesterday when she thought everything was going well and she was in love with Rowan. But then it all came crashing down because he chose not to believe her. However, the moment she told him again about Ryan, he looked like he did believe.What has changed? She wondered.And even now, she gazed out at the sea, observing the moon as it illuminated the surface of the water while a refreshing night breeze tousled her hair. Anxiety filled her insides as she waited for him.She heard footsteps approaching as she tried to catch a glimpse of Rowan. He couldn't help but notice how good she looked, even after all the tears and her outburst earlier today.She wanted their past to be a distant memory, but fate's annoying plans couldn't prevent them f
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Seventy three
After that altercation with Rowan, Emma practically barged into Eric’s room, knocking on the door profusely as she cried hard. The door quickly opened to Eric, whose confused gaze immediately turned to a concerned one as he pulled Emma to his chest, hugging her. She let herself cry until she could speak. “What about Ryan?" "Asleep in the room,” he whispered to Emma. She looked up at him, wiping her eyes, but Eric's embrace comforted her. "I did it. I talked to him," she confessed. "He didn’t do or say anything harmful to you, because I swear I’ll go kill that bastard right now.” "No, Eric, I told him what I wanted to, or what I thought I wanted to; I knew he wanted to apologize for what he did, but I didn’t want to give him the chance because I could have forgiven him right there,” she sniffled. "God, I’m so stupid, aren’t I?" "No, you are brave and strong, carrying everything on your shoulders, from your mother to Ryan; hell, you even helped my mom and me; you are a beautifu
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Seventy four
After brunch, the adults met up; while the older guests and elders who couldn’t participate , more like Layla , were excluded, ruling out the brides themselves.Amy and Raya made it their mission to keep Emma by their side through everything, with the first thing on the list of activities being beach volleyball."Guys? I don’t think I have any bathing suits left, and I don’t think I can play.""Nonsense, you must play Emma!" Amy called."Besides, we have the perfect thing for you to wear; let’s go!” Layla called as she dragged Emma to get changed. While the boys went to get changed for the game too,.With no one objecting to what the brides wanted,Rowan, on the other hand, was already on the beach. He had been looking for a way to talk to Emma, but his sister and her fiancé, Amy, wouldn’t stop with their nitpicking and constant hovering over Emma.He couldn’t help feeling annoyed and helpless, wondering if he could have a chance to talk to Emma. His thoughts were interrupted by Eric,
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Seventy five
After Rowan stormed out of the room, with Emma’s gaze filling his figure, she didn’t know what possessed her to follow as she stepped out of the room. She catches a blur of Rowan going outside. He then lit up a cigarette and let out a puff of air into the cold evening. Emma could see the sunset illuminating the sea's water. Rowan went out to cool off, but he stopped the moment he heard the sound of footsteps gaining closer as he saw Emma."Hey… I didn’t know you smoked.""You don’t care about that. What are you doing here, Emma?" He called, throwing his cigarette into the bin. She walked over to lean against the wall next to him as they both watched the sunset. "Everything feels messed up, doesn’t it? It seems more complicated than the first time we met," she said to Rowan, who scoffed as he turned to face her."Are you doing this to get back at me and prove a point, Emma? Because you’ve won, I feel miserable enough knowing that you hate me and now you’re with him."Emma stared at Ro
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Seventy six
"Will you be mine?” Eric asked Emma, his eyes welled with so much emotion as he anticipated her answer, but he could see the confusion and how conflicted she was in her gaze.Emma had then let go of his arm, confused and not knowing what to say to Eric. "I'm sorry, but I don’t think this is the right time; a lot is happening right now, and I’m just stuck. I’m sorry, Eric,” Emma said to Eric.He stands up, nodding in understanding as he holds her face in his palm. "I understand; I won’t rush you to accept me, but I won’t stop courting you either; you've been the only one I've been looking at for years now, so what a little while longer?” He says this to Emma.Emma felt guilty for dragging this on; she didn’t know what her heart wanted, especially with weird things happening lately and Rowan coming back into their lives. It was complicated, and her heart too was being swayed."I'm sorry, I am,” she called, cleaning her tears, but Eric had decided to hug and comfort her instead."You have
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Seventy seven
The moment Emma opened her eyes in the morning and everything came rushing back, shock was an understatement to find herself where she was.She was in Rowan’s bed, naked; she only discovered that when she rolled aside and noticed they were both naked, his bare muscles back by her side.That was when she began to recall what happened yesterday.From her initiating the kiss and then coming back to Rowan’s room, they had mind-blowing sex that Emma couldn’t just forget against the multiple orgasms Rowan gave her in just one night.Now she was awake, recalling how dirty she sounded last night and the fact that she had slept over. The nanny was supposed to leave, and now her son Ryan is here. "Oh my god,” she mouthed out as she rolled out of bed.They were supposed to be leaving in a few hours, and she had to hurry, picking up her things. She couldn’t find her dress, so she opted for a huge hoodie she found, and she quickly slipped out the door, praying she wouldn’t give herself away and wak
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Seventy eight
Emma couldn’t help but wonder about Rowan’s words; even as they boarded the plane back home, she couldn’t sleep a wink. Layla, on the other hand, was elated to be a grandmother, and just the first day of landing home, she had sent gifts for Ryan, and Ryan was so happy with them. Emma thanked her. Emma’s mom had rekindled her friendship with Layla, knowing she had always been grateful for the day that Layla took care of her in the hospital. And though Emma had tried many times to get the thought of a certain man out of her head, his hoodie was always hung by her closet; the hoodie that belonged to Rowan reminded her of the passion they shared that night. But it made Emma annoyed, annoyed by the fact that Rowan, who had gotten her stupid hopes up and not texted even once, hated that she thought of him when his words were empty. "Ugh, you should have known better, Emma,” she scolds herself as she stands up, stretching. She gets ready for the day, showering and dressing up as she goes
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Seventy nine
I want you to come to the city, Emma,” Rowan says, his gaze serious, and Emma couldn’t help thinking he was mental for his suggestion, especially after their history.“Are you going crazy or something?" she asked.“I’m not forcing you, but I do want you to think about it,” he says, handing her the paper. “Your job is still there; the position is open even after years pass; you are very talented and overqualified for your talents to be wasted here."“Rowan.:”"Look, you applied to my company without knowing I worked there; you wanted to be there; don’t ruin your dreams and make them wait any longer, Emma.""Rowan, I can’t just leave everything and go? I have a life here."“Do you? Or you are just living like this because this was the only option after you got away from me after what I did, and just the thought of me making life difficult for you is killing me, Emma, It’s messing with my head because I know fully well that this is all my fault and that you are passionate about working fo
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Emma wakes up the next day, knowing that in a few hours soon, Layla and Rowan will arrive to take Ryan out for a playdate.And even though she slept in a weird mood yesterday after the conversation she had with Eric, she wasn’t going to let that distract her today.“Honey?” Her mom calls Emma, who quickly breaks out of her thoughts. She looks to see that the bowl she kept in the sink was overfilled. And the fruits her mom told her to wash were drowning in the sink."Oh my god!” she called out, turning off the tap as quickly as she could. Of course, she was still too deep in her thoughts."Is something on your mind, dear?”“This all feels weird; why do I feel like I’d wake up, and it will be a dream, and Rowan was never here, and this weird feeling I just keep having, I want to go pursue my dreams, you know?"“As I said, I’m with you every step of the way, honey,” she mutters, hugging Emma, who squeezes back tightly.“Thanks, Mom,” she says before she points at the bowl. "I cut up a few
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