All Chapters of Pregnant For My Best Friend’s Son: Chapter 11 - Chapter 20
104 Chapters
A fight
Eggust’s Pov “Eggust, will you stop saying that? I don’t belong to you or anyone else.” Her words fell into deaf ears and I wanted to make her realize that. “As a matter of fact, you do, Juss, you belong to no one else but me.” I watched as she walked around, the obvious anger wafting from her small frame almost comical except I knew too well that there was nothing funny about this situation. I had been by her side through all of her moods and I knew which ones were to be avoided. And I knew that this was one of them. “You had no reason to do what you did. You don’t get to fight my battles for me, I can fight them myself.” "They were saying horrible things about you." I said but she raised her hands to silence me and I obeyed. It was funny how I held so much power that could force her into submitting to me but I wished to go by her own way. It was taking a lot of my time but I was willing to be patient. I needed her to accept the truth I had been telling her fo
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His obsession
Juss’s Pov For the first few days after that incident, that happened in school, Eggust didn't come to class, and neither did Maxwell, the boy I was very sure he had threatened. I wanted to ask his friend what had happened to him but couldn't bring myself to do it for some reason. From the beginning, I was completely embarrassed and... angry at how he behaved. I knew that Eggust was so much more than that because Marlani had told me how calm he had grown over the years but the version of him I was seeing was the same child that I had raised. And it wasn't making matters any better. There were days I dreamt of him and woke up with a sick feeling in my stomach because I knew I shouldn't, especially when he was still so... Young. He even acted young. I could remember the look he gave me when David had entered my office, holding my favorite Flower. He looked hurt, betrayed even. He was jealous, something I hoped I would never have to come to terms with. If I hadn’t as
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Pushing him away
Juss’s Pov I could feel the way my hands trembled as I touched my makeup over my face, how I felt like I would explode from how nervous I felt. What I was about to do. I tried to tell myself that it was necessary and I had no choice but it was becoming increasingly hard to believe. I had texted Eggust to meet me here, I booked the room because it was discreet, and we wouldn’t have to see each other after this. I had been thinking a lot about Eggust, what to do to stop this obsession of his. And the only thing that came to mind was to let him have his way with me, one more time, maybe that would make him satisfied and he’d finally leave me be. I heard the door behind me open and I turned towards it and watched him enter the hotel room. Eggust Flemming always managed to look like a Greek god even though it was obvious that he didn't put as much attention into his appearances as I did. His eyes fell on me as he closed the door, a confused expression coming to his face
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Pregnancy test
Juss’s Pov Since I had no reply to his last words, he drove me back home to Marlani's place. As soon as he was packed in the garage, I tried to get out of the car but froze when I tried the latch and realized it was locked. For the first few seconds, I stared at the door, unable to process any words before I turned to him. "Eggust. Open this door right now." "Do I scare you that much, Professor?" He was not looking at me as he asked this, keeping his hands on the steering wheel with his eyes staring straight ahead. Even in the darkness, the handsomeness of his face was so painfully obvious that it hurt being this close to someone like him. "You refuse to spend any time with me—" "I had lunch with you." "You planned to ambush me." He said this so calmly that it made something in me jolt. Even though he had not yet snapped, a part of me knew that there was no need to lie to him. Just because he acted like a lovesick puppy didn't mean that he couldn't formulate thoughts of
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Running away
Juss’s Pov Ever since I was a little girl, I had never been the type to be confrontational. When I found myself in a situation that didn't seem pleasant, I would run to some place and hide, forcing myself to ignore it while inwardly, I punished myself by putting all the blame on me. That was how it was with Marco, when the cheating rumors first started flying around, I had my doubts about his faithfulness, but I decided to ignore it, afraid of what I would find out if I dug deeper. And that delusion, that delusion was the genesis of my nemesis. I hid from the truth, the truth that was glaring, Marco took it as an advantage to manipulate me even more. He made it seem like I was crazy, like there was something wrong with me. He would often call me insecure and I would beg him at the end of each confrontation. Apologize to him for a fault that was his. I have always lived a life of denial. It was a bad habit that I had acquired throughout the years and though my parents h
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Get me out
Juss’ POV I was sitting in the passenger seat of his car with him beside me as one of his men drove. Not that it made sense how he held all this power at his age even though... Even though I knew who his Father was. We were inches apart and yet, it felt like he was right next to me, his eyes watching everything that I do and he was not even trying to hide it. Eggust's eyes refused to leave my body ever since we left the airport and I was beginning to feel increasingly self-conscious. I tried to ignore it at first. Aside from the fact that his moods were flippant and unreadable, I wasn't sure of the exact words to say to him because of how I felt. Like a caged animal with nowhere to go but I couldn't seem to stand his stares anymore as I snapped my head towards him and said with a whispered hiss, "Could you stop watching me like a hawk?" He didn't even try to pretend that he was surprised or awed by sudden anger as he answered without even blinking at me. "How can I be sure
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All night
Eggust’s POV I was a fool and I knew it. Every time that I swore to myself I would try my hardest to be calmer and more rational, I always found a way to blow all of that up, destroying whatever faith Juss had in me but what else could I do when I realized she was leaving again? When Ezekiel had told me she had bought a plane ticket, I had hoped that it was her being jittery and anxious about my confession. I had been curt and polite. Restrained. Reserved. If anything, I deserve a pat on my head for not pinning her down and kissing her as hard as I wished to at that moment but it had not been an impulsive action of hers. She had meant to leave me. Again. All I had thought the moment I realized that was I needed to get her in one place. Somewhere I could be sure that she wouldn't try abandoning me again or I could see her to keep myself from losing the last piece of sanity I had left but when she had seemed so resigned about her fate here, it hit me that I had gone too far.
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Her child
Marlani’s Pov The problem with raising a child on your own for a few years especially during his teenage years was how you would occasionally find yourself trying not to overstep your boundaries. Even after his father came back and I was no longer doing it on my own, it seemed like it became even more difficult. His father had tried everything to make up for the years he missed in Eggust’s life, but Eggust still wouldn’t let him play his role. I was worried about Eggust for a long while, we had thought of taking him for therapy, but his father suggested it was teenage tantrums, and when he’s much older, things would get better. I wanted to believe him, but something at the back of my mind always told me it was deeper than we thought. It felt like there was a particular void in his life we couldn’t fill, no matter how hard we tried. Eggust, as a child, had been... Temperamental. He was the sort of child with a strong headedness that couldn't be deterred no matter what.
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Finally free
Juss’s Pov I felt like I was going crazy. Eggust had not locked me inside my room like I thought he was going to, which I was very thankful for, but the gigantic state of his house only made me feel like I was stuck in a void that was planning to swallow me whole before I ever had the chance to react. It was like a prison, although I didn’t know if I should call it a better prison, cause I had access to everything I wanted, I just wasn’t allowed to go outside. Eggust bought everything I needed or he thought I needed. I also had a special nurse that came around to check if the baby and I were doing okay. Besides that, I never got to see anyone apart from Eggust and his security guards. I couldn't tell what day it was anymore because the days were beginning to blur and after that... Unfaithful day, Eggust had not returned. He didn't even come to see me to know if I was doing well and the worst part of it all was how the entire building was infested with guards stationed
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My fault
Eggust’s Pov Something was wrong with me. This much I knew. There was this darkness inside of me that constantly tried to eat everything in my path, to hurt everyone as much as I had been hurt. I had tried over the years to fight the darkness, but the more I ran away from it, the more it seemed like I got drawn to it. The scariest part was I thrived in it. It gave me some sort of satisfaction. It was dangerous, I knew that. It was hard to hide it at first, especially since it grew only worse when Juss left me all those years ago. I wanted to hurt someone then. To lash out at the very least. The darkness tried its hardest to escape through any means necessary but I kept a lid over it because all I wanted to focus on was getting her back next to me. It was like my sanity was slowly unravelling itself into knots and I could barely think a full thought without her creeping in. Juss was my life. My beginning and end. If she knew how much power she had over me, she would n
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