All Chapters of Pregnant For My Best Friend’s Son: Chapter 21 - Chapter 30
104 Chapters
She always did
Eggust’s Pov Sylvester Fleming was known worldwide for his good looks and he bathed in people's adoration of him. I, on the other hand, couldn't stand his arrogance. He was born rich and spoilt rotten and we both knew that the company flourished better under my guidance and rule but as he liked to play pretend in public, he told everyone who cared to listen that he had taught me everything I knew. He wished. When he came back to play father figure, after all those years he left, it just fueled me with even more anger. And mum, the way she acted like everything was normal, like he didn’t abandon her when she told him she was pregnant, like he didn’t treat her awfully. I hated the way she welcomed him with open arms, she expected me to also act like everything was okay, but I just couldn’t. All those nights I had seen her cry, losing her friends, her family because of me, all the jobs she had to do to cater for our needs, everything came rushing in as soon as the bastard c
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One day at a time
Juss’s Pov When I woke up at first, I was so sure that I would see him beside me, probably with me chained to my bed but I was wrong. Instead, I found myself back in another room. An apartment that he had paid for me which I found out only when I spotted the note on the desk beside my bed. Hello, Juss, I know you’d rather do this on your own, I know you don’t want me around either. I can’t promise to stay away from you, I don’t think I can ever do that again, but I will give you some space for now to figure out things. I am sorry for ruining everything, I am sorry for fucking trying to make your life as fucked up as mine. But I’ll have you know that you and the baby are the best things that has ever happened to me. If you need anything, give me a call…. Love, Eggust. I felt a throbbing pain in my heart as I read his letter, as tears began to form soon enough and the questions began to flood in as well. Was I being unreasonable? Did I care too much about what other people t
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Secrets And Distance
Juss’s Pov “You have to go see her, she has been worried about you,” Eggust said on the other end. “I can’t, I’m pregnant for her son.” I yelled back. “It’s alright, Juss, you’re not showing yet, just put up an act, she wouldn’t notice.” “Yeah, whatever.” I said, as I hung up on him. Why the hell did he want me to do and see his mum? Why wasn’t he understanding my situation? Marlani had suspected I was pregnant, even before I had the slightest clue, I’m pretty sure she would know as soon as she sees me in her house. Ever since Eggust couldn’t keep his mouth shut and told her that I had returned, Marlani had been asking me to come over. Although, I totally understood her, I had left on short notice. I owed her a proper explanation for leaving like that, but I wasn’t ready. I wasn’t ready to face her or anyone else. However, this time, I didn’t have a choice. I had to see her sooner or later. I didn’t want to go to her place because I couldn’t risk seeing him
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So be it
Hera’s Pov As I walked into the bar, I tried to keep my head down so I wouldn't be seen but I had not gone further than five steps before I heard a voice snap, "And where the fuck have you been?" The words sent a wave of Nostalgia through me. There was only one person whom I knew that spoke to me in that manner, and she was the reason I came back here. But he was the reason for what I was about to do. I raised my head up and stared at her. Rita was a forgotten wanna-be bitch that knew she was growing older and unwanted so tried her hardest to make everyone around her a living hell. And she was beginning to target me the most. She pointed a finger at me from behind the bar she stood at and said, "You keep acting like you are special. Seems like you wanna go back to the streets, don't you?" I was never in the streets to begin with, I just happened to be a victim of failed promises. I was abandoned by the one person I cared about. The one person I thought I meant
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A stalker
Juss’s Pov Someone was trying to hurt me. As much as I wanted to blame it on the pregnancy hormones or my regular paranoia. I couldn’t shake the feeling off. Something was off, I could tell, I didn’t know what it was, but I knew something was off. And as a mother, my first instinct would always be to protect my child. I knew I could get dramatic, and a little jumpy as well. It was a naturally well-known characteristic of someone who was used to hiding and never being seen but it had seemed as if the time I had spent in his sight and the bump was doing something to me and making me more keen on my surroundings than usual. For example, I knew someone was following me a week ago, and I could sense that whatever feelings they held towards me wasn't exactly friendly. I had tried to brush it off at first. No one could have any angry or vengeful feelings against me and the only other person who had potentially any reasons to want to follow me around was Eggust, but somehow,
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Another location
Juss’s Pov “You dare stalk your stupid ex online, while you’re carrying my fucking child?” My eyes nearly popped out of their sockets as I raised up my head to stare at Eggust, with rage visible in his eyes. My mind scrambled while l tried to comprehend what he was accusing me of, or what he felt he had the right to accuse me of. “Whatever do you mean?” I asked, my voice quivering slightly. “Don’t try to play dumb with me, Juss,” He shot back, his voiced laced with frustration. “I hate it when people try to downplay my intelligence. I saw you going through his Facebook.” “Firstly, you do not own me, Eggust Flemming. Secondly, I do not owe you any explanation, I am not your property, you cannot—-“ “You are carrying my fucking child, Juss. You belong to me, you and that baby in your womb belong to me. So think twice before you do something like that again.” He clamored, storming out of the room and slamming the door behind him. If I didn’t have any solid reason t
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Find Juss
Eggust's POV “What do you mean she’s not in her class?” I hurled at Derek, one of my most experienced security guards, who was in charge of watching Juss. Without going to her office to confirm, I knew without a single doubt that Juss had not come to school today. When she was around, even the air was different. It smelt like Christmas and pure joy mixed together. But right now, the air smelt like despair and sadness. She still hadn't called me or reached out in anyway. But that had been acceptable because I could still see her at school, but now ........... Was she still so mad at me that she would skip work just to avoid me? She loved her job! It was all she ever talked about. Or maybe she was feeling ill due to my baby. The thought made me smile. I was going to have a baby with Juss Indigo! I had never imagined my life would turn out to be like this: having a child with the only woman I’ve ever loved. She was my soulmate. “Maybe my baby gave her severe mornin
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A new apartment
Juss’s Pov After spending the last two days in a shitty hotel, I was glad to move into my new apartment, which was quite small. It wasn’t so different from the hotel I had been in, also might not be an ideal place to raise a child, but it was a little upgrade and would make do for now. I hadn't expected to get one so soon, before now, I hadn’t been to Manchester, I didn’t know what to expect. So when the agent called to say that there was a space available, I jumped at the offer. I tried my best to keep an open mind coming here, I just needed a fresh start. It didn't matter to me when he said it was small or not very upscale. I didn't mind. It was a place I could call home. It turned out that the previous owner had suddenly moved out due to an emergency so the place was available. My thoughts drifted to the apartment Eggust had gotten for me. The new owner would probably think he had struck gold because I suddenly moved out. That was if Eggust would agree to let someone e
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Far and wide
Eggust’s Pov. It's been five days and I still had no lead on Juss' whereabouts. It was either my men were practically useless or Juss had gotten better with her hiding games. Either way, I was getting impatient, I needed her back here as soon as possible. She wasn’t safe out there by herself. Juss had no family besides my mum and I, she barely had friends too. I had a list of all her friends, it was just my mum and some woman in Mexico. Or did she go back to Mexico? That should have been on the top of their search list. I retrieved my phone from my pocket and dialed Mendez’s number. He’s a PI based in Mexico, I used his help earlier when I was searching for Juss. It didn’t take him long before he found her then. And soon enough, I had all the details on her. I paced nervously, phone gripped tightly in my hand as it rang. I had to find Juss, the only hope I had was Mendez, if she was in Mexico. He didn’t pick up after two rings, with shaky fingers, I dialed his numb
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A black car
Juss’s Pov After my meal was delivered, I wasted no time in devouring it. There were no more growls from my stomach, which meant the baby had been satisfied. I didn’t know why, but the thought of it filled my heart with warmness. A wide grin suddenly formed on my face, this baby was growing on me and I couldn’t have it any other way. Having a child wasn’t a bad thing, yes I wasn’t prepared to have one, and I sure would have never wanted Eggust to be its father, but I had grown to love the baby. It was a part of me and something about that made it magical. I began to think, would the situation have been different if Marco was the father? Was I having second thoughts about having the baby solely because Eggust was responsible for it or was it because I was way older than him? Because now that we were here all by ourselves, it didn’t seem like a bad idea. I decided to let go of any thought that dwelled on the past, and to focus solely on the future. I took a quick show
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