All Chapters of Bonded to the Exiled Alpha: Chapter 101 - Chapter 110
242 Chapters
Chapter 0101
“You sound like you have someone in mind.” I say Lukas grins “Who better than the people who’ve already faced one of these Lycans?” Oh! Of course, since the bodies were cremated, it means someone had to kill the effected Lycans first. “They’re a tough bunch though.” Lukas puts a fist to his chin
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Chapter 0102
Come along… Come along?! I stare dumfounded at the Empress’ face, far from any tact I’ve learned in my life. “What could you have to talk about with My Lady, Your Majesty?” Zen asks, coming to stand by my side “Isn’t this what you’re after?” The Empress gives him an unimpressed look “To restore t
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Chapter 0103
“I would take that as a compliment, Your Majesty.” I make sure to hesitate when I raise my head again, peering at her. She gives me a smirk, slightly amused and starts walking again. I follow a step behind, but she beckons me forward, so we walk side by side. “Do you know imperial etiquette?” I d
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Chapter 0104
“You two haven’t been properly introduced to each other, have you?” She says, then looks back at the Knight He doesn’t hesitate “Captain of the Empress’ Royal Guard, Theodore, at your service, Lady Sigmond. It is an honor to make your acquainted.” It takes very ounce of willpower in my bones not t
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Chapter 0105
The walk back to the Crystal palace is most winded one I’ve ever taken. No longer has Sir Theodore left that I break into a run, hurrying to the hallway where my room is, my heart beating loud in my ears. So this is what she had in mind the moment she knew Zen had a ‘soulmate’. Someone to hold ont
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Chapter 0106
“Did I? All I did was talk about my ambitious goals and you were so enthralled that you forgot everything that was on your mind.” Lukas winks “Hardly my fault, don’t you think?” I shake my head with a sigh. Well, I’ll give it to him that he successfully distracted me and consequently, I feel a lot
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Chapter 0107
Of course, I know that much. I know just how easily my life could end here any moment. But still… “You don’t sound like you disapprove though.” I point out “Don’t you think I might drag down the team?” “Magic affinity is helpful when looking for traces of a curse.” Lukas tells me “And one of your
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Chapter 0108
“Bow in reverence and offer your most loyal greetings to the twenty-sixth Emperor of the Empire Of Greten, Alpha Vidar De Lunarius Devereaux, the rightful ruler of this Holy Empire.” The announcer is supposed to say that proclamation is a loud, booming voice, but he says it simply and quietly. At
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Chapter 0109
I remain silent, since I have nothing to say about those words. He chuckles when the silence prevails, and it sounds rueful. “Rosalina told me you demand we restore the fame of your House.” “That is correct.” I say, and turn my head to the look at the several bottles placed on the side table of hi
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Chapter 0110
“Be that as it may.” The Emperor says at length “I shall grant all your demands, so long as you pledge your loyalty to the House of Devereaux.” A pledge of loyalty. One that would tie my life to the one on the throne. Of course, the old man wants to ensure I can never escape their hold. The bonds t
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