All Chapters of Bonded to the Exiled Alpha: Chapter 121 - Chapter 130
242 Chapters
Chapter 0121
I step away from them, trying to take a deep breath. Right. This place definitely has a vibe similar to SeraphFall’s library. The sound of my own footsteps echoes in the library as I look around for an itinerary, keeping the closed door in my periphery. I find it all the way across from the sta
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Chapter 0122
Realizing that it’s useless lamenting my headache, I get up and pick the book off the floor. There are no chairs and tables in this library, and that fall made me one with the dust on the floor anyway, so I sit cross-legged against the shelf and prop the book open in front of me. Above my head, lam
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Chapter 0123
I stare at him, eyes wide. How is it possible for someone to stay holed up in this gloomy place for that long? “Of course, I heard you coming down.” Lukas gives me that smile again, the ridiculously shrewd one “You’ve got quiet the expressive vocabulary.” I tighten my hold on the book. Maybe I sho
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Chapter 0124
Ch. 36. What a shit day. That’s my only thought as I lug through the hallways in the Crystal Palace. That underground library must have some warped sense of time, since it was well into the evening when I left. By the time I made it to the Palace through the stupidly huge ‘Imperial city’— as I’ve
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Chapter 0125
All those thoughts leave my head when I enter the bedchamber. Almost in a copy of what I did yesterday, Zen is setting down a tray of tea and biscuits on the low table, cushions arranged around it. He looks up at me, and the slight upward tilt of his mouth makes my heart clench. “I figured you mig
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Chapter 0126
“I see.” Zen says, and I feel the weight of his gaze “Is that all, My Lady?” I glance at him, hooded silver eyes like fresh frost, reflecting my own visage. I know the right thing to do is nod and end this conversation. I know it would change nothing if I complain and tell him how much I disliked
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Chapter 0127
I almost choke on my tea, “You did what?” Zen expression is as placid as ever, “He was making me dance. My brother made fun of me. Of course, I thought if I got rid of the teacher, I would get rid of the teasing.” “What happened to him then?” I ask, morbidly curious “Did you manage to kill someone
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Chapter 0128
Of course he would accept it. Zen doesn’t force anyone or anything to be different than what it is. But that wouldn’t be fair. That wouldn’t be a partnership. I hold out a hand towards him “Consider your wish granted.” Zen takes my hand with his, and his gentle touch is familiar to me now. If I’d
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Chapter 0129
Here I was thinking this world has a fated love for everyone. Guess something like that is best reserved for stories. “Well, I don’t think he’s doing a good job of seducing me, even if that’s what he’s doing.” I roll my eyes “I was on the verge of committing murder today because of him.” “If you d
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Chapter 0130
“That will be all for today.” Ms. Milford stands from her seat across from mine, fixes her glasses. I maintain the small, professional smile I’ve had for the majority of our lesson. “Alright,” I set aside my cutlery neatly “Do you have any parting notes for me, Ms. Milford?” It’s been a week sinc
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