All Chapters of THE STAINED LUNA: An Affair With My Mate's Father: Chapter 61 - Chapter 70
106 Chapters
Awake 2
Tired.I woke up tired and hungry, too hungry.I sat up slowly, the pungent smell of the hospital filling my nostrils. It was not the most pleasant scent, but it was familiar by now. I tried to ignore it as I take in my surroundings.Outside my ward, I can hear the indistinct chatter and laughter of people passing by. Maybe they're talking in the hallway, or maybe they're out in the tiny playground for sick kids. Either way, their voices blend together into a comforting background noise.In the distance, I could hear the cries and wails of other patients. Probably form the other wards, It was a sad sound, but it was also a glaring reminder that I wasn't not alone in thag place. We were all there together, fighting our own battles.And then there was the sound of my own heartbeat, softly thumping in my chest. It's a steady rhythm, I was still alive, still there. I took a deep breath, trying to push aside the discomfort of the hospital smell and the noise of the outside world. I focuse
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As I gathered my belongings to leave the hospital, Victor arrived, a little late after the doctor had already left. He helped me sort through the discharge documents and bills without saying much. Despite his presence, I felt how uneasy he was, but I pushed it aside, focusing on the discharge documents I was signing.When the doctor suggested calling Damon earlier, I quickly refused and asked the doctor to call someone else. Even though I was mad at both Victor and Damon at the moment, I'd rather have Victor over than Damon. The doctor seemed surprised by my request but called Victor nevertheless.As we waited for the paperwork to be finalized, Victor glanced at me several times, his expression filled with concern. But I avoided his gaze, keeping my focus on the papers on the doctor desk.Eventually, the nurse returned with the a few other papers, and I signed them quickly, eager to leave. Victor offered to help me carry my bags, but I declined, preferring to handle them myself.As we
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Whatever it was, I don't think I had any reason to stay anymore, with him or in the house.I slowly pushed the door shut behind me. With a sigh, I made my way to the queen-sized bed, sinking into the soft material.Taking a moment to breathe, I looked around the room, taking in my surroundings. The walls were painted a soothing shade of grey, with accents of rose scented candles flickering in the corners. It gave the room a warm and inviting atmosphere, one that usually instantly put me at ease, but it didn't anymore it just reminded me the more, why I needed to leave.The decor was simple and elegant, with minimalistic furniture that complemented the overall aesthetic. There was a gender-neutral vibe to the room, making it feel welcoming to anyone who entered.Victor knows his way around design, I'll give him that. After sitting on the bed and in the dark for what felt like hours, I stood up to go the bathroom. Despite having showered before dinner, I still felt sticky and irrita
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His gripped my shoulder tight, almost painful, and he shook me vigorously as if that was going to make me change my mind.“Would you please fucking listen to me?” He spat, his voice filled with frustration. “I'm fucking trying to understand you here.”I couldn't help but snap back, the words tumbling out before I could stop them. “What, are you going to beat me too if I don't reply?” My own words surprised me with their intensity, but I refused to take it back, it was what I thought and I was going to say everything I thought until he left.His grip loosened slightly, surprise flickering across his face. “Beat you? What the hell are you saying?” he asked, confusion evident in his tone.I shrugged, not willing to let him off the hook so easily. “I mean, it'd be shocking if you don't. It should run in the family. The genes whatever, didn't they teach you that in biology?” I retorted, my voice dripping with sarcasm. “Damon has it, and I don't think he got it from his mother.” I walked to
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I woke up the next morning feeling like a heavy weight was pressing down on me, squeezing the air out of my lungs. Depression settled over me like a thick blanket, making it hard to summon the energy to even get out of bed. Zara had came to take me to the dining for breakfast, but I couldn't bring myself to join them for breakfast, she even brought it to me as Victor wanted but I had less appetite than my will to live. Instead, I dragged myself to the bathroom, showered, and dressed in clothes that felt too light for my weary body.Back in bed, I hesitated before reaching for my phone. I knew there would be notifications waiting for me, but I wasn't sure if I had the strength to face them. With a heavy sigh, I finally checked my phone and was greeted by a flood of notifications. One of them was a news page I had subscribed to before the baby incident. They had reposted a picture of Victor and me at a red carpet event we attended together. As I stared at the image, I couldn't help but
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“Is it okay for your guests to see me here?” I could feel his gaze on me as I stood there, waiting for an answer to my question. The silence stretched on, and instead of a response, he just looked at me, taking in my tired appearance. Then, without a word, he headed to the coffee maker. I watched as he brewed two cups of coffee, and then he held one out to me. “Coffee?”I shot him a look of disbelief. “Seriously? Victor, I just had a miscarriage, and you're offering me coffee?”His eyes widened in realization, and he seemed flustered. “Sorry, I-I didn't know,” he stammered, almost dropping both cups, he then quickly poured them into the sink in his haste.Both cups!I gestured to the sink, shaking my head. “You didn't have to throw both cups – you know what? Forget it. Just answer my question.”He hurriedly wiped his hands, apologizing repeatedly as he did so. I waited patiently, trying to keep my frustration in check as he fumbled around.Finally, he spoke up. “I told Damon to leave
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After finishing my chocolate and binge-watching a series of Korendramas, I spent the rest of the morning cooped up in my room. I whiled away the time, staring at the ceiling. When Zara showed up with lunch around one o'clock, I wasn't particularly hungry, I barely had any appetite. Despite that, I managed to eat a little of the casserole and drank the apple juice, leaving not a drop in the cup.Deciding not to bother Zara to clear the plates, I gathered the tray and utensils and made my way to the kitchen. As I entered the living room, I noticed that the guests had already left, leaving only Ashley behind, tapping away on her laptop. Victor was also nowhere to be seen.As I entered the living room, Ashley glanced up briefly and gave me a slight bow before returning to her tasks. She seemed completely absorbed in whatever she was doing, tapping away at her laptop with intense focus. I figured she must be dealing with something important, given her serious demeanor.Understanding that s
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 After stepping out of the store, I realized I forgot a few items. So, I turned around and went back inside. I headed straight to the sanitary section and picked up some tampons, heat bags, tissues, and a roll-on. The last heat bag I had was no longer useful, so I needed a new one.  While I was there, I also grabbed a few sodas for the kitchen fridge, even though I knew I wouldn't be drinking any. With my purchases in hand, I made my way back to the entrance and stepped outside once again, ready to head back home.  I climbed into the car after the driver helped load some of the groceries into the trunk and some into the back seat. As we began driving back, I rolled down the windows to let the fresh air in. The gentle breeze almost lulled me to sleep as we drove along. Twenty minutes later, we arrived home, the road was clear and the driver had taken a shortcut.  Once we
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 I woke up to a disorienting haze, unsure of the time or my surroundings. My vision was blurry, and it took a moment for everything to come into focus. As clarity slowly returned, I realized I was surrounded by the frantic voices of Victor, Zara, and Ashley. They sounded panicked and worried.  The room was dimly lit, with shadows dancing on the walls from the soft glow of a lamp in the corner. The air felt heavy with tension, and I could sense the urgency in their voices.  Struggling to sit up, I rubbed my eyes and tried to make sense of the situation. It was clear that something was wrong, but I couldn't quite grasp what it was. My head throbbed with a dull ache, adding to my confusion.  I struggled to comprehend the flurry of words swirling around me until a few seconds passed. Through the haze, I noticed a woman dressed in a black polo shirt and ripped jeans standing
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  I started eating the carrots, focusing on the familiar taste and texture to distract myself from the awkwardness of the situation. From the corner of my eye, I noticed Victor making his way to the vanity table. He placed the vitamins down with a thud, the sound catching my attention and startling me a bit.  What was that for?  As he returned, his presence loomed over me, making me acutely aware of his proximity. I could feel the firmness of his abdomen against my knees, causing a slight flush to rise to my cheeks. He reached across to grab the paper from the other side, his movements deliberate and controlled. With a quick glance, he scanned the contents of the paper before carefully folding it and tucking it away into his pocket.    “You sure know of all the ways to end me” He sat at the corner of the bed. “and you alm
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