All Chapters of THE STAINED LUNA: An Affair With My Mate's Father: Chapter 71 - Chapter 80
106 Chapters
I woke up alone in bed, feeling a bit disoriented. Victor wasn't there, and I couldn't help but wonder where he had gone off to. Curious, I decided to ask Zara, who was probably busy tidying up the living room as the shuffling and brushing sounds didn't seize until I came out of my room.Her back was facing me.She quickly turned when she heard me approach and slightly bowed.“Good morning Luna, I hope you had a good night”“Oh, thank you, I noticed Victor wasn't in when I woke up” I pointed to my door. “Neither is he in his”He slept in my room, so there was no way he woke up and decided to sleep in his.I didn't think so.Zara nodded with a gentle smile. “Both Alpha Victor and Ashley went to the hotel together, he said something about coming back earlier so that you two would go to the meeting on time.” she replied. “Oh, and he made breakfast before they left.”I nodded, taking in the information. It made sense that Victor had somewhere to be. “Okay then”“Is there anything else y
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We arrived at the pack house earlier than expected, and it seemed like everyone else was already there, chatting and laughing. Except Damon.Not surprised.I tried to respond to the greetings as we entered, but my heart wasn't really in it. All I wanted was to find a seat and disappear into the background.Damon, as always, had to make his honest alpha slash honorable entrance. He leaned in to place a quick kiss on my cheek, and I had to fight the urge to vomit. His fake smiles and public displays of affection made my skin crawl. But what bothered me more was Victor's reaction, or lack thereof. Instead of his usual trying to hold himself back from punching Damon and the jealousy in his eyes, he just stared ahead, seemingly lost in thought or interested in the room decor like it was his first time being here.I squirmed in my seat, feeling incredibly uncomfortable being so close to Damon. It took all my willpower not to bolt out of the room and retreat back to the safety of the penthou
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I felt myself being gently placed on the bed, the mattress soft beneath me. Someone draped a warm quilt over my body, cocooning me in its comforting embrace. A soft, short cold sensation brushed against my forehead, making me shiver slightly before I drifted back into sleep. I gathered a few things for the short journey ahead the next day. Winter boots, thick clothing, my trusty winter coats, my medicine bag and some other essentials. I made sure to pack lotions, the new tampons I had bought earlier, a heat pad, and a few nightwear sets. I knew I might need to stay a couple of days, so I packed enough essentials to last me three or four days.I was heading to visit my mother and planned to stay at my Grandma's half-abandoned house. I stuffed some toiletries, makeup, and extra lotions into another bag, along with a few more changes of clothes. It took some effort to double press the bag closed. I glanced around the room, trying to make sure I hadn't forgotten anything, when the
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I twirled the roses in my hands, watching as the once gold colored majestic cemetery gate stood weathered and worn, almost falling apart from years of neglect.Roses. She had always loved them. Her garden used to be filled with hundreds of flowers, but roses dominated the landscape. She was obsessed with them, to the point where my grandmother had to tiptoe around her just to avoid disturbing them.Why? Well, It was a family thing, passed down from my grandmother. She, too, had been obsessed with roses. Her secret drawing room was filled with paintings of them, a testament to her love for the vibrant flower. She was even more obsessed than my mother.When she was young, her own mother hadn't allowed her to have a garden because of the limited space in their yard. So, she had saved up her money and bought roses instead. I couldn't help but find it amusing. One day, she had spent an entire afternoon in the flower shop, helping the florist clean up in exchange for a single floribunda ro
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The walk back to my grandma's house felt longer than I expected, especially with the scorching sun beating down on me. It was odd to have such hot weather in the middle of winter, but I guess that's just how had came to be around here. The sun blazed overhead, casting harsh shadows on the dusty road as I trudged along, each step feeling heavier than the other.Halfway there, I decided to stop at a quaint little tea shop to take a break and quench my thirst. The weather wasn't doing me any favors, and I regretted not bringing an umbrella. It felt like my mother's way of punishing me for all the bad decisions I've made. The heat seemed to seep into my bones, making me feel more exhausted than I had ever felt before.As I stepped inside, the cool air hit me like a wave, offering a momentary relief from how hot and tired I felt. I found a table near the window and settled in.This part of the pack is pretty nameless, we just call it the outskirt. The wolves and pups here hardly ever see t
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As I approached the familiar beige building with its black heavy door and roof, it felt like I had never left. Everything looked exactly the same as when I had left it, like I had been here just yesterday. The memories flooded back, the feelings was to familiar.There was no gate to the property, just my mother's neglected rose garden, the once vibrant rosy colors now withered and forgotten. As I got closer, I could hear the sound of chatter and laughter drifting from inside. It seemed they were all there, both my father and his woman, along with their children, both the one birthed out of wedlock and the complete biological. Happy family, I supposed, this was one of those feelings that made me feel not-strangely disconnected from them, like I was an outsider looking in.I've felt that way for years, both before and after my mother's death, it was a familiar sensation. Something I didn't want. One of the kitchen windows was facing me, so it wasn't surprising when I saw a figure from
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VictorThey walked back out of the kitchen, Avery with a cup of water, not any drink not even sparkling water, just plain water and handed it to me like I came crying that I was on the verge of collapsing from the thirst. The pumpkins on the dining table had been cleared and Kane and Avery directed me to it. “So Ana, what brought you by. I thought you said you'd never come back here”See, she's a total bitch.I dropped the water on the table. “Oh I only came to see my mother, dropped a couple of roses and bumped into Elise on my way back. She literally forced me to come here” I saidLouisa was still staring at me, still wondering who I was. So she asked, her hands folded under her breast.“Daddy, who's she?” Her tone was hostile.Kane looked at her and drew a chair out to sit. “Um...” He rubbed his beard. “She is you sister, Anastasia and also the Luna”Her eyes went wide at the last part but the moment her eyes met mine she scoffed and faced Kane. “If she's the Luna then why didn't
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The snowflakes started falling, and Jules had to drive slower to avoid any accidents as we entered the woods. It got colder, and even with the heater on, I could feel the chill seeping in through the windows so I had to roll up the windowAs we delved deeper into the woods, the temperature dropped further. I couldn't tell if it was because of the woods themselves or just the winter weather. Maybe it was both.When we finally reached the house, the tires made a soft sound as the car stopped in front of the building. The porch light was the only source of light, casting a glow around us. I turned to Jules and asked if he wanted to stay or go back to his hotel. I expected him to decline, but he surprised me by saying he'd stay in the car, even though it was freezing.He insisted he could guard and rest in the car, and if he got too cold, he'd come inside. It seemed like a strange choice, but I didn't argue. Instead, I suggested he at least come in to grab a blanket. He agreed this time,
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So you'd think that something that smelled so delicious would be a colorful and an amazing kind of food to eat.Yeah, I thought so too. Until I was served a colorful soup for cold and rice, plain white rice.“It's something my mother used to make for us when we were little,” he explained as he dropped another bowl of our late-night soup slash dinner on the table.“Us?” I wondered aloud.“My brothers and I,” he replied and sat.I've never heard of his brothers, but I didn't push it, same as the reason he was here and why he has been ignoring me. I didn't want to ruin the lovely mood in the air by asking questions that could backfire if I or he said the wrong sentence or word.After we finished eating, Victor cleared the table and washed the dishes, humming softly to himself as he worked. I watched him from the kitchen doorway, feeling a blanket of peace wash over me.As he dried his hands on a towel, he turned to me with a smile. “Do you want to watch a movie or something?” He asked.I
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What started out as a slow, sensational kiss in the living room, ended up as a fast, hot and nerve wrecking kiss in the other bedroom, that left my lips numb and bloody. And his too.But who cares. Absolutely no one. He pulled away, licking the blood on his lips. “Are you sure about this?” He asked like he didn't want it as much as I did.Absolute Bullshit.“Would you rather jerk off in the shower?” I asked the obvious. He nodded, grinning as he sat on the bed with his legs down, and apart. “Undress”Huh?Like he read my thoughts, he repeated his question. Slowly this time. “Un-dress”Foreplay, huh?I giggled as I gripped the hem of my shirt with an intention of pulling it over even though it has like only four buttons that were easier to unbutton.“Slowly” He told me.I did as I'm told to do, removing the shirt as slowly as I could, the heat of his stare on me and he watched as I pulled the shirt off and tossed to somewhere we both didn't know. The hunger in his eyes made me throb.
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