All Chapters of REJECTED BY MY PACK ALPHA : Chapter 11 - Chapter 20
79 Chapters
chapter 11
Ava stared at herself in the mirror as she stepped out of the bathroom. She had spent all weekend trying to convince Jude not to agree with Damon, but it felt like all her pleas fell on deaf ears.Even after explaining her reasons to Jude, he reminded her of how it would benefit his pack and told her to put the past behind her and that she should forward and see the possibilities of the future. It pissed her off. She hated that Jude could not see how cunning Damon and his proposal were.She took out her blow-dryer to dry her hair and then proceeded to straighten it. She decided to tie it up in a high ponytail. She proceeded into her closet to pick out an outfit. Today was the beginning of her working with Damon. Although Jude didn't see the problem with it, she was fully against it.She couldn't bear to stay in the same room as Damon, and now that was going to be her life for a long while.She tried to cajole Jude to pick another person, but he stood firm, emphasizing the fact that
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chapter 12
Damon pulled away from the kiss,slowly taking a step back to gaze into her eyes,if he was going to do anything with ans to her,he needed her consent. He didn't want her to do anything she wouldn't want to do. Even though it seemed like it was too late for that, she was already tipsy, and they both were if he was being honest.Although Ava had the option of stopping it, all she had to do was say no and step away from him, but she wanted him badly, no matter how much she hated him.Ava’s pupils dilated, she gave him a slight nod, followed by a silent “yes” before he went back in to kiss her,gently this time.He wanted her to enjoy it as much as he would, even though she might regret it later on. He wanted to make it memorable for her.Alpha Damon leaned in closer to her face, kissing her deeply and intimately. His hands firmly steadied her waist, sliding lower to her ass.He pulled away, not because he wanted to stop, but because he wanted to kiss every inch of her, every nook and cr
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chapter 13
Ava looked out the window as the cab sped on, she could not even remember the last time she had been in one of these.By right now was not the time to think about when last she had been in one of these, her mind was ladened with far bigger problems.First, she had slept outside the house for the first time since she had alpha Jude had been together, she was even drunk…or tipsy, but still the same thing to her. Secondly, she had done the one thing she was not supposed to do, she had sex with alpha Damon, and not only that he had marked her, completing the ritual mate bond.Her wolf had been silent all this while, Ava did not know what to make of the situation. It was supposed to be a thing of joy for her to be mated.But that wasn’t the case at the moment, she was mated to her enemy, the man who had bullied her all those years.“Ma’am” the driver called slowly, “I said we are here” he repeated himself, from the way he just said Ava knew it was not the first time he had called her, she
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chapter 14
Damon rolled over, throwing a hand to wrap around her, his eyes shot open when his hands landed on cold sheets and an empty space beside him.Looking around, he did not need an explanation when he saw that her clothes which had been scattered across the room were now gone.She had done it again, run away, she had left once more. It seemed she was very good at it. He had been knocked out after that intense love-making session, he had not even heard her sneak out.Groaning softly, he clutched onto his head when he felt a pang of headache. Gets up and slips into his clothes and dashes out the door.Quickly checking out of the hotel, Damon found his way to his car and drove home slowly. His head still felt foggy and memories of the previous night clouded his mind.It had been magical for him and her too, he hoped, her moans and body language could attest to that.She had had a good time too, his wolf leaped happily when Damon thought of how they had unconsciously completed the mating ritu
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chapter 15
The car crawled lazily to his destination, and Alpha Damon sighed with a heavy heart. He had always wanted to know why she had rejected him and now that he knew he had no idea what or how to feel.He deserved it, to be hated and rejected by her, he deserved it all, he thought. The events of the past slowly crept into his mind.He has been horrible, a terrifying bully to her. He had ruined her teenage hood, making her an outcast in her pack.Alpha Damon loathed himself more than he had ever. She had done him no wrong, but he in turn had taken out all his pent-up trauma and anger on her.Making her a laughing stick to his friends and even the whole school. He remembered vividly how he had bullied her in front of the entire school for the first time.She had gone to get his lunch as usual, but she had made a small mistake of not heating it. It was against the school policy, but she should have found a way around the kitchen staff, paid them, or something he had taught at the time.So wh
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chapter 16
Ava rolled out of bed reluctantly. It had been a long weekend, and it was going to be an even longer week.She was mentally exhausted from all the drama that had happened throughout the past week, and she knew it was far from being over.Walking lazily into the bathroom, stared at herself for a while in the mirror. In one weekend, her life had completely taken a different turn, one she had not seen comingEverything was Jude's fault. She begged him not to agree to this business, but he wouldn't listen to her.Now, she had practically nowhere to go. She could still stay at Jude's, but she knew it would be short-lived. Once again, Damon has ruined her life.Agh! She was so stupid to give in. Yes, she was drunk, but she could have stopped herself, but she didn't She loved him as much as she hated him. Maybe even more.She washed her body absent-mindedly. She was so lost in thought. The annoying part of the whole situation was that they still had to work together until the contract was
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chapter 17
Ava stared at her reflection in the mirror, her face looked a little rough and she still felt sleepy. Wishing she could ditch work today. She shook her head at her own idea, deciding against it and getting ready for work.All she wanted was to get this project over and done with, so she would do anything within her power to speed it up.Like going to this meeting again, the week had only just begun, but they had been to quite a number of meetings already. Quickly going about her morning routine, Ava showered and got ready. Standing in front of the giant wardrobe, she contemplated on what to wear, racking her fingers through the array of expensive and fabulous dresses.She wanted something minimal yet classy, it was just a five-man meeting, and she did not intend to stay after it.Her eyes settled on a plain black dress that looked exactly like what she was looking for at that moment.Taking the dress out, she turned to face the full-body mirror that stood beside the wardrobe, presse
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chapter 18
Damon stiffened in his seat when he felt warm lean fingers on his thigh. His head turned slightly towards her, and he squinted his eyes at her.What was she up to? He asked himself, they were in a conference meeting, and she was touching him like that when she knew exactly what effect she had on him.Her hands traveled further up his groin, slowly caressing and occasionally squeezing. Damon felt his wolf get excited just as much as his dick.Her face was straight, and she nodded to the lady across from her, who was trying to explain something alpha Damon could not quite make out since she was actively distracting him. “So, what do you think, sir.” The lady in question asked, turning a questioning gaze to him.“What?” Alpha Damon asked, looking around the table at the seven pairs of eyes that stared expectantly at him.“Sir, I asked what you think about the idea,” she repeated herself. “Uhm.” Alpha Damon started but stopped, holding his breath to steady himself as her fingers gripped
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chapter 19
Inhaling the nostalgic air of home, everything looked the same yet very different, she had a familiar feeling which in a way still felt unfamiliar.The giant doors opened, and she walked in, maids bowed as she walked in, she could still remember running around in this same mansion as a young girl teenager.She had left for so long, but she was finally back, and back to stay she was.“Princess.” Alpha Damon called from upstairs. A happy and welcoming look on his face as he stared down at his childhood friend. “Damon” the princess called, her eyes following him as he descended the stairs. “Or alpha Damon should I say.” She added with a light chuckle.“You have grown to do much,” Alpha Damon said as she stood on level ground a few feet away from her “Coming from you?” she asked, sizing him up from head to toe, “you look like you have a bit aged a day, yet you look so old.” She said, squinting her eyes as she analyzed him. “Oh please.” Alpha Damon whines, rolling his eyes as at her, as
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chapter 20
The light rays of sun piercing through the curtains of the bedroom window hit on Princess face softly. She blinked her eyes open, shielding her face with her hands as she turned her face to the other side of the bed in a bid to continue her sleep.That was until the ringing of her phone woke her up.She groaned as she finally got up, answering her phone.She walked to the bathroom to wash her face as soon as she hung up the call.She looked around the house and noticed that Damon had left for work as usual. Princess walked into the kitchen to fix breakfast for herself. She put on the coffee maker while she made some scrambled eggs with some bacon and sausages. It was her go-to favourite food to eat for breakfast.She sat down to eat as she planned her day.She decided to go around the area as she figured sitting at home would not be the best idea.She sat for a while before starting her day properly.She started to fill the tub as she walked into the bathroom.She slipped out of h
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