All Chapters of The Cold CEO's Woman: Chapter 81 - Chapter 90
104 Chapters
Chapter 81. His mother's query
Liam doesn't know what to say to his mother. Seeing her saddened face and wanting to exit his room, he quickly responds, "Fine mother, we will go to see her family." Mrs. Juliet stops and stares back at Liam, not saying anything in response, as she exits his room. Liam breathes out heavily as he walks into his inner room to take his bath, feeling frustrated. He has to make up his mind and, most likely, choose a bride between them. His mother has said, "They can cancel the arrangements if he doesn't want Mr. John's daughter." Liam sighs and walks to his closet, taking his sparkling white towel as he strips and walks into his bathroom to bathe. Switching on the shower tap, the cold water splashes on his hot skin, soothing his annoyance, and he groans. Liam silently prays Anita doesn't quit her job, as he needs to apologize to her. Meanwhile, Anita steps out of her bathroom and walks to her bed. She dries her cold body, and just then Lisa knocks on her room door and informs her, "Di
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Chapter 82. Nervous feelings
Anita ignores Bambam's cold gaze on her and settles on her office seat, knowing that she's only there to work and earn and not make any friends. She remembers Alfred's proposal to her to quit working for Liam, and she wonders why Alfred hasn't even given her a call since then. Anita switches on her computer as she leans on her desk, and she doesn't care about anything else and knows in three weeks' time she will receive her first salary. Staring at her computer, booting and displaying in front of her, she wonders why the CEO hasn't arrived yet. As most times, he usually arrives early before her, and sometimes she doesn't even know he has arrived and walked past her into his office. Anita knows the CEO will soon arrive, as the time is already past 7:20 a.m. She arranges for the clients that will meet with him, checking all the clients' names. She doesn't see Alfred's name or the governor's wife's name on the list, and she sighs. Just then the elevator door opens, and Liam walks ou
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Chapter 83. Cancelled oversized clothes
Passing through a lot, is that why she's always sad and looking red? Liam asks himself as he drops his spoon and thinks for a while. Temisa walks out of Liam's office and immediately walks into Anita's open office. "Goodbye, girlfriend; see you later, after closing, and remember, the company asked us to wait!" Temisa says this as she quickly walks away and enters the elevator that takes her down the floor. Anita stares around for a while and continues eating her fried rice. "Temisa looks happy; does that mean the CEO actually kissed her too?" Anita's subconscious asks herself, and she wonders what really transpired between Temisa and the CEO in his office. "I shouldn't be worrying about this; they're a couple." Anita frowns at her own words, finishes her fried rice, and puts down her plate. She wipes the corners of her mouth with her handkerchief and continues with her work, arranging the list of names that will see the boss the following day. Meanwhile, Liam sits in his office,
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Chapter 84. Surprised his cousin
Liam walks back to his red SUV, and Tosin opens the SUV door for him to sit in. Liam doesn't wait for his father to say anything to him. As soon as Silas was through with his brief, Liam immediately walked away, as he wanted to rest. He speaks to Israel. "Stop by any eatery and get me some ice cream." Israel stares through the rearview mirror and responds, "Okay, boss." He ignites the SUV and drives out of Bennett, and he approaches an eatery, while Tosin steps down and walks into the eatery to get the boss's orders. Liam knows he cannot face little Cynthia without fulfilling his promise to her, as she doesn't seem to forget any promise made to her. He remembers the last time when her mother had promised her that Temisa would play with her, and Temisa never uttered any words to her, making Cynthia sadder. Tosin walks back to the SUV, holding a white-packaged nylon, and sits in, while Israel starts the SUV and drives back to their mansion. They arrive home as the security men at t
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Chapter 85. Temisa's jealousy
Mrs. Tonia immediately recognizes the car as Anita's best friend's, and she wonders if Anita is still in the car. She walks backward, excusing herself from Flora and her boyfriend, and she walks to meet Temisa, who immediately greets her. "Good evening, ma," Temisa says with a fake smile, and Mrs. Tonia smiles at her. "Welcome, my daughter, I thought Anita was here with you." "No, ma, Anita has gone inside since I was only receiving a phone call, and that delayed me," Temisa lies, knowing she cannot say that she was listening to their conversations. "Okay, I hope all is well with you." Mrs. Tonia asks Temisa in worry, hearing the sadness in her voice. "I'm fine, ma; I have to go now." Temisa quickly ignites her car's engine as Mrs. Tonia steps backward and away from her car. She zooms away, feeling her heart shudder as tears roll down from her eyes. Temisa arrives home and meets Aunt Susan and her daughters in their living room. Their home doesn't feel like home again without
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Chapter 86. Mother's marriage refusal
Anita quickly takes her towel and darts out of her room, leaving Flora, Esther, and Favor inside. She chases after her mother, who has returned to her room, and ties her white towel along the corridor before storming into her mother's room. "Mom!" Anita sees her mother taking off her brown gown and preparing to take a bath. Mrs. Tonia ignores Anita's screams as Anita walks up to meet her in the center of the beautiful, milk-colored room. "Mom, you cannot say that to Flora." Mrs. Tonia sighs and turns to face Anita. "You can't understand this. If Flora marries before you, it will seem like your fault, and that's why you're still single." "I understand, Mom, but Stephen truly loves Flora. Besides, they haven't set a wedding date yet. It won't affect me, and I'm sure about that," Anita says, and her mother shakes her head. "No, Anita. How can you be sure? When you don't even have any men asking you out or are in a relationship with you." Anita swallows and finally responds, "Mom,
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Chapter 87. Surprised Alert
"Hello," Anita says in a lower voice. She hears Alfred's husky voice greet her, "What's up, baby? How're you doing?" "I'm fine," she responds. She can hear the faint music playing in the background, making her wonder where Alfred is, as it's already getting late. "And you don't care to ask about me; how'm I doing too?" He asks, and she smiles. "Sorry about that. How's your day and work?" Anita inquired. "Fine, fine, and yours?" "Good," she responds. "Okay. I just called to know how you're doing. I'm honestly missing you, and you know Liam placed a ban on me. The last time I arrived on Monday just to see your beautiful face, the security men didn't allow me to use the elevator." "For real?" Anita asks aloud. "Yes, anyway, let's forget about Liam. I know he's behaving weird at times, but that can be solved. If I report him to his father, he will lift the ban, but I don't have the time. Can we see each other this weekend?" Alfred asks. Anita scratches her head, as she has already
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Chapter 88. The new looks
Arriving at the Benson Group, Anita settles down in her transparent glass office and stares at Bambam, who also settles down and stares at her coldly. Anita smirks, making Bambam stare away. They look so corporate and beautiful in their new vests, and she loves it. Anita switches on her computer to start work focus, and just then she sees the elevator door open, and the handsome CEO steps out with his personal bodyguard walking behind him and holding his briefcase. Liam dresses in a blue suit and black shoes, and Anita sees he isn't wearing the top given to them, while his bodyguard wore his usual black suit. Anita stares away from Liam, as she has chosen to believe their kiss was a mistake. She stands up and stares downward as he approaches her office. She hears the staff greet him, and as he nears her open glass office, he stares at her. Anita can also feel Liam's burning gaze on her. She raises her head up, meets his gaze, and greets him, "Good morning." Liam only stares at A
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Chapter 89. Supervising the company
Liam sits across from his two best friends, staring at his secretary's face. She looks breathtakingly beautiful. Now he realizes she's even cuter in her casual outfits than the oversized gown he implemented. Liam remembered the previous time he saw Anita with her sister over the weekend. She looked hot. He likes her, but he cannot confess his feelings to her. Liam shakes his head, eats his lunch quickly, and exits the cafe. He doesn't want to keep staring at them. As a lot of staff bought their lunch in takeaways and took it along with them, leaving the cafe. Done with his lunch, Liam stands up and sees Anita still conversing with Temisa. His fiancée has been staring at him since, but he looks away, and his secretary never looks back at him once, even though she knew he was there. Liam exits the cafeteria and walks out. He speaks to Raymond Martins to confirm Alfred's visit to the company. "Did Alfred Martin visit the company since I placed a restriction ban on him?" Liam inquired
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Chapter 90. Liam's absence
Anita doesn't understand her boss. She stares at Liam's face and nods, "Okay, sir," and turns and exits his office. Liam keeps staring at Anita's slim, curvy waist; even her skirt didn't hide her shape and big buttocks. He slams his table hard and stands up in annoyance, as he has a lot to say to her. Liam wants to tell Anita the truth, but he can't say it. He feels sick and loses his concentration for the rest of the day. Still sitting on his office chair until closing, Liam finally switches off his computer and exits his office. He holds his briefcase and finally steps out. Liam has warned Tosin not to disturb him in the office until he's ready to leave for home. So, Tosin doesn't go to check on him and rather waits on the third floor with other guards until Liam is ready to leave. Liam steps out of his office and doesn't stare backwards at Anita's office. He walks out and exits the third floor, going back downstairs to the garage to exit the company building, as a lot of staff
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