All Chapters of The Cold CEO's Woman: Chapter 71 - Chapter 80
104 Chapters
Chapter 71
Temisa is enchanted by Steven Morris' deep, masculine voice, feeling drawn to converse with him. Initially bored and upset, she is now interested and excited. "I find it hard to believe that Sophia would sell me off for just a stipend." "Women are often motivated by financial gain, willing to go to great lengths to appear attractive and extravagant," he said. "I'm not one to be easily fooled." She said forcefully, and the call goes silent for a time. "To be frank, Temi..." Temisa's heart skips another beat, then accelerates, and she sighs before settling on the couch next to her. "Please continue, I'm all ears," she says, encouraging Steven to speak. "Temi. I just wanted to let you know that I have feelings for you and was wondering if you'd want to go out sometime," he says, and Temisa sighs. "Steven, I've made it clear from the beginning that we can't date. Do you understand?" "I apologize, but I am already in a relationship. Please respect my decision and pursue someone else
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Chapter 72
Anita gets up from the couch when she notices her mother's arrival, shortly after Glory did. "Good evening, mother," Anita says, and Mrs. Tonia smiles in return. "Are you ready? Where are Favour, Esther, and the others?" "They're most likely in their rooms," Anita says. "Are you certain? Please go inform them that we will be leaving shortly," Mrs. Tonia said. "Okay, mom," Glory responded, ready to enter the passage. However, Flora and Lisa emerged and greeted their mother. "Evening, Mom. Are you all leaving now?" Flora asked. Citing Glory, Anita and their mother in the living room. "Yes," Mrs. Tonia responded. "Sure, Mom. I will not be able to join you right now owing to transportation difficulties, but I will catch up with you guys later," Flora said. "Okay," Mrs. Tonia said, stepping outside the house with Anita and Glory. Anita generously assisted Glory in carrying her box, while Glory carried her schoolbag. "Goodbye," Glory gestures at Lisa, and Flora asks, "Mom, shouldn't
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Chapter 73
Mrs. Tonia understands that if they do not go to see the apartment, they will have to wait until the following weekend. She turns back to face the major highways and says, "Okay, let's go see it first; it's not like we're moving in today. So, once we see the house, whichever flat you choose, we will pay for it and start moving our stuff gradually." "Okay, mom," Anita responds, checking her wristwatch. "Mom, it's already 6:20 pm, it will soon be dark," says Anita. "I know, let's just go see the house first. We need to cross the road and catch another bus to get to the location." They both cross the main road, and a bus heading to the mainland approaches and stops in front of them. As they board the bus, Mrs. Tonia tells the driver, "Amade Estate." "Okay, ma'am," the driver responds, and Anita asks, "Mom, Another estate?" "Yes, Anita, but they rent out their apartments, unlike ours, which is independently owned. Living in an estate is preferable for security reasons." "Okay, mom."
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Chapter 74. Sister's worry
After having her dinner, Anita stands up and walks back to her room to sleep. Glory, who used to disturb her and bombard her with questions, has gone back to school. She climbs onto her bed and drifts off to sleep. The following Monday morning, Anita wakes up late as she has slept for a long time. "Shit!" She curses and immediately jumps down from her bed, hurrying into her bathroom to bathe. The time is already 6:45 a.m., and she knows that before she beats the traffic and gets to work, it will be about 7:45 to 8 a.m., meaning she will be late. She swiftly takes her bath and rushes out to dry her body, not wrapping her white towel around herself but holding it. She sees that most of her used clothes from last week are dirty. "Oh no!" She murmurs and hurriedly wears her pants and bra first. Just then, her mother knocks on the door and walks in. "Anita, Are you still dressing up?" Mrs. Tonia asks, as she's in a purple nightgown. She walks into the room holding Anita's breakfast,
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Chapter 75. Lunch with the CEO
Anita stares in the direction where she heard her name being called, and her eyes meet with the handsome CEO's cold, burning brown eyes. She swallows and immediately shifts her gaze away from Temisa as a faint, shaky smile spreads across her face. She realizes she hadn't even told Temisa about her ignoring the CEO the previous day. She forces her legs to move as her feet become heavier, and she finally approaches Temisa's table and nervously greets the two of them sitting there as she feels all eyes on her. "Anita! I have been calling your line since, but you didn't respond. Why?" Temisa asks her, smiling. Anita swallows as words refuse to come out of her mouth. "Temisa, can we discuss this later?" She manages to respond as a waitress approaches the table and serves Temisa and the cold boss sitting there. "Okay, wait for me after closing. I have a lot to discuss with you, especially about my brother," Temisa says, and Liam stiffens as he actually thinks Temisa's brother was romant
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Chapter 76. His longing
Temisa walks into the elevator that takes her upstairs to the third floor. She nervously steps out and walks through the open passage leading to all the glass offices and she sees some staff staring at her. She composes herself, feeling too nervous as she majestically walks to the CEO's office. Arriving in front of his office door, Temisa knocks and hears his response, "Come in." Liam is actually sitting in his office and he has already contacted Brown, who is standing in front of him dressed in a black suit, to come and help him buy another lunch as he annoyingly left his lunch. He stares at his bride-to-be, surprisingly, as he hadn't expected her to be the one knocking. "Good afternoon," Temisa nervously greets him again, and she raises her hands holding the packaged nylon upwards and says, "I brought your lunch as you didn't eat much in the cafe." "Oh, thank you," Liam responds and dismisses Brown. "You can leave." "Okay, boss," Brown says, staring at the beautiful young la
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Chapter 77. The office kiss
Anita wonders what Liam wants to say to her that made him stand up instead of sitting in his executive office seat and speaking to her. He walks out and takes a few long steps to meet her, surprising her, and now stands in front of her. Though she's a tall person, he's still taller than her, and she feels her breath seize and her heart palpitating. "What do you do?" "Shush!" Liam hushes her up, placing his index finger on her lips. Anita gulps and feels her body spark as his finger touches her soft lips, and she steps backward immediately, stammering. "Sir, you requested to see me." "Yes, I did," Liam responds, and he walks backward to sit on an empty client seat. He doesn't know why he touched Anita's soft lips and feels his urge arising to pull her closer and kiss her hungrily as her natural pink lips entice him. Liam sits and faces Anita, trying to keep a straight face and suppress his internal desire to claim her. "Why did you ignore me yesterday and act before your sister l
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Chapter 78. Feeling like a betrayal
Anita doesn't know how to comfort her friend either, as Temisa is actually going through a lot, and she has also added to it by allowing the CEO to kiss her. She knows that the CEO is actually going to marry Temisa soon, and he's even supposed to be kissing and cuddling with Temisa, not her. Anita breathes out heavily and walks up to meet Temisa, sobbing beside her car. "I'm so sorry to hear about this. I honestly don't know why your brother would do that. But your mom shouldn't have disowned them. How about your father?" Anita asks, and Temisa sighs. "He doesn't speak much. It only annoys me that Martin left with Felicia. I heard their voices that night. I heard the sounds of someone moaning in the late hour of the night, but it didn't cross my mind to check Felicia's room." "That's her name?" Anita asks, and Temisa nods. "Yes. She's white, almost like you, but you're taller than her, and she's short," Temisa responds. "And your brother left with her... Hmph..." Anita sighs heav
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Chapter 79. Remembering the kiss
"I'm fine, mother. It's nothing," Anita responds and stares downward while Mrs. Tonia gazes at Esther locking the gate. Favour finally approaches them and questions Anita as their power supply turns on, making them see Anita's red face properly under the white-shining bulb. "Hey, big sis, what's wrong? Did you lose your job?" Favour asks as she approaches Anita, with Esther walking behind her and staring at Anita's face. "Sister, what's the problem?" Esther also asks, as they all surround Anita, expressing concern. "I'm fine, and I didn't lose my job. Can we all go inside now?" Anita responds to them and walks towards the frontage first, climbing the balcony stairs and going into their living room, while they follow suit after her. Mrs. Tonia sighs and gazes at her daughters. She knows all is not well with how her eldest daughter looks, and she fears maybe Anita has truly lost her job and doesn't want to disclose it to them. Mrs. Tonia decides not to press on the topic of why A
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Chapter 80. Thinking about his past
Liam gracefully exits his luxurious vehicle and strolls back into their opulent residence. He continues to dwell on the mistake he made when he inappropriately kissed his secretary. He worries that his actions may have serious consequences, such as her resigning or refusing to come to work. The line was crossed, and the kiss was far from innocent. Initially hesitant, he found himself irresistibly drawn to her as he observed her nervous lip-biting and couldn't shake his thoughts of her. Since his return to the country, he has remained faithful, having been deeply hurt by his ex-girlfriend. Mila Anderson's background is a mix of Nigerian and American heritage, which led her to grow up in the United States. As a result, she has a fair complexion. Liam planned to propose to Mila on her 26th birthday, which happened to fall on February 14th, Valentine's Day. However, he wanted to make it a memorable and intimate moment, so he surprised her by visiting her family home, where she lived w
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