All Chapters of Claimed by the Bikers a Ménage: Chapter 91 - Chapter 100
111 Chapters
Chapter 91
"In that case, I'll need to call in reinforcements." Hanna sighed. She called Kim and Raine and asked for their help. She hoped since they had once lived in the clubhouse, they'd help her with her parents. They got dressed and headed over to her home.Sam, Smokey, and Snake were sitting in the living room waiting. When they walked in Sam jumped up."Maverick what the hell were you thinking? Hanna still has high school and beauty school. I don't see how this can work right now." Sam demanded."For now, Hanna can move in with me until she leaves. Then we can take turns on weekend trips. It's only eight months. We can handle it." Maverick explained.Smokey jumped up. "Fuck no! My daughter is not living at the clubhouse!"Kim, Ice, Raine, and Jax walked in. "Ya remember me and Raine lived there and were fine." Kim reminded them."Yeah, I mean we had a couple skank issues, but we were fine." Raine replied."Lucas, you can give Maverick a raise so they can afford to get their own apartmen
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Chapter 92
"Nice to meet everyone. Look, I'm not here to cause any trouble. I just want to find my real dad and get to know him." Adriana explained.Hanna had a really bad vibe about her. She didn't know why. The girl seemed sweet and nice, but something was definitely off about her."How old are you?" Smokey asked."20." Adriana replied."You go to college or have a job?" Smokey asked."No college yet. I've been working odd jobs to save up. Mom's medical bills wiped us out." Adriana replied."You planning on moving here?" Hanna asked."I want to make sure Smokey is my dad. Then if he is and wants me here, then sure. I only have my step dad in Cali." Adriana explained."Well mom, dads, me and Mav are going apartment hunting." Hanna replied."Ok Hanna, but I want you sleeping here." Sam demanded."I'm staying with Mav. I already told you that." Hanna replied. "What the hell, he can stay here too." Sam replied."In my room?" Hanna questioned."Absolutely not." Sam retorted."Then no. Mav's room a
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Chapter 93
"I'm sorry I didn't realize I'd done that. I was just trying to make up for the time stolen from us and get to know her." Smokey said."And I'm sorry but there's something wrong with her. I get a really bad feeling every time I'm around her. First, she's living in my house, then she's hanging out at the clubhouse chasing the guys and sleeping with half of them." Hanna explained."And if that wasn't enough, she went and got a job at the salon where I work! Next thing you know she'll be following me to beauty school!" Hanna exclaimed."Umm well, since she's been working at the salon, she's really liking it and she did ask how to get licensed." Smokey explained."Fuck no! I swear to God if you even try to get her in to my school, I will never speak to you again!" Hanna retorted. "She is literally trying to take over my life!""Honey, I think that's just a little dramatic!" Smokey complained."Actually, she's not. Baby you have totally blown Hannah off since she walked into our life. I've
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Chapter 94
"Really Adrian? Man, she bounced back like Wonder Woman considering she was just roofied? Kind of convenient don't you think? Tonight, of all nights?" Sam demanded."She only took one drink before she got scared and called me." Smokey explained.Sam shook her head. "I am so disappointed in you. I never thought you this stupid. I never would have guessed you'd break our daughter's heart like you just did! Since she came into our I don't even know you anymore. I think it's best you both stay here tonight. I need some space.""Sam don't be like that. If Hanna was in trouble, I would have been there for her the same. I know it was graduation but you recorded it didn't you?" Smokey asked."I’m going to ignore that. Why didn't you send a prospect or brother after her so you could go to your daughter's graduation might I add one of the biggest milestones of her life?" Sam asked."Because she's my daughter and responsibility." Smokey replied."She's 20 fucking years old not a child! And you'
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Chapter 95
"Sam don't start." Smokey warned."That's rich! You know I don't bullshit! I tell it like I see it." Sam replied.Adrianna got moved into the clubhouse. Sam allowed Smokey to come home; however, she made him sleep in the guest room for a whole week. She was still furious with him for doing Hanna like he did."Beautiful? I think you can cut my brother some slack now?" Snake asked.Sam snorted. "He put you up to begging for him?""No. We just talked. He realized how bad he fucked up. He does feel really bad. He wants to make things right with Hanna, but she won't take his calls. Me and him are good. I think he's beginning to see what Adrianna has been doing. But she is his daughter, what's he supposed to do?" Snake asked.Sam sighed as she walked over to the bedroom door. She didn't want to be the bad guy. Or that person that makes someone chose one over the other. Even if she believes the other to be unworthy. "Adrian? Can you come here?" She yelled.A few minutes later he walked up t
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Chapter 96
"Mav I'm sorry but it's gonna have to wait just a few more minutes, we need to move on this fast. Before what we're doing is exposed and Adrianna runs!" Hanna pleaded. "Please just hang on for a few more minutes." "Fine! I don't like this. And after we're gonna talk!" Maverick warned.Hanna nodded and they all went into the clubhouse. As they walked in, everyone went quiet. It's rare other chapters show up unannounced. However, Jax knew what was going on. They couldn't risk word getting out about what was about to happen. Jax walked over and shook both their hands. "Thanks for coming. We've had her under watch since you called." "Thanks brother." Raptor replied. Smokey is at the bar with Adrianna. As soon as she saw the guys she got up to run."Stop Adrianna!" Hanna shouted. One of the brothers grabbed her. Hanna walked to the middle of the room and the guys followed her. "I guess you're all wondering who these two guys are. They are enforcers for the Cali branch of the Demon Ri
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Chapter 97
"NOOOO!" Hanna screamed as both Maverick and Smokey tackled her to the floor. She got the wind knocked out of her but didn't feel pain from the shot. "Mav? Dad?""I'm fine baby. You ok? You shot?" Maverick asked. "Where did the bullet go?""Right here." Smokey groaned."No! Daddy! Please no!" Hanna cried.Sam was there checking him. "Smokey where are you shot?""Shoulder." He groaned."Quick get him to the hospital!" Hanna screamed."Maverick calm her down. Someone get me a clean towel for compression for the wound. Snake pull the truck to the door. It looks like the bullet went straight through but we need to find out what kind of damage it caused. Hurry guys! Let's roll!" Sam ordered.Hanna grabbed his hand. "Daddy, I love you I forgive you.""I know honey. It's ok. I'm gonna be fine. Promise." Smokey replied.Maverick held Hanna while she cried. They got Smokey loaded up and watched them pull away.Hanna remembered something Adrianna said. "Mav? Why didn't you tell me about her co
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Chapter 98
They talked about what happened and Maverick helped her understand that they had no idea how many people she had hurt or probably would have continued to hurt. And he reminded her that she would have gone to be tortured and then killed anyway unless she was able to escape. Afterwards Hanna felt better and decided to put it behind her and move on. Smokey was struggling with the fact that one daughter killed the other until he went to clean her room out at the clubhouse. He found pictures where she had been stalking Hanna. Disturbing pictures of her and Maverick with Hanna's face marked out. Also pictures of Hanna and Smokey but with Adrianna's face taped over Hanna's. The final eye opener was her diary. It was full of hatred for her mom, step dad, boyfriend, Sam, and especially Hanna. He was then glad she was no longer in their life. But he did feel stupid for not seeing it himself. Maverick was now 21, Maddox just turned 20. Hanna, Jasmine, and Jessi are 19, while Blake, Brady, Ja
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Chapter 99
Later Maverick sent a text to Smokey and Snake. "We need to pay Joker's MC a little visit tomorrow.""Oh?" Smokey asked."For?" Snake asked."TJ was at the salon today hitting on my woman." Maverick replied."Time?" Smokey asked."Meet at your house around 10 since you're on the way and Hanna will have left for work." Maverick replied."Better have Prez let their Prez know we're coming." Snake warned."Already did." Maverick replied. The next morning, they ride out to the Joker's MC.Just after Maverick left Hanna was getting in her car to leave for work when Jasmine and Jade pulled up. Jade was crying."What's wrong?" Hanna asked."Me and Levi had a huge fight. I couldn't go home." Jade sobbed."Ok. Well, what was the fight about?" Hanna asked."He's still enlisting. He wants to be special ops like his dad was." Jade replied."Jade you've known this for years. It's not been a secret." Hanna said confused."I know! He can't go now! Everything has changed!" Jade cried.What's changed?"
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Chapter 100
The kids and everyone that was coming, finally showed up at Raine and Jax's house. "Ok everyone's here. What's going on?" Raine asked."Well, ah, mom, dad..." Jade stuttered.Levi decided to help her out. "I asked Jade to marry me and she said yes.""Ok. We've all figured that's how it would go once you've come back from the service. I don't understand what's going on." Jax replied."What's changed is we're getting married before I ship out. Jade's coming with me." Levi explained."How's that gonna work out with Jade going to college?" Jax demanded."She'd live on base with me and take online classes." Levi replied."Or, she can go to college and when you're back and she's graduated then you can get married." Jax responded."No matter how much time passes I still want her as my wife, with me." Levi replied."What's the big rush?" Jax demanded. "Jade?" Jax glared at Levi. "JADE!""I'm pregnant!" Jade whispered.Jax looked at Jade. "Levi you've got a thirty second head start.""No! Dad
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