All Chapters of Claimed by the Bikers a Ménage: Chapter 81 - Chapter 90
111 Chapters
Chapter 81
The guys loaded up and left for Snake's mom's house. Sam went to the kids’ rooms and asked them to come out for a talk."Kids, I need to talk to you." Sam replied."What's up mom?" Brady asked."Yeah, what's up?" Hanna Grace asked."Your cousin Jessi is coming to stay with us for a while. I need you both to help her feel welcome." Sam explained."Ok, but if she's trouble count me out." Brady remarked."She's fun." Hanna Grace replied."Hanna Grace." Sam warned. "Just remember your upbringing.""I know mom." Hanna Grace rolled her eyes.Friday night the clubhouse was having a party to celebrate Maverick and Maddox's graduation and their initiation into the club as prospects. The girls were worried about them moving in to the clubhouse."Ok ladies, time to party and claim our guys. No more waiting on them. If they don't want us then we can move on to someone else." Hanna Grace explained. "Jessi, Maverick and Maddox are off limits." Hanna Grace ordered."Ok cuz." Jessi replied.Jasmine
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Chapter 82
Maverick kissed her like he couldn’t get enough. He laid her back on to the bed covering her body with his. After a few minutes of kissing, he got up and went into his bathroom. Hanna was confused at what he's doing. He came out with a towel a little sheepishly. "I only have the one set of sheets." He explained.She nodded her head in understanding. He placed the towel under her then got a condom out of his bedside drawer. He gave his cock a few strokes before putting the condom on. Hanna was nervous but also excited. "It's going to hurt. If it gets too much, please tell me to stop." He replied."If I can't handle it I will." Hanna Grace agreed.His body covered hers again. He kissed her as he lined himself up. Then pushed himself inside. Hanna gasped at the sting of pain and foreign feel of him inside her. The pain didn't last long and it actually started to feel comfortable. Just as it started to feel better and she was enjoying it, Mav lets out a loud groan and stopped. She could
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Chapter 83
"Yes, I did. And if you keep it up, I'm gonna smack your ass again. We're going to my room to talk." He ordered. She stopped struggling and he went in his bedroom, locked the door, then tossed her onto his bed. She was so shocked she didn't even move. She looked into his eyes seeing fire and lust looking back at her. The struggle turned her on just as much as him, but she still wanted to defy him. "Don't move. Right now, I'm pissed and fucking turned on even more. Just sit your ass there until I have my say." He demanded.Hanna crossed her arms. "Fine! Talk!""I was getting ready in my bathroom and when I came in here, one of the club whores was lying on my bed waiting on me." Maverick explained.Hanna jumped up off the bed. "Oh my God! No telling what she has!""She had her clothes on. Anyway, I made her leave immediately. Nothing happened." Maverick replied."How did she get in your room?" Hanna asked."I forgot to lock the door. It won't happen again." Maverick promised."Uh huh.
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Chapter 84
"Damn you look hot." Hanna whistled."You mean WE look hot!" Jasmine agreed."The guys would have a coronary if they could see us now." Hanna laughed."I know." Jasmine also laughed."You did turn your phone off right? So, they couldn't track us." Hanna warned."Of course. I'm not stupid. Maddox would raise hell if he saw me right now." Jasmine replied."Come on, I'm dying for one of those fruity drinks." Hanna said as she dragged Jasmine down stairs.When they got to the bar, they each grabbed a drink. Then another after that one. They weren't drunk but were getting close. Brad kept hitting on Hanna and she kept telling him to fuck off. After the third time he picked Hanna up and ran and jumped into the pool with her.Hanna came to the surface. "Brad! What the actual fuck? You damn jerk! I didn't want my hair wet! Besides I told you to fuck the hell off!" Hanna yelled."Come on babe, you enjoy playing hard to get. You want me to chase you." He smirked."The hell I am. I have a boyfri
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Chapter 85
Hanna turned and ran into the house slamming the door behind her. When she got to her room, she slammed that door also and locked it."She is definitely your daughter." Smokey retorted to Sam. Sam just rolled her eyes and scoffed.Snake looked at Maverick. "I think you boys need to take Jasmine home. And then get to the clubhouse.""Yeah." Maverick agreed.After Hanna locked her door, she threw herself down on her bed for a good cry. She was frustrated and hurt among other feelings like embarrassment and anger over the entire situation."Hanna?" Sam lightly knocked on her door."Go away!" Hanna shouted."Honey, we need to talk." Smokey said calmly.Hanna opened the door then sat on her bed. Her three parents came in the room. "I am 18 not a child. To ground me like that is way unreasonable!" She retorted."You're right. And that's why we came to talk." Sam agreed.Smokey sighed. "Honey, I over reacted. When your mom was pregnant with you, I got drunk did some stupid shit, and we had
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Chapter 86
The next morning Hanna got up around 9am to shower and get ready to go meet Maverick to talk. She told him she'd drive to the clubhouse so they could have some privacy while they talked. As she pulled up in front of the clubhouse, she saw Maverick standing out front waiting on her.Mav walked to her car after she parked. "So how bad is it?" He asked as he opened her car door."My grounding? Nothing. After they cooled down, we talked. I am 18 after all." Hanna replied."Does that mean you're not mad at me?" He asked."I think I was madder at the situation than I was at you." Hanna explained.He grabbed her hand and linked their fingers. "Let's go to my room so we can talk." He led her through the clubhouse and up the stairs to his room. He let her go first so he could press his front against her backside. He leaned down and kissed her neck as she opened his door.Hanna stopped as soon as the door was open. "You've got to be kidding me!" She retorted.Mav jerked his head up. Sitting o
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Chapter 87
"There's another elephant in the room. The MC. I know while you're a prospect you have no choice. They say jump, you jump. You don't get to ask questions or get details ahead of time. Dad helped me understand how you're held at a higher standard due to your dad being Prez." She explained. "Yeah." He agreed."And how bad it would look if you disobeyed. I get that, I really do. But it doesn't help with the hurt I feel every time I feel when the club comes before me. Makes me feel second best, like I don't matter." She replied. "Baby that is farthest from the truth." He denied. "I know, I don't like feeling like that. I know it has to be that way for now, but it still really hurts. Especially since this is my senior year. It's supposed to be the best time of my school experience. Supposed to be one hell of a year. But so far, it’s totally sucked." Hanna explained."Baby, you are and will always be number one with me. Yes, if the club hollers, I have to follow. I don't have a choice. B
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Chapter 88
"You know how I want to be a beautician?" Hanna asked."Of course. You love the salon; it's why you work with Kim. That's no secret. Baby I know that's the career you want to do. I support it, support you always. I mean when you become my old lady you don't have to work. But I won't stop you if you do." He replied."Well in order to become a beautician I have to go to a secondary school to get my hours in so that I can sit for my state boards and get licensed. The best one is the Paul Mitchell institute. A degree from there is the best you can get. It's been my dream to go there but I wasn't sure I'd get accepted." Hanna explained."Well then, nothing but the best for my girl." Maverick grinned."I'm glad you feel that way. The closest school is two hours away." Hannah explained. "That's kind of a long drive." Maverick replied. "Wait! You're not driving it are you? You're moving there!" He demanded."Yes. But I'll come home every weekend and you can come visit me anytime." Hanna pro
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Chapter 89
"What? Like chase after a boy for years, lose my virginity to him, constantly wait on him to ignore me for the club and now not be able to handle me going away to school for eight months?" Hanna huffed. "Oh wait! I already did that!" "Hanna!" Jazz warned."Sounds like a real idiot to me. Any guy should be chasing you and not the other way around." TJ replied."I'm Hanna." Hanna replied. "Sam, Smokey, and Snake's daughter.""TJ as I said. Tank and Raven's son." He replied."Raven is your mom?" Hanna asked."Yep." He replied."She's cool. She comes in Aunt Kim's shop all the time." Hanna explained."You work there?" TJ asked."Yeah. Part time for now, but when I graduate, I'm going to beauty school to get my license." Hanna replied."You definitely don't need any beauty school." TJ grinned."No silly. Beauty school is where you go to get your training and hours to become a beautician. Then you got sit for your state boards to get your license to do it professionally." Hanna explained.
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Chapter 90
"Look, distance is not going to do that. Only the distance you put between us can do that. I love you, Maverick. I want to spend the rest of my life with you. I've felt that way for a long time. The only thing that could change that is you pushing me away or cheating on me.” She explained.“Do you not think I have fears? I'm afraid me being gone will cause your feelings to change or you to stray. But I know I've got to do this for me and put trust in you to be faithful. Put trust in us that we have that forever kind of love. And I do believe that Maverick." Hanna replied."When I saw him touching you, so much ran through my head. I can't stand the thought of you being with someone else. I realized having you whatever way I can is better than not at all. No fucking way can I stand the thought of you with anyone but me." Maverick replied.He stood then knelt in front of her. He took her hands in his. "Can you forgive me?" "Depends." Hanna whispered."On?" He asked."You touched anyone
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