All Chapters of Blessed By The Goddess: The Chosen Lusina Wolf: Chapter 131 - Chapter 135
135 Chapters
Chapter 131
Ryan's POV “Ryan…he was the only one who wasn't healed and still managed to escape without getting killed by the poison…” Katie revealed.“And you just thought of telling me about it now?!” I heard Killian yell.Fuck…I have been caughtSlowly, I tried retracing my steps back up the stairs. I barely stepped on the last one when I heard my name being called.“Hello Ryan…didn't know you fancied snooping around, I would have also had you tied down.” The look in Killian's eyes was far from friendly. I didn't even make it back behind the door of the room I was sleeping in when he swept me off my feet.“Got you.”~~~~Katie's POV I could tell I needed a good sleep when I saw Killian dragging Ryan by the collar down the stairs like a thief. My body didn't react, my mouth wasn't agape nor did I feel any emotion. I was completely numb. I think using my ability came at a cost. I felt numb on the inside like I was a plain white sheet floating across the river to Florida. The way I made sense
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Chapter 132
Killian's POV“You guys think I joined this willingly?!” Esther cried. Katie stared down at her with disgust before bending down to her eye level.“Ma’am, asides the fact I do not give any fuck about what you think…I also plan on finding out myself every single detail from you even if it takes my last breath.” Katie said with so much hate that left me appalled. If I didn't know better, I would say she sounded just like me. It was exactly something I knew I could say.I felt Melissa's harsh gaze on my side profile but I refused to look her back in the eye. There was no way I was giving her the satisfaction of being right about not allowing Katie to get attached with the whole revenge scheme.This was until she came to my side by the window.“Are you seeing what I am saying or do you want her burning down the whole pack before you believe me when I say you cannot let her anger supercede her. You think I didn't know what I was talking about?! Look back, look at her!!” She forced me to t
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Chapter 133
Katie's POV How did we get here…Killian was asleep beside me on the bed and the time was reading 4:03 PM. Honestly, I had thought I would sleep longer considering how much of it I knew I needed. I turned to look at him again, his thicc carved eyebrows were more relaxed now, his face appeared more calm without those stress lines popping out. His lips were parted but not too wide enough to slip a finger pass. I thought I had the whole thing figured out.I had decided that I was going to continue whatever game this was—generally, he has been super nice to me. And In return, I was also going to be super nice back to him. I wasn't going to put as much energy he was putting in, I would only mirror back whatever he gave to me because I wasn't still sure why he picked so much interest in my life even before we knew we were mates.This morning changed everything I knew and felt towards him—In a good way also.I never thought I would need to say it out loud but I think I have unconsciously f
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Chapter 134
Katie's POV I exited the room since that wasn't where my bag and toiletries were. My face was flushed and the memory I had closed the door on, burned alive in my head. I wouldn't stop playing. The moist feeling between my legs told me what to do to make it all feel better. I almost pressed down on the door handle out of a last minute decision, only to decide against it. Self control, self control, self control… I reminded myself as I walked into the next door. Jessica looked better. Her skin wasn't as pale and she was in another hoodie and sweatpant. The only difference between what I wore usually and what she was wearing now was that she had sweatpants on. I gave her a weird look through the mirror as she took care of her hair while she just stared back awkwardly.I was ready to give her some hate till I remembered that she had gone through an operation just the previous day.“This is probably a good time to ask how you are feeling?” I broke the silence. “Less pregnant and in pai
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Chapter 135
Killian's POV “I actually like her.”I blurted out. The car went silent, only the sound of a live engine and the dull voice of the radio presenter filling the air. The rest of it was pure silence and awkwardness.“Fuck…” I said out loud. Not to the fact I just confessed my feelings for Katie but because It felt good. It felt good to admit it out loud for once that I found every moment with her thrilling.“I don't think you know this but you weren't exactly subtle about it on the trip, you know that, right?” Stephen asked, looking at me through the front mirror. The same mirror I used to flip him my middle finger.“Well you try having a mate you are destined to be with where you can't control how you feel, what you feel and when you feel it. And when your other comes as close as ten inches from you, you can smell their soul. It's that deep.” I said defensively. I hated how it seemed as if I lacked self control when that was like my greatest fort.“Killian, are you saying Katie is you
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