All Chapters of Blessed By The Goddess: The Chosen Lusina Wolf: Chapter 121 - Chapter 130
135 Chapters
Chapter 121
Katie's POV “I am sorry but I can't…” She sighed.“What do you want to hear then?” She asked, staring at me with tired eyes.“Everything.”“Come on…that's going to take like the whole night and it's already a new day.” She complained.“Then make it breathe. I'm not saying I want to know everything about you. I just want to know things like why you kept it away from us, since when and how are you so fucking cool?” Roman nudged her.“Or you could just compel me to forget what I saw…” He suggested, winking at me.I don't know how he manages to cook up this much excitement from but it was definitely eating off me. I needed a bed to sleep all my worries on.“Shut up. And you don't know about it for a good reason.” I added, shaking my head. I was trying my best to stall the answer until Lucy gave me a good go ahead to say it but then again, she wasn't exactly telling me not to say anything to him. My gut feeling also wasn't pricking me so I figured what could be the harm.I cleared my thr
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Chapter 122
Katie's POVI woke up to the tremor of the boat. Apparently it had hit the deck and broken a few pieces of wood work on the deck before it came to a stop.“My father is definitely going to ask questions…” Shedrack complained as we got down out and down from the boat one after the other. Jessica was strategically left for second to the last so that she was supported at the back and someone else helped her from the front. None of which was Ryan. Except for his little contribution to Roman's story, he had been exceptionally quiet throughout the ride. I had no idea where he hid till it was time to go on deck.“Well when you learn more about your father, I hope you will ask him questions too…” Stephen said as he helped Jessica down onto the deck. Everyone but Killian had the ‘what the fuck’ look on his face.“What did you say?” Shedrack asked, cocking his head to the side.“Hey! Doctor…you might want to get up now. I don't think any of these boys have any strength in them to carry your ass
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Chapter 123
Katie's POV “But I may know someone who knows how to compell—” Roman said. A brief moment of silence where I imagined throwing him off a cliff prior to him blurting out, “of some sort…” Fuck…this can't be how he throws me under the bus.“But I have to do some consulting first, I don't know if the person can be available just yet.” He briefly looked in my direction, the side of his lip tipping up in an almost obscured smile. I guess it was something only he and I would understand. Relief washed over me, then I gave it a thought.Why was I hiding?I obviously trusted Stephen and Shedrack with my life, and both of them have been in my life on the look out for me. Killain and Roman already know about me having a wolf and Esther could suck it any time. It was then I realized I could compel her to tell me the truth about my mother's body.“I am the compeller that Roman claimed to know…” I suddenly blurted out, slapping my hand over my mouth when it was already too late and the information
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Chapter 124
Katie's POV “Fuck you, Roman.” I said, flipping my finger in his direction.“Sure love, sure. Have fun twisting his mind.” Killian rolled his eyes and rose to his feet, helping me up. Just a touch of hands and my chest felt more unstable than ever. I felt like people who could, could hear my heart beat loud and clear in the room.“Come on, let's go. Don't give into his sass, stay focused.” Killian told me as I stood toe to toe with him. Inhaling so much of him took out the part where I was supposed to breath with my nose, so I did with my mouth. It was funny that we were all casually speaking with him with so much blood stain on him. Before we exited the door, I grabbed a white plain shirt I saw hanging around and a small towel.~~~~~(On their Arrival)Melissa's POVI expected a mess, I was not gonna lie but I hoped for the best regardless. From what they had told me earlier in the day, the place was a safe haven that could quickly turn into hell in one wrong move.My job?I wasn't
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Chapter 125
Melissa's POV “Sure. I mean, If I don't do it, who will? Katie who can stand her guts or her ex boyfriend who found out the baby isn't even his??” Killian sighed. “Thank you.”~~~~~I led her ahead of the others, they assisted in helping her up the little hill she remembered struggling to come down from at the time of their departure. She felt the grip Jessica had on her arm as she helped her through the woods and up the stairs into the Lakehouse. She was hurt, clearly. The way she took every step with regret made it obvious.“I know this is probably the worst cliche thing you are willing to hear but trust me, you would be glad you did this in many years to come.” I said to her with as much sympathy as I could pack inside my tone.“Oh I'm definitely glad I did this. My mother would have crucified me. I just—” She hissed and cursed profanities I have only ever heard pregnant women and girls on their period use.“I
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Chapter 126
Katie's POVThe outside air infiltrated my skin and went straight to my lungs, icing it up like we were standing in the middle of the wilderness. There was a show and tell in the back of my mind as I thought about what my first question was going to be because I had no idea. I kept following behind him while he kept walking ahead. There were suitable spots we could have sat like the first batch of stairs leading to the Lake House. It was the most comfortable part where we could just sit on the stairs in the absence of stars, just to see if I could touch his mind.“I know you are probably thinking…where are we going?” Killian said, his voice cracking up a bit as he took a shaky step. “I am way past thinking, now I'm just weary and ready for anything.” I replied, crossing a rock. The path was familiar, I don't know why I was just acting tough. I knew the path properly at this point. We got close to the little hill that stood in the midst of bushes and trees, just before we got down to
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Chapter 127
Killain's POV “Okay…just one more time.” She agreed. I could hear her heart beating like a fair maiden soft drum, but the intervals were so short, it made me worried why. I took a brave step forward. Yes, that's what it was, a brave step. No one was so confident in someone else with this kind of ability but there was a huge part of me that trusted her. Cade trusted her and that just happened to push me into whatever madness this may turn out to be. I cleared my throat and it happened to get her attention as she raised her eyes to mine. She blinked, going down to look at my hand and then my eyes again. I see her swallow hard. “You can ask any question, as deep as you want. Nothing is off book. Just don't ask me to kill myself because I would find a way to kill you instead.” “Killian!” Cade yells at me but I ignore him. It was something that wouldn't leave my head. I just felt the need to say it out just to put it out there. “I figured…” She chuckled nervously. See?! You made t
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Chapter 128
Melissa's POV“So…how long has it been—” I checked my time, “ten minutes…wow.” We have been sitting around for the last ten minutes waiting for the both of them to return since they went to make sure that Katie’s abilities worked. I could see that it was going to take more than just some finding out when the time started running past 5 AM.“I didn't want to seem like I was bringing the impatient one but thank God someone said something. How long does it exactly take to ask a question?” Shedrack asked, standing up on his feet and going to turn on the TV that had been turned off since I arrived here.“Guys just give them some time. I am sure they have other things to sort out asides Just knowing if her powers worked alright.” Stephen muttered over his laptop screen that was seated between his legs.“There has been a functioning TV all this while and no one thought to turn it on?” I asked, looking at the smart TV displaying Netflix.“Because no one asked. And besides we were all busy tr
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Chapter 129
Killian's POV “HELP!!!”She screamed so loud my ears felt the need to bleed. I had the heavy urge to punch her to sleep again but that in itself wasn't time effective which meant I needed to design another device to make her shut up.“You didn't have to scream so loud like you are that innocent.” I continued to drag her towards the center of the living area. The look on their faces, especially that on Melissa. She didn't look like she was happy to be seated in our midst. I rolled the roller chair out and placed it in the center, putting her before it and sitting on the chair.“You don't need to cry now. Damage has been done.” I said while trying to catch my breath. Pulling her body across the room with my strength at its reserve phase, proved to definitely be a lot more difficult a job than I thought it would be.“You pulled me by the fucking hair, down a polished wooden floor. Do the math why my skull hurts and I need to cry!” She screamed at me. Her voice cracked like that of the i
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Chapter 130
Katie's POV And she did just that. Her groaned out so loud, my attention immediately went to Jessica and Melissa who stood by the corridor watching the ordeal take place.“Are you ready to answer the question?”She nodded her head eagerly. Her face contorted to show how much pain she was in and it only made me smile. Images of myself sleeping off in the waiting room two months ago as I waited and pleaded for a meeting with her but was instead awarded with some petty excuse from her secretary. I refused to feel bad for what I did to her.“So answer it.” She struggled to sit right since her hands were tied behind her. There was not much space or freedom to move with Killian behind her and myself in front of her. “Your mother…Hannah. She was the best in everything. I was second best. No matter what I did, she was just…better. I didn't know how she got away with barely surviving on her little finances and still managing to Ace all the classes. She quickly became the professor’s pet. I
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