All Chapters of My Billionaire Ex-Husband Wants Me Back: Chapter 21 - Chapter 30
110 Chapters
Catherine's POV What was I thinking? What the fuck was I possibly thinking? What was wrong with my head? Those were the thoughts that ravaged my mind as I restlessly paced my bedroom. What happened to the decision to ignore Alessandro's existence and never let him get close to me? How could I have been so stupid on two occasions? As if fucking him wasn't bad enough, I had also let him finger me to a breathtaking orgasm earlier today. Although I hated to admit it, the orgasm had calmed my raging nerves and I had smoothly carried out three surgeries today. But that was beside the point, having carnal affairs with a jerk like Alessandro was the worst thing I could possibly do. Raking my hands through my hair, I exhaled heavily as my brain unhelpfully replayed the whole thing in my head; how good his dexterous fingers had felt thrusting in my slick warmth and how sexy he had looked smirking at me as I came. I needed to stop thinking about him before I shoved myself into an even w
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A Family Painting
Catherine's POV “You look pretty today, Dr Williams,” A veteran cardiologist, Dr Abel, complimented me, as I walked into the lunchroom to make myself a sandwich. Shit, I thought inwardly, trying to think of what atrocity I had committed that day that the universe was punishing me for. You see, Dr Abel was a well-known womanizer in tender care. Hell, I had barely spent a week working before he came to my office with a gift hamper stating that he wanted to hang out with me. I had politely declined his offer and walked him out, with the excuse that I wanted to go and pick up my sons. You'd think the old geezer would have read in between the lines to decipher that I didn't want anything to do with him. But he didn't, he had even offered to take me there. Can you imagine? If that wasn't shamelessness at its height, I had no idea what else it was. “Thanks,” I said, then averted my gaze from him to grab the packet of slice bread from the refrigerator. When I looked back, I sa
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Self pleasure
Catherine’s POV With my heart scudding in my chest, I trekked into Grandma's room.Upon seeing her, I donned a smile that didn't quite crease my eyes."Good morning, ma. How are you feeling today?" I asked, looking through her files."I'm fine, dear. How are you?" She grinned."Fine too, ma. Thanks for asking," I returned her grin before scribbling a remark on her file and placing it on the bed side table."You'll come tomorrow, right?" She asked. "Most certainly, ma." I nodded, to which she smiled again."Good. Thanks for taking care of me, dear," She said.Smiling, I responded. "You're welcome, ma'am." Afterward, I injected her medication for that morning into her iv packet before making my way out of the room to my office, where I eased myself out of my white coat and hung it on the rack.Then, I headed to the locker room to change out of my scrubs into a casual outfit, that consisted of black baggy sweatpants and a white tee.As I tossed my hair into a bun, I caught sight of a
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Let me help
Alessandro’s POV "Look who it is!" Grandma cheered heartily as I entered her bedroom. "My one and only grandson, Alessandro."She was sitting on her rocking chair with a cheshire grin creasing her lips."How are you doing today, ma?" I asked, crossing the room to press a kiss to her forehead.Smiling, she nodded and motioned to a half-knitted mass of red yarn on her lap. "I'm good. How are you?”“Good too, what are you doing?” I motioned to the yarn on her lap.“I’m knitting a cardigan for the children at the homeless shelter," Grandma divulged, picking up the knitting pins and continuing her work. "Next week is the thirty-first anniversary of your grandfather's death and I intend to finish the whole thing before then.""Oh," I muttered, sitting on the couch beside her. "Is there going to be a ceremony?"She shrugged. "I don't know yet. I'm still contemplating the whole thing but we'll see. So what's going on with you?""Me?" I raised a brow. "Nothing much. Just work and some stuff.
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Mummy, we want to see Mr Alandro
Catherine’s POV “Where are you headed?” Alessandro asked, steering the car onto the highway traffic.Earlier today, I had attended a seminar downtown and my car has decided to develop faults on my way home.My mechanic was currently out of town, and I had no idea who else to call.While I was waiting under the scorching sun, Rita called me.I was quite relieved when Alessandro showed up but I'd rather eat mud than to tell him that.“Home,” I muttered, looking outside the window, in a bid to hide my reddening cheeks.The sight of Alessandro's arms in the short sleeve shirt that he had on was doing something sinful to me, and also causing me to conjure the most lascivious images in my head.Damn you, Alessandro, I inwardly cursed him while glancing at the sexy strings of veins on his forearms as he expertly maneuvered the car.Never in my life had I thought a day would come that I would think driving was the sexiest thing ever.But here I was, lustfully staring at Alessandro as he drove
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Catherine is my stepsister?
Laura’s POV “Here, it is, Miss,” Karen uttered, placing a plate of mashed potatoes, gravy and steak on the table.“Okay, you may leave,” I discharged her, and she nodded before exiting the dining room.Then, I cut up a small piece of the braised beef and ate it.I spat out the steak as soon as it made contact with my tongue.The steak was as salty as the water at an ocean floor and overtly oily, as if she had left it overnight to sit in a jar of oil.Karen had successfully prepared the worst steak ever and had even served it to me, like the blockhead she was.Hurrying over, she asked. “Do you have any problems with the food, Miss?”For some reason, her question awoke the budding anger within me to its peak, and without thinking, I gave her a dirty slap.“Do I have any problem with the food?” I mimicked her annoying chirpy voice, rudely tapping her forehead.“I-I'm sorry, ma,” Karen apologized, holding back her tears as she stared at the floor.“Always look at me when I'm scolding you
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Sudden engagement
Catherine’s POV “Good morning, Dr Williams,” One of the young resident doctors whose name I had forgotten greeted me, as I strolled into the male ward.“Morning,” I nodded, and continued on my path to see my patient who was scheduled to be discharged tomorrow.My patient, a middle-aged welder who had fallen from his motorbike and had gotten a nerve strain in his brain, was fast asleep, and as I didn't want to disturb him, I decided to come back when he was awake.“Uhm, Dr Williams,” The resident doctor uttered, as I turned to leave the ward “Yes?” I responded.“My name is Kayla Simpson and I have a favor to ask from you,” She said, to which I furrowed my brows.“What favor is that?”“We all know you are one of the best neurosurgeons in America, if not in the world,” She began, and I smiled, inwardly preening with pride.It made me really happy whenever people praised my skills.Kayla was a smart person; instead of begging me to do her a favor with straightforwardness, she had decide
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Laura’s POV “I can't believe this,” I spat out, as I re-read the lawsuit in my hold.“You need to calm down, babe,” Daphne placed a hand on my shoulder. “Maybe apologize to him and keep your distance just like he wants. It's clear the ma-”“Whose side are you on exactly?” I snapped at her, and she sighed before sitting on the couch again.For the past three days, I had been at Daphne's place, in order to avoid the press and the evil public.Pacing the room, I raked my hands through my unkempt tresses as the gears in my head turned, in search of a solution.To get Alessandro's attention, I bought a diamond ring some days ago, wore it, and posted a picture on my social media platforms claiming I was now engaged.I had tagged Alessandro's profile and had also paid different blogs to write about it, in order to disperse the news throughout the whole of America.Now that I thought of it, I shouldn't have done something so silly to steer Alessandro's focus to me.I had only worsened the sit
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I need to find my baby
Catherine’s POV Blinding rays of sunlight diffracted through the window into my eyes, and forced them open.The blood vessels at my temple throbbed with an agonizing migraine as I carefully sat up while the antiseptic smell of the room enlightened me about the fact that I was laying in a hospital bed.Squeezing my eyes open, I stroked my temples, trying to recall how I ended up in a hospital.It was then it clicked in my head and I shot out of bed with a start.Liam had been kidnapped by unknown gunmen at the kindergarten, and I had fainted after I was given the news.My baby was abducted yet I was here sleeping like a log of wood.I was such a useless mother.As I made to remove the IV cannula from my wrist, the door opened to let Mr Thomas and Leo in.“Mummy!” Leo ran to hug me, and I weakly hugged him back as tears freely rolled down my cheeks.“I don't want you to dwell on it, Catherine,” Mr Thomas's voice wafted into my line of hearing as I rubbed soothing circles on Leo's back.
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I have your son
Catherine’s POV Rivulets of tears cascaded down my cheeks as I stared at Liam's side of the twins' shared room.Trembling with sobs, I reached forward to caress the messy scribbles on his wall and squeezed my eyes shut as I tried to envision Liam in the kidnapper's den.Although Mr Thomas had advised me against dwelling too much on it, I just couldn't help myself.My poor baby. I couldn't help but wonder how he was coping in a strange and scary place.Liam, who Leo often teased by calling him a scaredy cat.Liam, who couldn't sleep on his own, without coming to my room.Liam, who couldn't do without his teddy bear.The kidnappers were yet to contact us which scared me to no end.Hell, for the past three days, I had only been chewing ice cubes as food because I couldn't bring myself to swallow anything but that.I was quite proud of myself though for not breaking down in Leo's presence once.My heart shattered into irredeemable shards whenever he asked me when Liam was returning home
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