All Chapters of My Billionaire Ex-Husband Wants Me Back: Chapter 51 - Chapter 60
110 Chapters
Laura's POV Three weeks had passed since my sentencing and in all honesty, everyday had been nothing but absolute torture for me.I no longer had freedom nor easy access to the bathroom.My one and only friend, Daphne, who I used to think would stand by me through thick and thin had also abandoned me.I always had to be accompanied by one ugly warden or the other simply because an unfortunate prisoner had lied against me and told everyone that I was a murderer even though I was an innocent soul.If anyone was a murderer, it would be that useless bitch called Catherine.She was not satisfied with killing my dad, so she also had to kill my mother, the only family that I had left in this cruel world.Fuck, I really should have shot that harlot and her bastard child when I had the opportunity to instead of giving her a sermon, and wasting my bullet on that useless old man.If only I had the chance to meet her again, I would kill her instantly without batting an eyelid.After all, she des
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An august visitor
Catherine’s POV “Barbados gave you such a great tan,” Grandma beamed, caressing my cheek. “You look so radiant and lovely, my dear.”“Thank you, ma,” I smiled back, to which she nodded then pulled away.Alessandro and I came back from Barbados yesterday and presently, we were having lunch with Grandma on the veranda of her place.Tilting my head sideways, I smiled at my dashing fiancé, Alessandro, whose hand had been on my lap ever since I took my seat.Thankfully, he was only stroking it softly and lovingly instead of passionately, which would ignite some salacious emotions within me.And getting wet in front of Grandma was the least thing I wanted at that moment.“Grandma, we have something to show you,” Alessandro began, gazing into my eyes, his lips bearing a proud smile.Mirroring his smile, I placed my left hand on the table and watched as the plain expression on Grandma's face morphed into surprise tinged with elation, as she took my hand.“You are engaged!” She squealed, to w
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Engagement party
Alessandro’s POV I beamed as I stared at her; my fiancée, the center of my universe, and the reason why I strived hard to be a better man everyday.Today was our engagement party and she looked lovely in a castleton green ball gown that was fitted at the waist to accentuate her lithe waistline.How had I managed to snag a woman with a golden heart and an impeccable personality like Catherine?There was no denying the fact that I was the luckiest man on earth.I had let her go the first time out of my own foolishness, but now, I would rather die than to even dream of letting her go.I would protect both her and the twins with my life.They were my family–my little family and my warm home.Gosh, I loved them so damn much.“What?” Catherine asked, as I peered into her beautiful, coffee-brown eyes. “Is there something on my face?”“Yes,”“What?” She asked, frowning as she patted her face before realizing what I meant. “Don't you dare give me a cheesy response.”“What cheesy response?” I
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Fucking in a limousine
Catherine’s POV As Alessandro and I exited the venue of the party, Alessandro's driver, Javier, flung the limousine door open.I climbed in first and took my seat on one of the cushioned benches, my heart hammering against my ribs in fervid anticipation.Sexual excitement coursed through me as he sat down beside me and gave me a smirk.Without wasting time, he cupped my face and joined our lips in a passionate kiss that had me shivering with erotic hunger.Moaning, I slipped my tongue in his mouth and attempted to win the battle of tongues for once, but Alessandro seamlessly won, as his hands dropped from my face to unzip my dress.“You are so horny,” I whispered into the kiss, to which he nodded, his hands drawing fluttery circles behind my back, as I unbuttoned his coat and he freed himself out of it.His waistcoat went next, followed by his shirt getting unbuttoned. When I attempted to peel it off him, he held my hands and shook his head.“Enough about me,” He said. “Let's focus
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Prison break idea
Laura’s POV “Fuck my life,” I muttered underneath my breath, glaring at the half-cooked morsel of rice and plain soup on my plate.Even though I didn't want to eat the disgusting meal, I knew I had to eat it because we were only fed twice a day, and I had already skipped the first meal of that day.Being sick in a deranged institution like this would drive me to commit suicide, and I couldn't have that.I still needed to get my revenge on that bitch.“Is the food too lowly for Princess Laura?” A buffoon sitting beside me grinned, showing her rotten pair of teeth.Ignoring her, I mixed the rice with the excuse of a soup and ate it, while holding my breath because the stench of the food was pungent and nauseous.Never in my life had I thought a day would come that I would be reduced to a shell of my former self.Not only had I been forced to cut my long hair shoulder length, I was also forced to dye it from pink to black, with a cheap chemical that I was sure had destroyed my hair foll
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Family time
Catherine’s POV “Ooh, this smells good, mummy,” Leo uttered, as he trekked into the kitchen. “Gooder than the one Daddy and Liam made.”“Hey,” Liam made a noise of protest as he entered the kitchen. “Me and daddy made good sausage rolls. Even mummy said it, right?” He gave me a look of expectation.Smiling, I nodded. “Sure, baby. It was very nice. And Leo, it's better not gooder, hm?”“Okay, mummy,” He pouted. “I want to bake doughnuts too. Can I?”“Yes, you can,” I nodded, grabbing his apron from the rack and putting it on him. “There you go. Do you want to help mummy too, Liam?”“Yes, mummy,” Liam nodded, and I helped him don his own apron also.Two weeks had passed since Alessandro and I got engaged and a month had passed since the twins and I moved to his mansion.Currently, he was on a business retreat at Australia for three days while I had just gotten off my morning shift, hours ago.The whole setting of Alessandro's place had changed in the last five years, take for example,
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Trouble sets in
Catherine’s POV “Good morning, Attorney,” I greeted as Santos entered my car, all smiles. “Morning, dear.”I had decided to face all my fears today once and for all. This, I had asked Santos to take me to my father's place of burial because I needed closure.Avoiding the whole thing was causing me more harm than good, and also causing me to overthink. I wanted to put my mind at rest and be at peace with myself, and also possibly forgive him.My shift today was at night which tremendously helped matters.Also, the foundations and shelters that I had established about a month ago were gradually being prepared for operation.After much deliberation, I had also decided to add a skill acquisition center to the shelter in order to assist some people who didn't want a formal education.Putting everyone's best interests at heart was the beef thing to do in that situation.About an hour later, we got to the crematorium as my father had demanded to have his remains cremated in his will, accor
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Catherine’s POV Three days had passed since Laura escaped from prison, and ever since then, I had been unable to get a full night's rest.I had even resorted to sleeping pills in order to be able to focus properly on surgeries and the rest of my work, yet my effort had been futile as I would sleep for like a minute only to wake up from a nightmare, drenched in sweat.As for the twins, I had withdrawn them from school some days ago, and had hired a teacher to come over to teach them as I didn't want them out of my sight for even a minute.It took a great dose of persuasion from Alessandro before I allowed them to go over to Grandma's place when I went to work, two days ago, yesterday, and even today.Two days ago, Alessandro had decided to tighten the security of the mansion by hiring more security men and installing CCTVs at every part of the house. However that did little to put the worry burning within me to rest.Many gory imaginations had played out in my mind for the past couple
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Taking action
Alessandro's POV “Good afternoon, sir,” Shelton's voice came from the other end of the line. “Afternoon, how is the search party going?” I went straight to the point. “Has any of the fugitive prisoners been apprehended yet?” “Yes, sir. The orchestrator of the plan and two others were caught today,” He responded. “It remains Laura and one other lady. I'm highly certain they will be caught very soon.” “Alright, thanks for your help.” I said, before hanging up and averting my focus to Catherine whose gaze was fixated at the void in front of her, as she laid beside me on the bed. After news of the prison break broke out, Catherine became more reserved and quiet. She rarely spoke and was always spacing out. It was so bad that she had cut herself with a knife earlier today while dicing carrots. “That was Shelton,” I said, when she looked at me. “Three out of the five escapees have been caught. It's only a matter of time before they apprehend her.” “I hope so,” Catherine whispered,
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Aggravated fear
Catherine’s POV I smiled as I maneuvered my car into the vast expanse of Alessandro's estate. That day, I was happy beyond words because Laura had been recaptured and was now back in prison.According to Attorney Santos, this time she had been placed in jail with notorious serial killers and cannibals which meant that she would be in hell on earth.Suddenly, I heard a loud explosion before the mansion was enveloped with wild flames of fire. Gasping, I exited the car, with my heart hammering against my chest in trepidation.Before I could take two more steps, the whole building collapsed and became gutted by fire completely, causing my legs to buckle beneath me.An alarm went off in my head and I screamed my lungs out.“My kids are in there!” I hollered, tears running down my face as I ran into the fire. Although it burned and tore my clothes, I didn't care because all that mattered to me was saving Leo and Liam.“Mummy, help!” I heard them call from a distance, and my heart cut into
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