All Chapters of My Billionaire Ex-Husband Wants Me Back: Chapter 61 - Chapter 70
122 Chapters
5k reads! 🥳
Good day, lovelies. I’m Eden Dahlia, the writer of this book, and I’m beyond happy and grateful for your love and support.This book now has 5k+ and counting reads, and I couldn’t have achieved such a great feat without your kindness. To everyone, who gave this book a chance, thanks a lot, and I hope you remain blessed.Also, please do well to recommend this book to your friends, families, and loved ones. You can also leave a comment detailing what you think about this book. I will do my best to write more and continue gaining your unshakable support. Thank you so much. 🫶🏽Love, Eden Dahlia.
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Revenge begins
Laura’s POV “I am heading downstairs to make breakfast,” Chris uttered, pressing a kiss to my lips.”What do you want to eat?”Not only had I gotten a dedicated fool like him to house me for free, I had also gotten a personal chef. Chris was really the embodiment of stupidity and I hoped he never changed himself.“Waffles and syrup,” I murmured into the kiss, scadding my fingers through his hair. “Thanks, baby.”“My pleasure, Laura,” He responded, pulling back from the kiss. “I already told you that you don't have to thank me for doing my job as your boyfriend. It is my main role to ensure that you are always comfortable, isn't it?”“Sure,” I feigned a smile which he returned before stepping out of the room.“What a dunce,” I muttered, rolling my eyes. “Thank goodness he's at least hot.”Two days ago, ater we had sex in his office, Chris took me home to his place–a three bedroom apartment that was barely up to my standard.But I had no option but to live like that because I couldn't e
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Laura is back
Catherine’s POV “Great job on the surgery, Dr Williams,” One of the nurse anesthetists, Nina, uttered as we walked out of the theater together.We had just finished one of the most complicated surgeries that I had ever had to perform in my career as a neurosurgeon.The surgery was done on a set of conjoined twins who were interlocked at their heads. I was extremely proud of both myself and my team for putting up a great job.“Thank you,” I beamed, taking off my surgery regalia, with the exception of my scrubs, and tossing it into a trashcan.“How do you do it, Dr Williams?” One of the assisting surgeons, Baldwin, asked. “You are just too good. Words can't express how excellent you are.”“Aww,” I smiled. “You overestimate me too much at times. I mean, I'm just doing my job. And I'd be a bad surgeon if I can't do operations, won't I?”“Right,” They all echoed, and my smile got bigger before I made my way to the locker room.Just then, Nina walked in giggling at her phone. Only then did
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I will take care of it
Alessandro’s POV As I scrolled through the text messages that I sent to Catherine earlier today, a knock came on the door of my office.“Come in,” I said, sitting upright on the swivel chair and putting my phone away.Marco walked in, clutching a folder of documents to his chest.“The shareholders are ready for you, sir,” He announced.Nodding, I got up, grabbed my phone and pocketed it before taking my silver pen, in case I needed to sign a document and exiting the office, with Marco trailing behind me.Stepping into the conference room, the shareholders stood up and gave me a bow.Nodding, I went to take my designated seat as CEO at the head of the table.“Good day, all,” I uttered into the conference microphone. “We are all gathered here to discuss the future of this company.”Marco handed me the folder in his hold before taking his seat beside me. Opening the folder, I continued, “I have reviewed all your submitted ideas and I have to say that I was very impressed by the outpour
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Unexpected tragedy
Catherine’s POV “Good morning, Dr Williams,” Mrs Helton, the mother of my latest patient, a seven-year old boy, greeted me as I strolled to their side of the ward.Her son however was unconscious, with a knitted blanket covering his small body. He was yet to regain his consciousness after three days.The boy was a victim of a hit and run. His skull had been mildly fractured in the accident. Till now, the driver was yet to be found and I couldn't help but feel bad.Thankfully, his wounds were healing at a faster rate than I had initially expected, which quenched some of my worries.Beaming, I responded. “Morning, Mrs Helton. I presume you are doing well today.”“Very well at that,” She nodded in agreement. “My son is awake and has the appetite of a child who was starved by a wicked stepmother and I can't be any happier or relieved. Thanks a lot, Dr Williams. You are the best.”“You are welcome, Mrs Helton,” I replied. “However, I want you to know that you don't have to thank me at all
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Unfinished business
Catherine’s POV “Once again, thanks for coming, Cathy,” Franco uttered, as we stepped out of the cemetery.“You're welcome, Franco,” I said. “Once again, please accept my heartfelt condolences.”Few minutes ago, Mr Thomas was committed to mother earth amidst wailing and silent sobs from his family and friends.Throughout the whole funeral ceremony, I couldn't bring myself to shed a single tear because I had cried so much yesterday that I doubted the fact that I could produce a single drop of tear.“You okay, baby?” Alessandro gripped my waist gently as he whispered. “Yeah,” I nodded, darting him a small smile.Despite my aggravated paranoia, I had left the twins back in America with their Nana as I felt they were too young to witness a funeral. Alessandro waited by the car while I spoke to Franco and his family. Franco confided in me that he intended on moving back to Canada and establishing a law firm there.Afterward, Alessandro and I headed back to the hotel where we had checked
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Alessandro’s POV “Look at them,” Grandma beamed as she watched the twins, her eyes glimmering with adoration. “Absolute little darlings.”“Yeah, they sure are absolute little darlings but they could also be endearing demons sometimes,” I said, to which she nodded as we both laughed.Currently, the twins, Catherine, Grandma, and I were on the veranda at Grandma's place.Today was Catherine's day off which coincided with a national holiday. Thus, I had also taken the day off to spend time with my dear family.Catherine on the other hand seemed to be absent minded as she incessantly stared at her phone like she was expecting something important.No, it was more than that. She looked a bit terrified and her hands had turned white due to her grabbing her phone as though her life depended on it.She wasn't by chance still in touch with Laura, right?Come to think of it, after we arrived from Canada last night, she had been glued to her phone, and had only left it to use the bathroom.An ex
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It all ends forever today
Laura’s POV Folding my arms across my chest, I scoffed as I watched Catherine look around restlessly, through the glass walls of Oriental restaurant.Good. This was exactly the type of emotional torture that she needed to be subjected to.Something that'd nag at her mind and make her feel as though she was on the verge of running mad. I intended on doing that anyway, making her go crazy before today ended.Peering down at my phone, I dialed Lucas's number and he answered on the first ring.“It's finally time, Lucas,” I smirked. “Everything ends in a couple of minutes today.”“Very well then, we will be there soon,” He said, and I nodded even though he couldn't see me before hanging up and trekking into the restaurant.The moment I walked in, Catherine's eyes met mine and I watched with immense satisfaction, as they widened in horror.Darting her a grin, I waved as I walked up to her table and took my seat adjacent to hers. “Hi, sister. Loosen up a bit, will you? Or do you intend to d
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Let’s live happily
Catherine’s POV “Do you need a jacket, ma'am?” A voice came from behind me as I stared into the voidness that was in front of me.Turning around, I was met with the sight of a young policewoman gazing at me sympathetically.“No, thank you,” I muttered, looking down at my trembling hands. “Alright, ma'am,” She sounded unconvinced. “But do let me know if you need anything.”“Okay,”And with that, she sauntered out of the waiting room. Hugging myself, I averted my stare to the white walls of the police station as the memories of everything that happened in the last hour played in my head.I had managed to escape death for the second time in three months. And both time it had been because of my utter stupidity.Now that I thought of it, leaving the house without telling Alessandro the truth had truly been an asinine decision. Hell, what if something bad had happened to me.What if Laura had fired the bullet before the policemen arrived?What if the policemen had arrived only to find me
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Regret can do nothing
Chris’s POV“Chris Howard,” A pot-bellied police officer bellowed as he opened the door to the confinement.For the last two days, I had been confined behind a caged enclosure due to my involvement with Laura.Now that I thought of it, I wondered if she had cast a spell on me that I had helped her without thinking of the consequences that came with assisting a fugitive.“Is Chris Howard deaf?” The policeman hollered, causing the other men in the enclosure to glare at me.“I'm here,” I muttered, raising my hand. “Am I free to go home now?”As if I had cracked the funniest joke on the world, the man burst into a a peal of laughter that had him holding his sides.When he finally recovered from his laughing fit, he shook his head and tossed me a look full of disdain. “You can come and take the key from me and set yourself free, you idiot,” He scorned. “So you want to go home, huh? You didn't think about the risks of associating with that Laura Vasquez before you allowed her to live with
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