All Chapters of Ex-Wife Sweet Revenge: She Strikes Back!: Chapter 121 - Chapter 130
139 Chapters
Chapter 0121
Ava strode into the hospital, her presence commanding attention. The nurses and doctors bowed slightly as she passed, their faces respectful. They knew who she was - the woman standing beside Luke's fortune, the reason their hospital stood tall and proud: Luke Richardson. The hospital itself was a testament to Luke's wealth and Ava's influence. The walls shone with a sterile gleam, the equipment gleamed with cutting-edge technology, and the staff moved with quiet efficiency. It was a place of healing, a place of hope, and a place of gratitude - all thanks to Ava's generosity.She made her way to Luke's personal doctor, a man who had benefited greatly from her patronage. He smiled as she approached, his eyes deferential."Mrs. Richardson, it's an honor as always. What brings you here today?"Ava's smile was warm, her voice husky. "Just checking in on your progress, Doctor. I want to make sure your wife is receiving the best care possible."The doctor nodded, his eyes darting to the fl
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Chapter 0122
Luke's voice rose in anger. "Because I love you, Ava! How many times do you want me to scream it out to you? Should I stand at the front of the news scream and say it out to the world how much I love you?”There was silence after and Ava didn’t respond, she could start to feel her heart becoming weak and she didn’t want this. She had to be strong and feel no emotion whatsoever.“I want to be with you, to support you. But you keep pushing me away, keeping secrets from me. It's like you're living two separate lives, and I'm only allowed to see one of them."Ava resumed with cold and mocking, laughter. "Love? Do you want to talk about love? You have no idea what love is, Luke. Love is what the Timberlakes took from me, what they destroyed. And I can never forget that. Do you think I would ever submit to love? Love is foolish and would make one weak and not want to strike back or even want to revenge those who hurt you."“What if it’s for the best and you don’t revenge and just submit t
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Chapter 0123
Jackson trudged through the front door, his mind still reeling from his encounter with Ava. Amelia's cheerful voice broke through his thoughts, "Hey, have you had breakfast yet?"He shook his head, his eyes fixed on her concerned face. "No, I haven't."“Okay then, I’d make you one.” She was about to leave when she noticed the look on his face and returned to him, her eyes narrowed slightly, "What's wrong, Jackson? You look like you've lost your last dollar."Jackson's thoughts raced as he stared at his wife, his mind torn apart by Ava's demand. Divorce Amelia? How could he even consider it? But Ava's words echoed in his mind, "You'll do anything to win, won't you, Jackson?"He pushed aside his thoughts and forced a weak smile, "I'm just hungry, that's all."Amelia's expression softened, "Okay, well, I'll go make some breakfast then."As she headed towards the kitchen, Jackson's eyes followed her, his heart heavy with guilt. How could he even think of betraying her like this? But Ava's
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Chapter 0124
Ava's phone rang, piercing through the silence of the hospital room. She answered, her voice still reeling from the doctor's revelation. "Hello?""Ava, sweetie, it's Mom." The voice on the other end was weak but familiar.Ava's eyes widened in shock. "Mom? How are you calling me on this line? Don’t tell me… You''re back?""I'm home, Ava. I'm finally home."Ava's mind raced as she processed the news. Her mother, who had been recovering in the States for months, was back in the country. And she was alive.Without a word, Ava cut the call and rushed out of the hospital room, her heart pounding in her chest. She couldn't believe it. Her mother, the woman she thought she wouldn’t make it through, was back. And she was coming home.As she sped through the streets, Ava's thoughts swirled with emotions. She had so many questions, so many things she wanted to say. But most of all, she wanted to see her mother, to hold her and know she was real.Finally, she arrived at her family’s Pen
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Chapter 0125
Jackson strode into the Image Corp estate, his determined footsteps echoing through the lobby. He bypassed the reception desk and made his way to Uncle Smith's office, his eyes fixed on the CEO's suite.As he walked, employees scurried out of his way, bowing and greeting him with respectful smiles. But Jackson barely acknowledged them, his mind preoccupied with the mystery surrounding Amelia and Uncle Smith.He couldn't shake off the feeling that something was amiss, that there was more to their relationship than met the eye. Amelia's evasiveness and Uncle Smith's cryptic constant calls had only fueled his suspicions.Jackson's thoughts raced with questions. What did Uncle Smith want from Amelia? What secrets were they hiding? And what did it all have to do with the strange occurrences he had been having with Amelia and how worried she was earlier?He pushed open the door to Uncle Smith's office, his eyes locked on the CEO's imposing figure behind the desk. Jackson's determination tur
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Chapter 0126
Ava's hands trembled a bit as she sent the message, her heart racing with anticipation. She knew the bombshell she had just dropped would shake Jackson to his core.But after the small welcoming of her mom, her conscience started to judge her but then she remembered all they had done to her. It was right she made them pay. Just as she pocketed the phone, Luke walked into the room, a curious expression on his face. "Hey, what's going on?" he asked, his eyes scanning her face.Ava forced a calm smile, her mind racing with excuses. "Nothing, just...just checking my phone," she stammered, her hand instinctively covering her pocket.Luke's eyes narrowed slightly, but he didn't press the issue. "Okay, well, I'm going out for a stroll with your mom. We'll be back soon."Ava nodded, her eyes avoiding his. "Okay, have fun."As Luke exited the room, Ava let out a sigh of relief. She knew she had to be careful; Luke was getting too close to her and if he figured out what her real intention for
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Chapter 0127
Jackson slumped over the bar, his eyes glassy and his speech slurred. "She's been lying to me, man... my wife... Amelia... she's been lying to me."The stranger beside him, a middle-aged man with a kind face, turned to him with concern. "What's going on, friend? You look like you've lost your last dollar."“This is more than a dollar, man. I’ve lost my purpose.”Jackson's words tumbled out in a drunken torrent. "She's been lying to me about everything... our partnership... our son... John... he's not even mine... I got a message... it said so..."The stranger's expression turned sympathetic. "Whoa, slow down, buddy. Let's take this one step at a time. What makes you think your son isn't yours?"Jackson's eyes welled up with tears. "I don't know... I just know it's true... she's been hiding something from me... and that message... it knew everything... it knew about Amelia's affairs... and John... it knew everything..."The stranger's voice was calm and soothing. "Okay, Jackson. Can I c
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Chapter 0128
The stranger's voice was low and menacing as he spoke into the phone. "Madam, it's done. Jackson is secure. We have him in the warehouse."Ava's voice was icy and detached. "Very good. Make sure no one can trace the location. I don't want any surprises. I’ve been quiet for far too long and I can’t wait any longer.""We've taken care of everything, Ava. No one will find him. And no one will find you or trace a thing to you.""Good. I want to make sure our little secret is safe. Meet me at the usual place in an hour. We'll discuss the details."The stranger nodded, even though Ava couldn't see him. "Yes, ma'am. I'll be there."As the call ended, Ava's eyes gleamed with satisfaction. She had finally gotten what she wanted. Jackson was out of the way, and now she could focus on her next move. Amelia.Meanwhile, Jackson's mind raced as he tried to piece together what had happened. He remembered the stranger, the phone call, and then...nothing. He was trapped, with no idea where he was or w
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Chapter 0129
Uncle Smith's voice was laced with concern. "Amelia, if you're this worried, maybe I should go look for him? Make sure he's okay?"Amelia's response was quick and firm. "No, Uncle Smith, don't worry about it. Jackson can take care of himself. He'll come wandering back when he's ready."Uncle Smith's skepticism was palpable. "Are you sure, Amelia? You're not just trying to cover something up?"Amelia's laugh was forced. "Of course not, Uncle Smith. I'm just confident that Jackson can handle himself. Besides, I have more important things to worry about... like our business dealings."Uncle Smith's tone turned dry. "Ah, yes. The business. Well, if you're sure everything is fine, then I won't worry. But if you change your mind, you know who to call."Amelia's response was curt. "I will, Uncle Smith. Thanks for your concern."As the call ended, Amelia's facade crumbled. She was worried sick about Jackson, but she couldn't let Uncle Smith know that. She had to keep up the charade, no matter
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Chapter 0130
Jackson's eyes narrowed as Ava entered the warehouse, her face hidden behind a mask. "Who are you?" he demanded, struggling against his restraints. "Why am I here? What do you want from me?"“Shhhhs….quiet, you wouldn’t want to alarm the neighbors.”“Help!” He shouted and Ava began to chuckle her voice dropping with disdain. Jackson stopped screaming for help but looked at Ava in fear. “You’re crazy, he said.” “Well, I lied.”Ava's voice was icy and detached. "Don’t worry, you'll find out soon enough. But for now, let's just say you're a guest in my home... for a very long time."Jackson's anger turned to fear as he realized he was tied up, unable to move. "You can't keep me here! I have to get out! Do you know who I am? What my family would do if they didn’t find me?"“I’m not that dumb. I know, Jackson Timberlake.”Ava chuckled, her eyes glinting with malice. "You shouldn't bother trying. You'll be here forever. Get familiar with the room, Jackson. You'll be seeing it for a while."A
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