All Chapters of Ex-Wife Sweet Revenge: She Strikes Back!: Chapter 131 - Chapter 139
139 Chapters
Chapter 0131
Mr. Timberlake burst into the conference room, his face etched with worry. "Where's Jackson?" a reporter asked, thrusting a microphone in his face. "He's supposed to be here, accepting the nomination. What's going on?" Mr. Timberlake tried to sidestep the question, but the reporters closed in, sensing something was amiss. That's when he spotted Ava, sitting calmly in a stunning suit, a triumphant smile spreading across her face. The room erupted into a flurry of camera clicks and questions as Ava stood up, her confidence and poise commanding attention. "It seems my opponent is nowhere to be found," she said, her voice dripping with satisfaction. "I think it's clear who the winner of this election is." “It's not yet over Mrs. Richardson.”A reporter approached her, skepticism etched on his face. "You're being a bit presumptuous, aren't you, Ava? We don't even know where Jackson is yet." Ava's smile never wavered. "I think we can make an educated guess, don't you?" she said, her e
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Chapter 0132
Ava's slap echoed through the warehouse, leaving a red mark on Jackson's face. "You don't deserve to say her name!" she spat, her eyes blazing with anger. “Rather, say that you love her. Don’t you dare say that to me ever?”Jackson cowered, his eyes welling up with tears. "Please, Emily...I’m pleading, Emily...why are you doing this? Is it to make me pay? For all I’ve done to you? I’m sorry, I know no matter how many amount of sorry I’m going to say can’t make up for it but please, enough don’t make me pay for my errors."Ava burst into a cold and mirthless laughter. "Pay? Do you think you can pay for what you've done? You killed our child, Jackson. Our child! And you still dare to speak to me about forgiveness? You must be joking. Nothing can amount to that. Nothing at all."Jackson's face contorted in anguish. "I know, I know...I was blinded by my ambition. I overlooked your feelings and paid attention to Amelia more, But I'm seeing my errors now. I'm suffering, Emily. Please, don
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Chapter 0133
Luke gently broke away from the kiss, his eyes gleaming with triumph. Ava's eyes widened, her gaze hungry for more, her lips still parted in anticipation. Luke's smile grew wider as he whispered, "I won."Ava's eyes flashed with realization, remembering the bet they had made. She had promised to give up her revenge if she fell for him, and now she was trapped. Her eyes narrowed, but she couldn't speak, couldn't admit defeat.Luke's smile softened, his eyes filled with understanding. "Don't worry, Ava. You can continue your revenge, but no blood must be spilled. Promise me a fair game, and I'll agree to whatever scheme you want."Ava's eyes searched his face, looking for any sign of deception. But Luke's gaze was sincere, his eyes shining with a promise of support. She nodded slowly, her voice barely audible. "Okay."With a satisfied smile, Luke wrapped his arm around Ava's shoulders, pulling her close as they walked away from the warehouse, heading home. Ava didn't resist, her body re
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Chapter 0134
Uncle Smith's words were final. "Find the money to pay them back quickly, Amelia. I can't stand in for you anymore. You're on your own."With that, he turned and walked away, leaving Amelia feeling panicked and desperate. Her mind raced as she tried to think of a way to come up with the money, but every avenue she thought of seemed to lead to a dead end.She felt like she was drowning in debt, with no lifeline in sight. The company's demand for payment had come out of nowhere, and she had no idea how she was going to meet it. Jackson's injuries and the failed election had left her with nothing, and she was starting to feel like she was going to lose everything she had worked for.Amelia's heart raced as she paced back and forth in the hospital hallway, her mind spinning with worry and fear. She felt like she was trapped in a nightmare, with no way out. Where was she going to get the money? And what would happen if she couldn't pay it back? The thought sent a chill down her spine, and
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Chapter 0135
Luke and Ava sat at the dinner table, sipping their coffee and watching the TV as the broadcaster announced the shocking news."Breaking news, folks. Jackson Timberlake, the former candidate who went missing before the election, has been found and is now in the hospital. But that's not all. The police bureau has just dragged him out of the hospital with a warrant for his arrest."“Seems like a lot is happening under.”Ava's eyes widened in surprise as the broadcaster kept speaking. "What? That's crazy!"Luke's expression was calm, but his eyes gleamed with interest. "Wait, it gets better."The broadcaster continued, "And the reason for the arrest? Jackson is suspected of being the killer of Mr. Greenfield, the former owner of Image Corp Enterprise. The police have found solid evidence to instigate the accusations."“You know about this?” “Yup! When I said I would help you, I wasn’t taking my word for a joke.” Ava's jaw dropped. "No way. Jackson would never do something like that."“Ye
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Chapter 0136
Amelia's smile was enigmatic. "You'll see. Trust me."She excused herself and stepped away, her phone already dialing a number. "Uncle Smith? It's time for you to make the sacrifice."Uncle Smith's voice was laced with concern. "Amelia, what sacrifices are we talking about? What exactly do you need me to do?"Amelia's tone was calm and collected. "Remember our deal, Uncle Smith? You agreed to submit to whatever charges were brought against Jackson, and in return, I would make sure you're taken care of and give you whatever you want. You'll be protected, and your reputation will remain intact, so you don’t have to worry about anything."Uncle Smith's hesitation was palpable. His breath was heavy over the phone and Amelia could notice a brief silence. "I...I don't know, Amelia. I can't go to prison. I have a work to think about, a business to run..."Amelia's voice was soothing, her words dripping with reassurance. "Oh, Uncle Smith. Don't worry about that. You'll be released soon after
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Chapter 0137
Ava's eyes narrowed, her grip on the phone tightening. "Confirm me, Officer Thompson. Is Jackson free?"Officer Thompson's voice was smug. "Yes, Ava. He's a free man. And there was nothing we could do to stop him. They got the proof that Uncle Smith was the real criminal and he's got the upper hand now."Ava's anger simmered, her mind racing with the implications. "How could they do this, Officer Thompson? How could you let him get away with it?"“Sorry…” Officer Thompson apologizes as his voice suddenly turns cold. "You know how it works, Ava. Power and money talk. And Jackson's got both. I’m just a pawn in his game, and I always have been. When I think I’m one step ahead, there’s always an escape route for them."Ava's eyes flashed with fury. "Those monsters, Uncle Smith and Jackson. They’re just as bad as they are from the beginning."Officer Thompson's laughter was mocking. "Maybe so, Ava. But we’re the ones who are going to come out on top. And for now, you're just going to have
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Chapter 0138
Amelia's eyes widened in fear, but she continued to lie. "Of course, John is your son, Jackson. Who told you otherwise?"“Don’t try to act smart.”Jackson's voice rose in anger. "Don't lie to me! I know the truth. Tell me, who is John's real father?"Amelia tried to placate him, reaching out to touch his hand. "Jackson, calm down, please..."But he shoved her hand away. "No, I won't calm down! You've been lying to me for too long. Tell me the truth!"Amelia's voice trembled. "Who told you? It was uncle smith, wasn't it?"“What!”Jackson's eyes blazed with anger. "That's none of your business! Just tell me the truth about John's father!"“You’re his father!”Amelia's eyes narrowed, her voice cold. "I don't have to prove anything to you, Jackson. And if you don't tell me who told you these lies, I won't tell you the truth about John's father."“Want to play tricks with me?”Jackson's voice thundered through the room. "Don't try me, Amelia! I'm warning you!"Amelia's legs fidgeted, her heart
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Chapter 0139
Jackson's eyes blazed with anger as he turned to Amelia, demanding an explanation. "You're the mother, but I'm not the father? How is that possible, Amelia? Tell me the truth for once!"Amelia's eyes darted wildly, her voice trembling. "It's not what you think, Jackson. I swear, you're the father. I don't know what's going on here. There must have been some mistake somewhere."Jackson's face reddened with rage. "Stop your lies, Amelia! You've been deceiving me for far too long. I'm done with this charade. I'm going to divorce you tonight!"“You can’t do that, what of your father? What is he going to say about it? Huh?”Amelia's words became a desperate plea. "No, Jackson, please! Don't say that. I'll do anything, just don't leave me!"“Don’t use my father against me.”But Jackson was unforgiving. He pushed her away, his eyes cold with contempt. "You've lost the right to beg me, Amelia. You've lost everything."As he stormed out of the doctor's office, Amelia collapsed to the ground, her
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