All Chapters of Ex-Wife Sweet Revenge: She Strikes Back!: Chapter 71 - Chapter 80
114 Chapters
Chapter 0071
After Luke disappeared from view, Ava pushed away from Jackson, her voice firm. "Stop, Jackson. Whatever mess you have, whatever guilt you carry, is none of my business. And never try to make a move on me again."Jackson's face contorted in regret. "Sorry, Ava. I didn't mean to—"Ava cut him off, her tone unyielding. "Just sorry, Jackson. That's all."With a swift turn, she excused herself and walked away, her heels clicking toward the closet. But as she reached for the door handle, a hand grasped her wrist, yanking her into the corner. Ava flinched, her heart racing, until she saw Luke's face... his eyes cold and icy, his jaw clenched in a fierce scowl.The contrast between his usual warm smile and this frozen expression sent a shiver down her spine. Ava's initial fear gave way to a gentle smile, hoping to thaw the chill from his face. But Luke's grip remained firm, his gaze unyielding, as if he struggled to contain a storm brewing within.Ava asked, "What's wrong, Luke?"Luke's vo
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Chapter 0072
Ava sat comfortably in the plush sitting room of the penthouse apartment, sipping her coffee and lost in thought. The morning sunlight streaming through the floor-to-ceiling windows highlighted the luxurious decor. Suddenly, the tranquility was disrupted by Luke's entrance. He strode in, wearing only a towel, his chiseled chest bare and glistening with dew. He had just taken his bath. Ava's eyes widened, and she coughed, spitting out her coffee. Gosh his body was like that of an idol. For years they’ve been staying together not once had she seen him half naked. The hot coffee spilling on her, Luke rushed to her side, concern etched on his face. "Ava, are you okay?" Ava's gaze lingered on his body, mesmerized by the defined muscles and the tantalizing glimpse of his tattoo. Her eyes seemed glued to the droplets of water trickling down his chest, her mind momentarily stunned. Luke's proximity and the intensity of his gaze only added to her discomfort. As she struggled to r
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Chapter 0073
As the teachers and staff continued to fawn over Amelia Timberlake and Ava Richardson, a sudden scream pierced the air, shattering the tranquility. The group rushed towards the sound, their faces etched with concern. They burst into the classroom, where chaos reigned.Amelia's son, John, lay on the ground, blood trickling from his lips. Another boy, his face red with anger, stood over him, fists clenched. The air was thick with tension.Quickly the teacher rushed to separate the boys. "What happened here?" Mrs. White demanded, her voice firm but laced with a hint of panic.The angry boy, still seething, pointed at John. "He started it! He called my mom a liar!"Amelia's eyes widened in horror as she rushed to John's side. "Oh, my baby! What have they done to you?"Ava's gaze swept the scene, she wasn’t one to talk but she had questions, regardless she remained mute and just watched the show. What had ignited this violence? A question no one asked. “You….” Amelia's face contorted in
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Chapter 0074
“Ohh, please, Mrs. Timberlake, don’t talk like that. Mrs. Roslyn here is just joking. Her son is going to apologize to yours, please don’t be angry.” Mrs white rushed to hold Amelia in the hand but her hands were sent flying in the air.Amelia was even more angrier than she was. It was like the reminder of John not being Jackson’s pained her even more. But, was it true? “Until it’s done, then we would continue with this conversation.” Amelia said and stormed out of the room, her son alongside her. At the Same time, in a distance.Luke emerged from a business meeting, his suit immaculate, his expression focused. He entered his office, Stanley by his side, and they continued discussing business strategies. As they approached Luke's desk, he asked, "Stanley, have you been helping Ava lately?"Stanley's expression turned neutral. "Apart from her plan to replace the CCTV camera at the Timberlakes' house, she's left me in the dark about her other plans, sir."Luke's face clouded with a cu
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Chapter 0075
Ava and Amelia accompanied John to the school clinic, concern etched on Amelia’s face. As the nurse tended to John's wound, Amelia's emotions boiled over. "I'm so pissed, Ava! I can't contain the tears," she whispered, pretending to cry.Ava played along, offering comforting words. "Calm down, Amelia. Thank God John is okay. It could have been worse."Amelia's anger and indignation poured out. "How can they treat my kid like that? I'll make sure the school knows about all this. They must pay for the damages they’ve caused to my son. I'm withdrawing John from this school. I won't let them bully him again!"The nurse, oblivious to the acting, continued treating John's wound, while Ava and Amelia maintained their charade, their eyes locked in a knowing glance. Amelia was determined to protect John and bring the truth to light, no matter the cost. But, Ava on the other hand careless.Ava sat cross-legged, her expression calm, while Amelia paced around the room, her emotions in turmoil. "I
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Chapter 0076
In Mrs. White's office, Mia remained seated, her son beside her, looking uncomfortable. Mrs. White, her hands clasped together, begged, "Please, Mrs. Roslyn, you have to tell your son to apologize to Amelia and her son. You're well aware that Amelia is our largest benefactor, funding our school generously. Without her support, we'd lose teachers, even students... our school would suffer greatly."“Like I care…” Mia scoffed, her expression unyielding. "My son won't apologize. What kind of school are you running here, anyway? I expect better from you, Mrs. White. You're supposed to be a role model, teaching our children values like integrity and fairness. Instead, you're catering to Amelia's whims, allowing her to bully and manipulate others."Mrs. White's face flushed, her eyes pleading. "Mia, please, be reasonable. Amelia is a powerful woman... we can't afford to lose her support."Mia's response was icy. "I'd rather see the school close down than have my son apologize for something
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Chapter 0077
Ava and Amelia drove into the parking lot of the penthouse and immediately the car came to a halt, Amelia was seen rushing the door to an open and walking swiftly, her face stained with red blood. Ava and John came out afterward. She walked hand in hand with John until they got inside and took a lift with Amelia who remained silent and her face furious. As the lift to their floor opened, Amelia rushed out and headed for the apartment door. Putting in the passcode, she pulled the door open and stormed inside the apartment. Ava and John tailed her from behind. As she saw Jackson seated in the lightened sitting room, she rushed to him, with a crying face. “Oh, Jackson see what they did to me.” Ava and John appeared behind her, watching the scene unfold before them. “What happened? Who did this to you?” Jackson asked hugging Amelia who was fuming like a child. “Ava.” He looked at her and she just greeted him with a nod. “Evening, Jackson. It was an accident made by Mrs
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Chapter 0078
The Timberlakes mansion loomed imposingly, its exterior a testament to wealth and security. CCTV cameras hung like sentinels, their lenses watching and waiting. Men with guns patrolled the grounds, their dogs straining at the leash, eager to pounce. The atmosphere was tense, foreboding.A faint cry echoed from within the mansion's walls, a sound that sent a shiver down the spine. It was a plea, a desperate cry for help.In the basement, a sinister scene unfolded. William, Ava's former assistant, lay battered and broken. His face was unrecognizable, his body beaten beyond recovery. The men surrounding him, their faces twisted in cruelty, raised their fists again and again, each blow landing with a sickening thud.Just as all hope seemed lost, an frail old woman who looked to be in her late fifties emerged from the shadows. Her eyes gleamed with an otherworldly intensity as she raised her hands, and the men froze, their fists halted mid-air. The dogs, sensing their masters' unease, wh
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Chapter 0079
Ava lounged in the sitting room of her penthouse, surrounded by opulence and grandeur. The morning sunlight streaming through the windows highlighted her poised figure, her raven hair cascading down her back like a waterfall of night. Luke had left for the office, leaving her alone in the vast space.She reached for her phone and dialed Stanley's number, her eyes fixed on the city skyline outside. When he answered, she spoke with precision, her voice commanding. "Stanley, I need you to schedule a meeting with my partners and a press conference."Stanley's tone was cautious. "A press conference, ma'am? May I ask why?"Ava's smile was a masterclass in politics. "I'm announcing my participation in the upcoming congressional race. I aim to compete with Jackson, and I need the public on my side."Stanley's pause was palpable. "Is that wise, ma'am? I mean, competing with Jackson directly... it's like fighting a dog head-on."Ava's laughter was low and husky. "Do you have a better plan, Sta
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Chapter 0080
Just as the confrontation between Ava and Jackson was escalating, Stanley appeared at Ava's side, his eyes fixed on Jackson with a warning gaze. "Ava, we need to leave," he whispered urgently. "Now."Ava's eyes never left Jackson's face, her expression unyielding. "What is it, Stanley?" she asked, her voice low and even.Stanley's voice was barely audible. "Officer Thompson is waiting for us. We have a meeting."Ava's gaze flickered, her eyes narrowing. "Now?" she repeated, her tone laced with annoyance.Stanley's nod was curt. "Yes, now. We can't keep him waiting."Ava's eyes flashed back to Jackson, her expression daring him to make another move. "This isn't over, Jackson," she hissed, before turning to follow Stanley.As they walked away, Jackson's eyes burned with anger, his mind racing with questions. What was Ava hiding? And why was she to meet with Officer Thompson? The same officer handling Emily’s case. The answers, for now, remained elusive.Inside a room,Officer Thompson,
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