Semua Bab Ex-Wife Sweet Revenge: She Strikes Back!: Bab 51 - Bab 60
114 Bab
Chapter 0051
Jackson was hastily ushered into a private room by his bodyguards, his mind reeling from the sudden turn of events. As he entered, his father was already there, his face red with anger. Before Jackson could even process what was happening, his father grabbed him by the collar and slammed him against the wall, lifting him off his feet."What is the meaning of all this, Jackson?" his father growled, his eyes blazing with fury. "Why are you trying to tarnish my image?"Jackson struggled to free himself, but his father's grip was too strong. He was forced to his knees, his lip bleeding from the force of the throw. As he wiped away the blood, he stammered, "There's been a mistake, Father. They don't know what they're talking about."His father's expression turned incredulous. "A mistake? You call this a mistake?" He shook Jackson hard, his voice rising. "You're going to ruin everything we've built, everything I've worked for!"Jackson's eyes widened in fear as his father's anger reached a
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Chapter 0052
In the morning, Luke sat in the sitting room, sipping a cup of tea, his eyes fixed on the stairs as Ava descended, her hair messy and her eyes still heavy with sleep. "Why didn't you tell me you were coming back soon?" Ava asked, her voice still husky from sleep. Luke shrugged his shoulders. "I wanted to surprise you. But instead, you surprised me." Ava opened her mouth to say something, but paused, her voice catching on a single word: "You..." Luke noticed her hesitation and asked, "How are you, Ava? Last night you were a disaster. Still having sleeping troubles?” She didn’t respond, instead she asked him a question. “how's my mother? How did the surgery go?" Luke’s expression turned concerned. "It went fine, she's still in recovery. But you should have stayed with her, not come back here to fight for nothing." “Like you said, she’s fine! Why are you making it an issue?” Luke's sighs, his eyes filled with understanding. "It's better if you stay with her, Ava. I can
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Chapter 0053
Jackson's eyes locked onto Ava's, his voice firm. "Since you've heard, it won't be much of an explanation. I need your power to bury everything, even Emily Greenfield." “The ghost?” Ava's gaze met his, her mind racing with the irony. Jackson, you're asking me to bury myself, she thought, her eyes screaming the truth she dare not speak. "I can't help you, Jackson," she said firmly, trying to extricate herself from the situation. But Luke, ever the opportunist, chimed in. "What do you mean you can't help me? You're famous, I’m running for governor, you can't afford to lose me if I become successful..." “But you’re not.” Ava's voice rose, her patience wearing thin. "It's none of my business, Jackson. You should leave." But Jackson didn't hear her, his grip on her hand tightening. Ava trembled, her body reacting to his touch like an open wound. She whispered, "Stop," under her breath, but Jackson kept pleading, his voice relentless. Just as Jackson's grasp became unbearable,
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Chapter 0054
The meeting with Doctor Veronica lasted for an hour, until Ava was escorted out of the office by the therapist herself, who smiled warmly as Ava thanked her with a bow.As she turned to leave, Ava heard her name called out by a familiar voice. "Ava!"She turned to see Amelia standing in the waiting area, looking just as surprised to see her."Ava, what a surprise to see you here," Amelia said, her eyes narrowing slightly with curiosity. Closing the gap between them."Likewise," Ava replied, trying to sound casual. "What brings you here?"Amelia's eyes lingered on the door to the therapist's office. "I must have made a mistake. I thought this was the dermatologist's office."Ava chuckled awkwardly. "Oh, no, this is the therapist's office. I just came to visit Doctor Veronica and thank her for something."Amelia's eyes still looked suspicious, but she nodded. "Oh, okay. Well, I'm still waiting to see the doctor."Ava nodded. "Okay, well, I'll see you later then."As she turned to walk a
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Chapter 0055
As the evening sun cast its warm glow, Ava opened her door to find Amelia standing in the hallway, a friendly smile on her face."Not too early, am I?" Amelia asked, her eyes sparkling with warmth.Ava laughed, her voice melodious. "Stupid, come in!" She stepped aside, allowing Amelia to enter.As Amelia walked in, her eyes widened in awe, taking in the opulent interior of Ava's home. The top floor of the penthouse. The walls were adorned with exquisite artwork, and the furniture was a masterclass in luxury design. The chandelier above cast a warm, golden light, illuminating the plush carpets and rich wood accents.Ava noticed Amelia's gaze and chuckled. "Make yourself at home. Can I offer you something to drink? Water or juice?"Amelia's eyes landed on the bar in the corner. "Juice, please."Ava nodded to one of her maids, who quickly poured a glass of freshly squeezed juice. As Amelia took a sip, she nodded in appreciation."Thanks, Ava." She paused, her expression turning sincere.
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Chapter 0056
Ava asked, "Amelia, do you love everything?"“It’s like you knew my size already. Everything suits perfectly on me.” Amelia nodded happily, her eyes sparkling. "Yes, I do! And can I call you sister?"Ava smiled, her voice warm. "It's okay by me."Lisa, feeling a bit distant from the conversation, spoke up. "Excuse me, Ava, may I use the restroom?"Ava nodded. "Of course, Lisa. Do you want me to show you the way?"Lisa shook her head. "No, just describe it, and I'll find my way up."Ava pointed towards the stairs. "It's upstairs, second door on your left. You can't miss it."As Lisa headed towards the stairs, Amelia turned back to Ava, her eyes shining with excitement. "Sister, can I try on some more clothes?"Ava smiled, her heart heavy with memories. "Go ahead, Amelia. Try on whatever you like, they’re all yours."Ava forced herself to smile, her lips curling up in a fake gesture of warmth. She hated every minute that Amelia remained inside her house, but how long could she keep up t
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Chapter 0057
As they approached the sitting room, Amelia exclaimed, "Finally, Lisa is back! What took her so long? Did the poo not come out quick?" She laughed, the only one finding her joke amusing.“Sorry for keeping you waiting,” Lisa smiled politely. "I lost my way, and the inside of the penthouse is just so amazing. I love the interiors!"Ava acknowledged the compliment with a gracious "Thanks."Amelia felt cozy about how Lisa complemented Ava. She stood to her feet, and approached Ava, her eyes gleamed with a hint of jealousy. "How much can one pay to have a room in the penthouse?" she asked, her voice laced with longing.“The penthouse??” Ava's expression turned guarded, her eyes narrowing slightly. " Well, for now, It's not for sale, Amelia."Amelia's face fell, her eyes clouding with disappointment. For a moment, the room was tense, the air thick with unspoken desires and unmet expectations. Then, Amelia forced a bright smile, her mask of cheerfulness slipping back into place. "Oh, oka
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Chapter 0058
Ava's smile was a masterful blend of sweetness and malice, her lips curling up in a sly, sideways curve. It was a smile that hinted at secrets and schemes, a smile that suggested she knew something you didn't.As she gazed at the screens, her eyes landed on another video feed, this one showing the interior of the Timberlakes' house. But the image was fuzzy, the camera's battery low. Ava's eyes narrowed, her smile faltering for a moment.Just then, Stanley walked into the room, carrying a cup of tea. "Here, I brought you something to drink.” He dropped the tray beside her table. “what's going on?" he asked, noticing her intense focus on the screens.Ava's smile returned, wider and more menacing than before. "I need to go into the Timberlakes' house," she said, her voice low and determined. “The cameras are low, I have to replace with a new one.”Stanley's eyes widened in alarm. "Won't that be a risk? How do you plan on doing it?" he asked, setting another tea down on a nearby console.
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Chapter 0059
At 7pm sharp, Ava arrived at the location Amelia had sent, expecting an open space, but instead found herself standing in front of an underground bar parlor. The smell of cigarettes filled the air, making her wrinkle her nose in distaste. As she stepped inside, the disco lights flashed, making her feel uneasy and disoriented. The music was loud, the DJ's song pulsating through the room, making it hard for her to even think. Ava's instincts screamed at her to turn back, to leave this place behind, but as she turned to walk away, she heard her name being called out. "Ava!" The loudness of Amelia's voice cut through the music, making Ava's heart skip a beat. She turned back, forcing a smile onto her face as Amelia approached her, a wide grin spreading across her face. Amelia rested her hand on Ava's shoulder, a gesture Ava hated, but she forced herself to endure it. "Come meet the girls," Amelia said, her voice dripping with excitement.”they are dying to meet you.” Ava's eyes
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Chapter 0060
Jackson asked Ava, "Hey, aren't you going to sit down?" But Ava remained silent, her eyes fixed on him.Amelia clung onto Ava's arm, forcing her to sit down. "What's wrong, Ava? Why are you so uneasy? Haven't you been in places like this before?"Ava laughed forcefully, "It's okay, Amelia. I'm just...a little out of my element, that's all."Just then, Lisa's boyfriend, Alex, stretched out his hand to introduce himself. "Hey, I'm Alex. Nice to meet you, Ava." But Ava didn't take his hand, just smiled and said, "Nice to meet you too, Alex."Alex's face fell, his eyes disappointed as his hand hung in the air for a moment before he used it to scratch his head and sat back down.Mia, one of the influencers, asked Ava, "Hey, can we take a picture together? It would be great for my social media!"Ava smirked, but before she could respond, Amelia interrupted, "Mia, that's rude! You shouldn't take people's pictures without their permission."Mia looked taken aback, "Oh, sorry Amelia, I didn't
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