All Chapters of Ex-Wife Sweet Revenge: She Strikes Back!: Chapter 31 - Chapter 40
114 Chapters
Chapter 0031
(FLASH BACK)- Years before.Standing outside the halfway-opened hospital room, Luke raised his chin and nodded to the doctor speaking to him. “There’s nothing we can do to ease the burns. even if she recovers, It’s a permanent mark.” The doctor was certain and this broke Luke’s heart. “Only if she would agree to a plastic surgery after she has healed from the burns.”Luke looked at Emily in the room and back at the doctor. Her whole face had wrinkled. Her eyes were barely hanging in the socket. She was barely recognizable. He wouldn’t believe she was the Emily Greenfield he knew if he hadn’t met her before the accident. “Doctor, I want to take her to the states.” Luke acknowledged. “Maybe there she can do the plastic surgery and get better.”“It’s your wish.” The doctor nodded in approval. “I’ll get the transfer documents so you can hand it over to the hospital doctor over in the states.” Luke nodded his hands folded. “Thanks, I’m grateful.” He looked at the slightly closed door an
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Chapter 0032
Emily Greenfield was seated in the patient's ward, wearing one of the patient's clothes given to her by one of the nurses.“Are you ready?” Luke asked her and she breathed heavily. “I don’t know…I’m I?” She raised the mirror in her hand and gave herself another look. This was the last time she would be seeing this face. Once she had entered the surgery room, she would be coming out a different person. “You’ve got this. You can do it. I’d wait for you out here.” Luke assured her and she only forced a smile on her face and bent her head down in shame. What was Luke going to get from all this? She had nothing else to offer. Money, power, fame...None that she had. “Luke…thank you….thank you, I mean it. Without you…I don’t even know if I would be here today, thanks. How I could ever repay you, that I don’t know.” Luke shakes his head, instinctively. He was doing this purely from his heart to pay someone. “You would later, for now, do this for me.” Luke walked up to her. She got this!
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Chapter 0033
“Emily…is that you?” The woman tried to open her eyes to see Emily but it was difficult for her. Before coming over, Luke had informed Mrs. Greenfield that he was going to bring her daughter over to meet her. To this she was excited about the news. After all those years of them being apart from each other. “Mom…” Emily called out and wanted to hug her mother but she just stood and her supposed face withered. “is this who you wanted to show me?my mother? No, she’s dead to me.”“Emily…” Luke called out but she replied with a hiss. “Emily, dear…I’m sorry.” The woman stretched her hands to touch Emily, but Emily pulled away and before she could even touch her, she exited the room suddenly. “I’d talk to her. You rest now.” Luke assured and walked out of the room to go meet Emily. Emily was standing by a pillar when Luke approached her. “Why have you brought me here to see my mother?” Emily asked without looking at Luke who was standing behind her. He replied, “She wanted to see you.”
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Chapter 0034
Emily slowly escaped from the tight hug with her mother, retreating back. “Your father always maltreated me. He would beat me from time to time. I couldn’t handle it anymore.” Mrs Greenfield continued, then she coughed blood into a napkin. Her illness was severe.“I only stayed because of you. But it was too much for me to tolerate.”She shook her head and Emily adjusted closer to her mother, her face stained with worry. She didn’t know her mother had to pass through all this. She could feel her heart breaking into pieces. With every word her mother said. “But you guys never quarreled.” Emily was wondering how all this happened that she did not know of. “We did, but not in front of you.” Mrs. Greenfield sat up properly, her eyes drained of blood. Her facials were somewhat wrinkled. “So I had to leave. When I left, it was very difficult for me. I couldn’t even earn food for myself. Your father left me with nothing. I had to even beg on the streets not until I met Mr. Lord Richardson.
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Chapter 0035
The tattoo shop was just a short drive from Luke's house in the state, a convenient location that Emily was grateful for. As she sat in the passenger seat of Luke's car, she couldn't help but feel a sense of appreciation for his constant support. Luke had always been there for her, through thick and thin, and she felt lucky to have him in her life.As they drove, Emily found herself gazing at Luke, taking in the strong lines of his face and the way his hair curled slightly at the nape of his neck. He was handsome no doubt, and she felt a flutter in her chest as she looked at him.That kiss? She wondered how it would taste again. Luke noticed her staring and turned to her with a questioning expression. "Hey, what's up? Why are you staring at me like that?" he asked, a hint of amusement in his voice.Emily felt a rush of embarrassment and stuttered, "I-I was just... uh... admiring the view." She quickly looked away, her hair blowing in the breeze as she turned her head towards the wi
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Chapter 0036
Inside the dimly lit tattoo parlor, Emily gazed at Luke's portrait on the tattoo man's arm, her curiosity piqued. "Does Luke hate women?" she asked, her voice soft.The tattoo man shook his head, "No." He sighed, his expression somber.Emily's eyes narrowed. "Why doesn't he have any female friends, then?"The tattoo man's gaze dropped, his voice low. "Luke was brought up under a strict father. He didn't have time for girls; his focus was on studies and his father's company, preparing to take over one day."Emily's face softened. "So, he never dated?"The tattoo man's reply was simple, "No."Emily felt a pang of sympathy for Luke, her heart going out to him. The tattoo man noticed her expression and asked, "How did you two meet, anyway?"Emily's smile was brief, her memory flashing back. "We... uh..."The tattoo man's eyes locked onto her face, a knowing glint in his eye. "You're blushing."Emily shook her head, "No, I'm not blushing."The tattoo man raised an eyebrow, "Oh, really? Wel
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Chapter 0037
An hour later, Emily and the tattoo man emerged from the tattoo room, the sound of the door opening and closing breaking the silence. As she walked out, her gaze locked with Luke's, who was feet away staring at her in a daze. The moment was fleeting, as the door shut behind them, snapping Luke back to reality. “You’re done?” He cleared his throat, "Can we leave?" The tattoo man raised an eyebrow, "What's the rush? Why don't we grab a beer together? Catch up some more?" Luke hesitated, "Some other time, man." Emily nodded in agreement, approaching Luke as they prepared to leave. Just then, Luke's phone rang, shrill and insistent. He sighed, pulling it out of his pocket, and answered, his expression changing as he heard the voice on the other end. "Hey, Mia," he said, his tone neutral. “Mia?” Emily whispered to the tattoo man if he had any idea who Luke was speaking to and the tattoo man whispered back. “His Ex-Girlfriend.” Emily's eyes narrowed, recognizing the name - Mia Santi
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Chapter 0038
Luke's voice turned soft all of a sudden, his words pouring out like a romantic poem."Emily, from the moment I saw you, I knew you were different. I've been thinking about you every day since then. I was at that bar, waiting for you, because I knew it was your usual spot. My heart beats for you, and I crave your presence in my life. The thought of anyone else kissing you, holding you, makes me angry and jealous. I know I shouldn't rush things, but I can't help myself. I want to be the one you turn to, the one you love. I want to wake up every morning with you by my side and fall asleep every night with your hand in mine."Luke's eyes burned with intensity, his voice filled with passion and sincerity. Emily's face was still in shock, but her eyes began to soften, her heart racing with excitement and confusion.What of Mia? She wondered inwardly."Luke, I...I don't know what to say," she stammered, her voice barely above a whisper.Luke's face drew closer, his voice taking on a gentle t
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Chapter 0039
Luke pulled out of their hug, his face beaming with joy. Emily's words had lit him up from the inside out, and he couldn't contain his happiness.Emily tucked a strand of hair behind her ear, a gentle smile playing on her lips. "You shouldn't let my answer get to your head," she teased, her eyes sparkling with mischief.Luke's grin only grew wider. "Yes, babe," he said, his voice filled with affection.Emily's eyes locked onto his, her gaze lingering on his bright, happy eyes. "You shouldn't call me that yet," she said, her voice soft but firm.Luke's smile faltered for a moment, before he nodded, his eyes never leaving hers. "Right. Sorry. Habit." He cleared his throat, his face still radiant with happiness.Emily's expression softened, and she reached out, her hand brushing against his arm. "It's okay. Just...let's take things slow, okay?"Luke nodded, his eyes shining with understanding. "Okay. I promise. We'll take it one step at a time." He raised his one of his hands up and the
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Chapter 0040
The wedding day dawned bright and cheerful, with a fresh, crisp air that filled the lungs with joy. The scent of blooming flowers and newly cut grass wafted through the grounds, creating a sweet and inviting aroma. Who would have thought that Emily was going to be marrying the man she had mistakenly kissed at a bar when she was sober? Emily, resplendent in her stunning white wedding gown, beamed with happiness as she prepared to walk down the aisle. Her mother, seated in a wheelchair, smiled proudly, her eyes shining with tears of joy.Her lips spoke to Emily, “You look very pretty,” then she blew kisses to which Emily frantically collected. The gathering was a vibrant mix of friends, family, and loved ones, all united in their celebration of Luke and Emily's love. Emily's thoughts momentarily drifted to her best friend Lisa, who had been absent from her life since the accident years ago. She wished Lisa could be there to share in her happiness, but she was grateful for the life
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