All Chapters of Ex-Wife Sweet Revenge: She Strikes Back!: Chapter 11 - Chapter 20
114 Chapters
Chapter 0011
Emily's voice was firm and resolute. "I can't allow this, Jackson. You need to send her back home."Jackson shook his head, his expression unyielding. "I can't do that, Emily. I can’t send her back."Amelia's face contorted in a pretence of distress, her voice trembling. "But I can't stay in my house alone, Jackson. I'm so scared and vulnerable."Emily's eyes flashed with anger. "You can't stay in my husband's house with me his wife, Amelia. That's not acceptable."Jackson's face hardened, his voice cold and detached. "If you can't accept it, Emily, then maybe you should leave."Emily's gaze locked onto Jackson, her eyes wide and disbelieving. She seemed to be searching for any sign of the man she thought she knew, but his expression remained unyielding.Jackson repeated himself, his voice firm and unrelenting. "If you can't accept it, Emily, then you should leave. It's as simple as that."Amelia's face contorted in a exaggerated display of distress, her voice trembling. "Oh, I don't
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Chapter 0012
The sound of bar cups hitting against each other was a rhythmic clinking, a metallic chime that filled the air as the bartender expertly mixed drinks with a flourish. The room was bathed in a warm, yellow light, like the glow of a sunset on a summer evening. The atmosphere was cozy and intimate, with the soft murmur of hushed conversations and the gentle hum of jazz music in the background.In the midst of this warm ambiance, a man sat on a stool, his suit impeccable and tailored to perfection. His features were chiseled and handsome, with piercing blue eyes that seemed to see right through you. His dark hair was slicked back, revealing a prominent forehead and a sharp jawline that seemed carved from granite. His lips were full and inviting, curled into a subtle smile as he sipped his drink with an air of sophistication.He sat with an ease that commanded attention, his broad shoulders relaxed and his eyes fixed on the bartender as he ordered another round. The bartender, a gruff b
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Chapter 0013
Suddenly, a gust of air rushed into the hotel room, whipping through the space like a mini whirlwind. The windows had been flung open, and a bright light poured in, illuminating Emily's face. She rolled on the bed, grunting softly, her eyes still closed."Who opened the window?" she mumbled, her voice groggy and disoriented. But there was no reply.Emily's eyes fluttered open, and she sat up in a rush, her head spinning. She looked around the room, trying to shake off the haze of sleep and confusion. The bright light still shone in her face, making her squint. She raised a hand to shield her eyes, her gaze scanning the room frantically.Where was she? And how did he get here? The memories of the previous night came flooding back, and Emily's face flushed with embarrassment. She remembered the bar, the man in the suit, and the kiss... Oh, the kiss! Emily's heart raced as she looked around the room, hoping to see the man, but she was alone.In her head, Emily knew she wasn't at home. W
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Chapter 0014
Emily trudged into the apartment, exhausted from the long day at work. She fumbled for the light switch, expecting the familiar warmth and comfort of her home. But as the lights flickered on, she was met with an eerie silence. The apartment was dark and still, and for a moment, she wondered if Jackson wasn't home.But then, she heard the unmistakable sound of chuckles coming from Amelia's room. Emily's heart skipped a beat as she walked towards the door, her mind racing with questions. What was Jackson doing there? And why were they in a room together?As she approached the door, she saw Jackson sitting on Amelia's bed, chatting with her. Emily's eyes scanned the room, and her heart sank as she saw the other person - a woman, no other than Amelia smiling heartily.Exhaustion vanished, replaced by a surge of adrenaline and a sense of unease. She felt like an intruder in her own home, and she didn't like it one bit.Emily entered the room, her eyes fixed on Jackson and Amelia. "What are
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Chapter 0015
Emily lay in bed, her mind still reeling from the events of the previous night. She heard the apartment door receive a knock, and Jackson's footsteps as he went to answer it. She remembered how he hadn't even come to check on her after their argument, but had still come into the bedroom to lie down, his presence feeling like an intrusion. And now, this morning, he was up early, already stirring and making noise.Emily folded herself into a ball on the bed, holding her stomach as a wave of discomfort washed over her. She felt a sense of unease, her body and mind still reeling from the tension and anger of the previous night.Just as she was starting to drift off into a restless sleep, she heard Jackson call her name from the sitting room. "Emily! Emily, can you come here for a minute?"Emily's heart sank. What did he want now? She didn't answer, hoping he would go away, but the calling continued, his voice growing louder and more insistent. With a sigh, she slowly got out of bed, he
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Chapter 0016
Emily's voice was steady and firm, her eyes blazing like fire. "If you want those papers signed, Jackson, you'll have to kill me first."Jackson's face darkened, and he took a step closer to her, his eyes flashing with anger. "So you're not going to sign the papers?" he growled, his voice menacing.Emily stood her ground, her chin held high. "No, I won't."Jackson's hand raised, ready to strike her again, but just as he was about to make contact, Amelia grabbed his wrist, holding it firm."Jackson, stop!" Amelia's voice was calm but authoritative. "This isn't the way to handle it."Jackson's eyes narrowed, and he tried to shake off Amelia's grip, but she held tight. Emily took advantage of the momentary distraction to step back, her eyes never leaving Jackson's face."You'll have to do better than that if you want to intimidate me, Jackson," she said, her voice cold and detached.The standoff was palpable, the tension in the room almost suffocating. Amelia's grip on Jackson's wrist w
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Chapter 0017
Emily shook her head, trying to clear her thoughts and compose herself. She pointed a hand forward, her eyes locked on Luke's face. "Are you Luke Richardson?" she asked, her voice slightly shaky.Luke chuckled, his eyes twinkling with amusement. "Were you expecting someone uglier?" he asked, his tone playful.Emily's lips parted, and she paused, her mind racing back to their previous encounter. "No way..." she said, her voice trailing off as she remembered the kiss. Her face flushed bright red as she looked away, trying to hide her embarrassment."We've met before," she said, her voice barely above a whisper.Luke's expression changed, his face scrunched up in thought. "Ohhh, yes! You're the drunk girl!" he exclaimed, his voice full of realization.Emily's face burned even brighter, and she looked away, her eyes fixed on the floor. She couldn't believe she had made such a fool of herself in front of the man she was about to do business with.Luke's laughter filled the room, and he pat
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Chapter 0018
After finishing their meal, during which Luke had enthusiastically persuaded Emily to try Grandma's special delicacies, they stepped outside into the crisp evening air. Luke turned to Emily with a warm smile and said, "I can't wait for our future working together, Emily. It's going to be a wild ride!"Emily smiled back, her eyes sparkling with agreement. "Likewise, Luke. I'm really looking forward to it."As Luke began to walk away, Emily stood there, watching him leave. But he suddenly stopped and turned back to her, his eyes crinkling at the corners. "Hey, aren't you coming?"Emily hesitated, her hand instinctively reaching for her phone. "Oh, I'll just order an Uber..."Luke waved his hand dismissively. "Why bother? I'll take you home. It's on my way."Emily protested, "Oh, no, Luke, you shouldn't worry about it..."But Luke insisted, his voice firm but gentle. "I insist, Emily. It's the least I can do after forcing you to try Grandma's cooking!" He chuckled, his eyes twinkling wit
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Chapter 0019
Luke and Emily rushed to the hospital, their hearts racing with urgency. As they burst into her father's room, Emily's eyes scanned the space, her gaze locking onto the doctor's somber face."What happened? Where's my father?" she demanded, her voice trembling.The doctor's expression was grave. "Emily, please calm down. I'm so sorry, but when we arrived, it was too late. I couldn't help him."Emily's eyes widened in horror. "What do you mean? What happened to him?"The doctor's voice was gentle. "It appears he was poisoned, Emily. And...he left a letter beside his bed. It's possible he took his own life."Emily's face contorted in disbelief. "No, that's not possible! I know my father well enough. He would never do that!"Luke's hand on her shoulder offered a comforting presence, but Emily's gaze remained fixed on the doctor, her mind reeling with questions and doubts.Emily's tears flowed uncontrollably, her legs buckling beneath her. Luke swiftly caught her in his arms, holding her
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Chapter 0020
Emily's voice trembled with anger as she asked, "Why have you called this meeting?"A middle-aged man stood up, his expression smug. "We've called this meeting to discuss the new ownership of Image Corp Enterprise. We can't allow a woman to continue serving as head of this company."He glanced around the room, and the other stakeholders nodded in approval. "If your father were still alive, he would agree with this decision too."Emily's face flushed with rage. "You have no right to talk about my father! None of you even showed any concern when he passed away. Instead, you're here plotting to take away the company he built!"The room erupted into murmurs, with stakeholders whispering to each other. Jackson, who had been playing with a dice cube, dropped it on the table, his eyes flashing with unease. "Let's not listen to her sad story," he said, his voice firm. "All in favor of me becoming the new CEO and owner of Image Corp Enterprise, raise your hands!"Every hand in the room went up
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