All Chapters of Ex-Wife Sweet Revenge: She Strikes Back!: Chapter 21 - Chapter 30
134 Chapters
Chapter 0021
Emily sat in the ward, her eyes fixed on the ceiling as she waited for her therapist to call her in. She was lost in thought, reminiscing about the day she first met Jackson. It was at a superstore, and she had been shopping for groceries. As she was about to pay, an announcement came over the loudspeaker, declaring that no one could leave the store due to the crowds outside.As she searched her bag for her purse, she realized it was missing. The people in line behind her grew impatient, and the receptionist asked if she had enough money to pay. Just as she was about to respond, a deep, masculine voice spoke up beside her. "Take her bills from my card."Emily turned to see a handsome man standing beside her, his chiseled features and piercing eyes making her heart skip a beat. He was wearing a hoodie, but she recognized him - Jackson, the famous millionaire and her long-time crush. She had seen him at concerts she had attended, and his presence had always left her starstruck.The man
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Chapter 0022
Emily swiftly picked up her bags, preparing to rush to the hospital where Amelia was. The therapist called out, "Emily, remember to take care of yourself at all times. Don't let anyone else's needs overshadow your own well-being." Emily nodded hastily, already focused on the urgent situation ahead.At the hospital, Emily rushed to Amelia's ward, her heart racing with anxiety. Jackson confronted her, his face twisted in anger. "If Amelia dies, the blood will be on your head!" he screamed.Emily stood firm, her voice steady. "Just get over it, Jackson. Take my blood and let me get out of here."Jackson's expression turned to disgust, and he snapped at the doctor, "Act fast!"The doctor quickly prepared the equipment and began piercing Emily's skin, drawing out her blood. Emily winced in discomfort, feeling a sense of resentment towards Jackson and Amelia for putting her through this ordeal.As they sat in the hospital room, waiting for Amelia to awaken, Emily turned to Jackson with a de
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Chapter 0023
The Master of Ceremonies (MC) boomed through the microphone, "Ladies and gentlemen, please return to your seats. We're about to begin the award ceremony."As the crowd began to settle, Luke made his way over to Jackson, a sense of unease growing in his stomach. "Hey, Jackson, your wife isn't here at the party, and she's supposed to be called up on stage shortly. Can I go find her?"Jackson's response was unsettling. A mischievous smile spread across his face as he said, "Oh, don't worry about Emily, Luke. She's...indisposed. I'm sure she'll turn up when the time is right."Luke's eyes narrowed, his instincts screaming that something was off. He studied Jackson's face, but the man's expression was unreadable. A shiver ran down Luke's spine as he realized that something was indeed happening, and he was determined to get to the bottom of it.Luke walked away from Jackson, his mind racing with concern for Emily. He spotted his assistant, Shane, and approached him. "Hey, Shane, I need a fa
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Chapter 0024
Emily stood outside, beaming with a warm smile as she greeted a group of white men who had arrived at the event. They complimented her beauty, and she graciously replied, "Thank you."Luke approached her, holding a glass of champagne in one hand and keeping the other hand casually in his pocket. "I was worried when you didn't show up," he said, his eyes filled with concern.Emily laughed slightly, "It's alright, I'm fine."Luke eyes scanned through Emily body when he noticed a bloodstain on her cloth and then he asked. “What happened to your hand?” When she looked at where he was pointing his finger, she covered her self immediately and says, “it’s nothing, just a small bruise.”“Are you okay?” Luke wanted to touch her but she raised her hands so he won’t approach.“I’m okay, really.” She forced a smiled and Luke sigh defeated. Luke continued, "I'll be leaving for the States soon." Emily's expression turned slightly melancholic, "I'll miss you. We've only spent a few days together, b
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Chapter 0025
Emily slowly regained consciousness, her senses foggy. She felt a strange sensation in her thumb, as if it was pressing against something. She tried to move her hand, but it was restrained. As her awareness grew, she realized her thumb was stamping a paper, signing her name. Panic set in.She tried to scream, but a tape gagged her mouth. Muffled sounds escaped her lips, "Mmm...what...what are you doing here? Who are you people, who sent you, what are you doing?"The man with a face mask approached her, a sinister grin spreading across his face. "Remember me, Emily?" he asked, his voice eerily familiar.As he removed the tape from her mouth, Emily gasped for air, her voice hoarse from the restraint. "Uncle...Smith?" she stammered, shock and fear etched on her face.The revelation dawned on her - her own uncle, Mr. Smith, was behind this sinister plot. Emily's eyes widened in terror as she struggled against her restraints, her mind racing with questions and fears.Emily struggled agai
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Chapter 0026
Emily lay on the floor, the smoke swirling around her head, her eyes blurry and unfocused. She felt her strength waning, her body weakened by the heat and smoke. Just as she was about to give up, she heard her name being called, "Emily!"Before she knew it, the door to the basement was kicked open, and a wooden beam fell, barely missing Luke as he rushed in. He covered his mouth, choking on the smoke, his eyes scanning the room frantically until they landed on Emily."Help me," she whispered, a single tear rolling down her cheek as the burns on her skin and face seemed too much to bear.Luke rushed to her side, scooping her up in his arms. "You're alright now, I've got you," he said, his voice filled with relief and concern. "I'll take care of you, Emily. You're safe now."As he held her close, Emily felt a sense of comfort wash over her, despite the agony she was in. She knew she was in good hands, and that Luke would do everything to save her. With that thought, she let herself dr
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Chapter 0027
THREE YEARS LATER Since Emily gone to the whole world, Inheritance was passed on to the Timberlakes. Jackson's wealth and fame had skyrocketed. He was now a renowned figure, married to Amelia, who had taken the reins of Emily's company, Greenfield Industries and Image corpses enterprise, alongside her uncle, the CEO. This powerful couple was hosting an exclusive evening gathering at their opulent mansion, and the who's who of the rich and famous were in attendance. The atmosphere was electric, with anticipation building as the guests awaited the arrival of the evening's guest of honor, Mrs. Ava Richardson, Luke's wife. With a social media following of over 100 billion, Ava was a global phenomenon, and her marriage to Luke had only added to her allure. As the minutes ticked by, the hum of conversation and clinking glasses filled the air. Suddenly, a hush fell over the crowd as Ava made her entrance. The door opening with a loud roar and a light shining behind Ava and her hair follo
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Chapter 0028
Ava Smith sat elegantly in her office, surrounded by towering bookshelves that seemed to hold the weight of her intellect. She cradled a delicate tea cup in her hand, her lips tenderly kissing the rim as she gazed at her iPad. The soft glow of the screen illuminated her focused expression.As the door opened, her male assistant, impeccably dressed, walked down the long room to meet her. He bowed slightly, and Ava's eyes flicked up to him. She dropped her cup, and it clattered softly on the saucer."Is everything ready for us to leave?" she asked, her voice crisp and authoritative."Yes, ma'am," he replied. "All preparations have been made."Ava's gaze narrowed. "And the stock price? Any falls?"The assistant smiled, his eyes gleaming with pride. "Since you took over the company, we've been earning bountifully. The stock is rising, and investors are eager to join us. We've reached a milestone of 1 trillion in earnings so far."Ava's expression remained calm, but a hint of satisfaction
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Chapter 0029
The woman took her leave, and Ava's face frowned, her expectations unmet. She had suspected as much - her ex-husband, Jackson, was indeed one of the men involved in her father's demise.Now, seated outside, Jackson and Ava faced each other, their eyes locked in a tense stare. Jackson broke the silence, "What brings you here, Ava?"Ava's reply was curt, "Same as you, I suppose."Jackson chuckled, "You're really funny, Ava."Ava sighed, her gaze drifting outside before snapping back to him. "Am I? I'm a busy person, Jackson. I don't have time for humor. I need to be somewhere."As she began to stand, Jackson grasped her hand, his touch sending a jolt through her. She swiftly pulled her hand free, her fingers vibrating with tension.Jackson apologized with a smile, "Sorry, I didn't mean to overstep. I noticed the rapid income from your business dealings and thought of investing with you."Ava's expression softened slightly, and she sat back down, her interest piqued. "Oh really?" she sai
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Chapter 0030
Ava sat patiently in the police room, her eyes fixed on the door as it opened and a friendly officer approached her. He smiled and took a seat across from her, his expression curious."What brings you here today?" he asked, his tone gentle.Ava's response was sudden and dramatic. She dropped the vase containing her father's ashes on the table, the sound echoing through the room. The officer's eyes widened in shock, his smile faltering."What's going on?" he asked, taken aback.Ava's voice was firm. "I want to know what happened to the case file of Mr. Greenfield."The officer's expression turned puzzled. "Huh? Oh, that case... it was concluded a long time ago."Ava leaned forward, her eyes intense. "Did you believe he committed suicide?"The officer shrugged. "Well, we found poison in his system after running some tests... and he left a letter behind. It was pretty clear-cut."Ava's voice rose. "What if he was killed or something? Have you considered that possibility?"The officer sig
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