All Chapters of Rejected and pregnant by Alpha: Chapter 131 - Chapter 140
279 Chapters
Chapter 131: Asking to try
However, wherever I go, Lake's scent haunts me telling me that it was an unbelievably bad idea to come with a man I can't stand. Therefore, I stay in the room where I watch a little TV, while Lake watches me in the same place where I left him.‘It's a bad time for the walls to be transparent.’ I tell myself mentally.“Go have fun, Lake. You can do whatever you want here if it's not related to me.” I say from my post.“Actually, I just want to be around the babies.” Lake says and I take a deep breath.'I wish I could give him what he wants without him being around me.’ I tell myself mentally.I try to concentrate on what's happening on TV, but that's not possible with Lake's steady gaze. So, I call him with my hand and he comes like an obedient dog. Something that is nothing like how violent and bloodthirsty he was in the confrontations.“You can stop pretending. Be cynical, cheeky, and annoying
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Chapter 132: Moving Away
The next dayI did not want to leave my room, although I was supposed to come for a little walk, the wound on my leg that has not completely healed yet, tells me to take a break, besides, I do not want to meet Lake.So, I stayed all the rest of the day in the room, but, I don't think I can do the same today. Since, staying here bored is just as annoying as doing it in the main mansion.Therefore, I leave my shelter, to later walk to the dining room where I wait for breakfast. Not perceiving Lake's scent, I look around, but, I can't find it.“Are you looking for something, ma'am?” the butler asks and I refuse.“No, I'm just looking at everything in detail.” I say feeling embarrassed for being caught looking for Lake“The gentleman is feeling better now. He has removed the stitches and even went for a little run.” says the butler.“So fast?“He knows that alphas recover easier from their injuries.&
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Chapter 133: Not to be blamed
One week laterI have really been able to reach the crucial point of relaxation, because, the problems of my pack, although it is something that I know from the communication I have with them as a pack leader, it is something that they address immediately.So, having delegated functions is something pleasant for me, especially because the pressures I had been living with prevented me from enjoying my babies and now I can do it.I've even authored stories and drawn things that come out of my mind and help me feel better. So, I am really isolated from problems and that has helped me smile more.“Rain, is it possible for me to have lunch with you?” Lake asks at some distance from me.I nod at his question, because, although I am still affected by his pheromones, it is something that I can control a little. Besides, we haven't eaten together for days, since he and I have set limits that no one has dared to pass.Also, Lake has been going out, to
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Chapter 134: Trying to be together
When Nikolay told me about this possibility, I sometimes felt too naive because it was impossible for a mistake of this magnitude to be maintained for so long.But, now that one of those affected tells me something like that... it makes me think a lot of things. Since, now more than ever I want to solve these doubts that are becoming more noticeable.“Repeat what you said.” I implore wanting to confirm it.“It wasn't you, Rain. My sister did not die at his hands.” Lake says and I take a deep breath.My babies move a lot and I complain by alerting Lake, who immediately gets down on one knee wanting to help me with the babies.“Does anything hurt? What should I do so that you don't feel bad?” Lake asks worried.“They are moving a lot; it seems that they are also surprised and excited that their uncle did not kill their aunt.” I whisper and that makes Lake hide his face on my leg.Soon I he
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Chapter 135: Confrontation
Lake stands next to me, to eat in silence, although it is evident that he is not well emotionally, I cannot tell him what he wants to hear. Lake has done a lot of negative things that I can't overlook and that's why it's important to make that clear right away.“Is there anything else you want to tell me?“If things are as I think, we will soon stop being sworn enemies and all resentment, hatred, and pain that I concentrated on your brother and your family, will die immediately.>> I will try to repair all the damage caused and rise from the ashes with my pack, to give it an environment where my children can grow up. As will be evident, I will have to apologize to your family and promise more than a simple agreement.“I hope that happens.“So, I hope that when that happens, you will be willing to turn the page of pain that we have nurtured when we were not the ones who caused damage directly.“But, we were
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Chapter 136: Standing Firm
It is obvious that having two alphas with the same love interest and similar aroma nearby is not a clever idea because these things can happen, but I did not think that it would happen to a man who is as rational as Mikhail, that's why I had not changed doctors although he confessed to me.“You are not going to fight here like animals, although you have an animal part in you, you must also remember that you have the ability to be rational and therefore, it is possible for you to control impulses.>> So, I order you to stop any intention of harming yourself and I do not order you as the leader of a pack, because it is evident that none of you are part of mine, I order you as your wife, Lake and as your patient, Mikhail.Neither one of us moves even a little, so, I take a deep breath and get up, as soon as I do, they both let go and step back, to give me the space to walk, while they extend their hand to help me in it.“I'm not going to ge
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Chapter 137: Being sensitive
After lunch, we walked a little in order to make a better digestion, while I describe the place and how much fun I had as a child. Something that causes the hostility of his pheromones to dissipate and finally, he does not feel.“It's time for the review.” Mikhail says and I nod.We return to the house, where Mikhail gets ready, while Lake makes sure I feel comfortable in bed. Something that is surprising, but, I can't say that I enjoy having.It is somewhat uncomfortable, since it is not customary, and even less, with everything we have experienced, but, I try not to give importance to the person who is doing it to me, if not, how good it feels to me so much attention.“Well, let's get started.” Mikhail says and immediately, Lake sits next to me waiting to be told something.“I'm ready.” I say and Mikhail starts to put the cold gel on my belly.“Do you want to know if they are boys or girls? I think
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Chapter 138: Klauss found it
Two days laterI had communicated with Nikolay during these days, but, I have not been able to get information from that herd that seems to have been swallowed up by the earth. So, my days have been few interesting.Lake has been busy, exercising, and devising plans in his room, while Mikhail, just greets me on the phone, since, he hasn't been back since that day. Without the three of them, my father busy with Sergey in the pack and my mother perhaps on her own affairs, the days pass too slowly and torturously.“If only I could ride them.” whisper in front of the horses“You know it's not a clever idea. Your pregnancy is careful, ma'am. Riding a horse with such an advanced pregnancy is not a clever idea,” says Brisa, one of the employees who escort me.“I'm fine, things with my little ones are fine. I'm an alpha and her dad is too, we're strong, you don't need to worry too much.” I say and the smell of Lake, make
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Chapter 139: Taking action
Lake just stares at me, not daring to tell me anything, but, clearly, it's not possible for him to believe me without having evidence and I don't blame him for it, because I'm basing my suspicions on speculation.But, I have something in my heart that tells me that things are not right with him and that's why, I'm going to be careful, while I find out what is happening with him and if it is related to the slander towards my family.“What makes you think that?“He's hostile to my family. When I met that man, I sent him to investigate and he is quite suspicious.“In what?“I don't know how to describe what's going on, but please be careful. “So, you think he's lying to me? Rain, Klauss has been a good friend of mine since the beginning.“Did you show him a picture of me when we were in America? Or did they become friends after that?” I ask wanting to solve the doubts in my mind.Lake is silent for
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Chapter 140: Meeting Klauss
Narrates Lake.Although it seems to me an exaggeration of Rain, I do not refuse her help, after all, it is the first time after a long time that I see that she really cares about me, as she did when we were dating.So, even if it's something too exaggerated, I don't hesitate to put everything on in order for her to feel good and the babies to be calm. So, I get out of the car and finish getting dressed, while Nikolay talks to his sister.“Has he done anything to you, Lake? Do you feel good where you are?” Nikolay asks.“I'm fine, I know how to treat uncontrollable wolves.” says Rain and Nikolay hesitates.“Are you sure you're okay? My mother has no way to entertain herself, to control the urge to go looking for you.” says Nikolay and I get indignant.“I'm the father of the babies, logically I'm not going to hurt the children.” I say looking at Nikolay seriously.The mockery is evident in Nikolay, in h
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