All Chapters of Rejected and pregnant by Alpha: Chapter 151 - Chapter 160
279 Chapters
Chapter 151: Setting my condition
Lake thinks about it for several minutes and I don't blame him, the hatred with which his father saw me the last time, tells me that he has no intentions of apologizing for what he has done. Besides, he doesn't know where he is and the last person who saw him was Klauss.So, the chances of him being dead are high. But, in that case, he must justify the absence of his apology, with the corpse of his father. So, it's complex by any standard.‘If I were him I wouldn't promise it, because the longer it takes to find him, the less sincere his apology will be.’ I tell myself mentally.“I'll do that.” says Lake and I watch him as if he has lost his reason in his mind.Because it would only justify his answer if he has said it out of impulse or emotion and not for reason. Even so, I approach him and in a whisper I ask him, to confirm that I didn't mishear.“Do you really agree with what has been asked of you?“Yes
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Chapter 152: Disagreements and Complaints
Lake is not able to make even a movement or speak, so, I look at my family who nods supporting my condition and therefore, I patiently wait for Lake's response.“Rain…“I'm listening to you.” I say looking at the man who sees himself on the edge of an abyss.But, I can't feel sorry for him. After all, for one reason or another, he betrayed me causing me a lot of pain and as a wolf, he rejected me at the altar, causing me to be pointed out as the woman who lost her pride and dignity.So, I implore you not to accept this opportunity, because possibly, you will only suffer a new disappointment for not really fulfilling the promises that you would now accept. After all, we have caused each other enough damage to pretend that nothing has happened and that we are the perfect couple.“I accept it.” says Lake seriously.Everyone starts to murmur among themselves and that's why I make a sign for them to be quiet.
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Chapter 153: Nothing
I try to understand what is going on in Lake's mind and why that led him to that he could kiss me, but, what I find is a conversation that did not end because my family came into my room.“Lake...” I say trying to push him away, but, what I can feel is like the familiarity of his scent as a human, transports me to the past, one where we didn't have so many problems.I mentally smile for remembering those moments, where my only concern was to be the first in my class. Those moments, where we were Lake and Rain and no, the descendants of our families who were forbidden to interact.Nor is the Rain wounded with a pregnancy that does not know how to face it with a position to take and a family to explain the deception in which she was involved, much less, I see the man who betrayed me when I needed it most or rejected me in front of my pack.If not... the two human beings who loved each other and wanted to live their love fully. Those two souls wh
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Chapter 154: Being sensitive
One month laterAlready ready for my medical appointment, I walk to the room where I find my whole family gathered, with several werewolves who, upon seeing me, leave immediately, with fear. Precisely an emotion that gives off so many pheromones that I try so hard not to breathe.“If you are going to give them the order to leave as soon as they see me, remind them to control their pheromones, because with the fear they feel of ruining things, they leave a path of them that is quite annoying.“Withdrawal makes her more sensitive.” says my mother.“Mom!” I mean scolding her.“What? It's true, no matter how I say it, that's what happens to you, only a widow would have to endure such abstinence and I've seen them. So, I can say that your moodiness is related to your partner's pheromone dissatisfaction.“I don't have a partner.” I remember him.My mother sighs deeply about it. Since, you can'
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Chapter 155: The Appearance of Lake
My mind seems to be doing a circuit breaker, because I can't figure out exactly what's going on, because he's disappeared for a whole month, to come back and tell me nonsense like this.“Are you okay?” I ask not understanding how it appears out of nowhere and asks me something illogical.“Yes, don't you see me well?“Well, you don't seem like a sane person. Because, it's not the first thing you say to someone you haven't seen for a month.” I answer.“I wouldn't tell someone that I haven't seen for a month, but, if I told my wife and mother of my children, do you understand?“That's not enough.” I answer, to then try to get into the car, but, his scent is still there.I walk from one side to the other as fast as it is possible for me in my state, while Lake moves away a little when I perceive his aroma a lot and I see him with anger, because he is not helping me.“Why are you alone?
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Chapter 156: Medical appointment together
My babies move a lot in my belly, but, I know it's because they feel good about this car and maybe, it's giving the credits to their dad for what he has suitable for the babies.“Why did you come here now? Is it just for the doctor's appointment or is there something else?” I'm asking directly.“You're still a direct woman.” says Lake“Some things don't change even if a lot of things happen to you.” I answer.“That's scary sometimes, because you're so similar to Rain from before and at the same time, so different.“There are things that make you be, Lake and we went through a lot to get here.“Us? You and me?“No, the babies and me.” I answer him and he is silent for several seconds.I can't attribute something to him that he hasn't earned, so, I'm honest, this being my gift to him. Because the last thing I want is to be sweet, just to cushion the blows of someon
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Chapter 157: Killer Doctor
I try to control myself, because I don't want to cancel the doctor's appointment because of Lake, but, her pheromones are too strong to be able to control my body and that's why, I back off a little.“Doctor, I can't...” I say feeling that everything is weighing me down and that breathing is difficult for me.“They are not linked, but, she should already be linked to someone else or have close to whom she loves, so that such an episode is not too big. Mrs. Evaniff, do you have someone you love?“Serrano, Mrs. Serrano.” corrects Lake.“What matters the least to me is what they call me. Also, remember that as long as we are not linked or do not love each other, I will not really be a Serrano.” I say with annoyance.Lake looks at me hurt, because maybe he thought that in this situation I would not contradict him, but, I cannot tolerate that he makes such a wrong correction. So, she doesn't talk about what my l
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Chapter 158: Give me a little test
Although it still seems like a bad idea to me, I give him the benefit of the doubt, so that he can prove to me if he has changed or is still just as incompetent. Meanwhile, I howl calling my family and that's what alerts the wolves that are attacking us.Therefore, I prepare my claws and as soon as they get close, I throw my claws at the eyes, while Lake kicks and jumps with me when he should use both his legs. I do not know how it happens, but, while I can, I hit every wolf that tries to approach me and Lake seems to do the same, until several wolves begin to minimize the wolves that attack us.The characteristic smell of my herd, causes me relief, but, the danger is still close, because several footsteps and howls are heard that incite this bloody encounter where the clinic must close its doors so as not to take risks.“Take the lady to a safe place!” cries one of the wolves.Lake nods and walks away with me to the car where I came. There, h
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Chapter 159: Stopping
Lake has made it clear, I must settle for this, that he has not completely satiated my discomfort or seek help from someone else. So, with what he has done to me, I have already been able to calm my discomfort a little, so, babies are safe from all this chaos of pheromones and hormones.So, if he stops here, if he's done it for the babies, but, if he continues then it won't just be a baby thing if not, what we did to conceive him. What we enjoyed before being what we are now.“This is too much.” I say and he nods.“You're right, it's too much, it's not nice for your wife to ask to take you to another man for sex, or tell me, Rain, would it be something you would like me to do with you?“You didn't ask me, Lake. You kissed her as if she was the best thing that had ever appeared in your world, and even trampled on my dignity, to the point that I had no choice but to leave with six babies in my belly.>> I asked you to ta
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Chapter 160: Thinking it through
I look at him intently and I recognize that I am looking at the Lake that I met in the United States. The gentle look, the confident and strong man, appears smiling at me. Also, with the appearance of his father and that he already knows how to defend and protect me, he has shown me a notable change.But, none of that, compensates for the risk to which I will be subjecting myself, because that is exactly what I am going to realize by being linked to a man for whom is not reliable.“Lake…“I understand that you have a lot of doubts, Rain. I am also afraid to give myself completely to you, when you are not the woman I met in America, but, Rain, if at that moment, we got to the top where we even hesitated to go back, I think we can move forward.>> If we put our mind to it, we can take a step where we will manage to solve every problem that arises, without feeling alone or that we can't, because we will be together. I'm trying hard a
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