All Chapters of Rejected and pregnant by Alpha: Chapter 171 - Chapter 180
279 Chapters
Chapter 171: Enjoying the calm
Her answer does not give me the peace of mind that I would like, so, she stared at him, knowing that this is a conversation that we must have, because my life and the babies' lives are at risk.“Lake…“I know we should talk about the measures we need to take, while I get ready to take over on my own, but, for now, at least while we reach our destination, sleep.>> The babies must surely be hating me for wearing you down so much. So, the best thing is to get some sleep. You press a button where the seat belt is fastened and the seat is going to move.I doubt if it's a clever idea for me to postpone the conversation, but, in the end, I comply with Lake's orders, because exhaustion is taking its toll on me. So, I press the button and try to relax in the stall where I see Lake driving with one hand because the other has her stroking my belly.“Sleep easy, get some rest, they need it.“What about you? Aren't y
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Chapter 172: Meeting my family
Three days laterLake smiles attentive to everything the teacher says, while I struggle not to fall asleep in the class for new parents. Although, it's not that I can sleep much, since, Lake is always watching over me so that I don't fall asleep.“Stop falling asleep, you're missing an important piece of information.” says Lake bathing a toy wolf baby.“Say the same thing when you are about to have your share of six wolves and you have to be in one of these classes.” I tell myself complaining.“Dear...” says Lake.“Do not press her, it is normal that in her state she is sleepy many times.“Especially because the little ones won't let me sleep anymore.” I say and they seem to respond because they move a lot.My belly has grown too much and it's because most of my children are in their human version, thus taking up more space in my belly. Fortunately, my body has already gotten used to so much wei
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Chapter 173: Talking to each other
In the car, my father asks me for many things about the reason for linking me to someone I had not forgiven, but, my mother intervenes making it clear to him that that was my decision and I have already made it.“I understand that you don't like Lake, Father. To be honest, although I have linked to him, I know that there are still many things to be done.” I say and my father immediately intervenes.“And there are those things that need to be done, that you almost lost your life at a medical appointment that we told you was not good to attend.” says my father and I take a deep breath.“Let's not focus on that now, the priority is my safety and that through this, I'm going to see my babies today.“Because we'll take care of it. It is obvious that your husband cannot completely protect them.” says my father and I take a deep breath.“Don't worry, he's going to leave today.” I say and my mother looks at me su
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Chapter 174: Problems
Being on site, we all entered a fairly large office where every member of my family is present. Mikhail, explains what is going to happen and solves the questions that arise, which are many.“It's time to see the babies, they have already taken samples to take to the laboratory and confirm that everything is fine.” Mikhail says and everyone nods and even tries to help me up.“They are too helpful, take it easy.” I say and they smile.“We've been through a lot to get to this point. So, we're anxious.” says Sergey and I let them help me because it's true.Mikhail, he puts the cold gel on me and starts checking the little ones that quickly show up on the screen. Everyone begins to whimper, seeing that they are clear on the screen, being a 3D ultrasound.“Look at what a beautiful image.” says my mother.Everyone talks about what they're watching, except Lake. He is attentive to every movement there is, but, he
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Chapter 175: Escape from the hospital
Narra LakeI walk from one side to the other, not knowing what exactly is happening, Rain's brothers also walk from one side to the other, while their father just remains sitting staring at nothing.“It was my fault; I didn't take diligent care of them. That's why it's gotten bad.” I whisper.“You are to blame for many things, but, I can't blame you for this, it happened from one moment to another and it wasn't because of what you did or didn't do.“I should have taken them to the doctor earlier. If they had seen her before…“Let's not think about things that we can't change and implore that things will turn out well with them.” says Mr. Evaniff.“Why didn't you come in when Mikhail asked you to help him calm Rain down?” one of the twins asks.'You're right, why was I such a coward and preferred not to go?’ I ask myself mentally.“I didn't think I was the one to calm her down.
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Chapter 176: Being with her
Hours laterDespair has finished with me. No matter how hard I try to calm down, it's not possible for me, because I don't know anything about my family. Since Mikhail came out to ask me to calm Rain down, he hasn't come out again.“This waiting is going to drive me crazy.” I mean not knowing about any news about Rain or the babies.“They've been a long time coming.” says Mr. Evaniff.“I can't wait any longer, I'm leaving.” I mean trying to open the door where they entered with Rain and they won't let him in.No one stops me and therefore, I look for her in every room that seems to be isolated and with all the appliances that a human being could support at once.“Sir, you shouldn't be here.” says a nurse.“I have not had any information about my wife's condition, I need to know what has happened with her or I will go crazy.“I understand, but please come out. Anyone is forbidden to en
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Chapter 177: A united family
Hours laterThe night was long, they were constantly checking on the condition of Rain and the babies, which did not improve even a little, but, at least, it has not worsened. Which, I could say, is good news. Not the one I was expecting, but, it's good news.“You have to leave.” says Rain.“You haven't improved. “My mother will take care of my needs, my father will be in charge of the herd affairs and my brothers of my safety, I will be fine. So, go away, Lake. I need you to solve the problem we have.“But…“Come back soon. I need you to come back soon, because I doubt babies will take longer to be born. So, you take care of the pack's affairs and I'll try to keep you up to date with things that may happen.” he says Rain and I take a deep breath.“Should I give up on...?“No, I wouldn't forgive you for being this week. Assure the children a good life, at least a quiet one or d
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Chapter 178: Anguish
The trip goes smoothly, with a map of the property, I show the men where we could look for my father and also, where the other members of the herd that I need to gather to deal with the situation can be.With everything ready, I get off the plane and get into the cars that few of my men have prepared to be able to travel. But, the urgency makes me transform into a wolf and run wishing to find my father quickly. However, I do not perceive her smell, but Annia's, so, running, I reach the source of the aroma, which is mixed with blood. Worried, I look for where she might be and when I find her, I recoil to see that she is not the only one who is dead.Distraught, I advance towards the property, encountering several dead werewolves, but, these are not from my pack, even, I would dare to say that they are not Romans. So, I don't understand what is happening, but, yes, who could be the cause of all these deaths.“So, this was all the chaos that my father le
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Chapter 179: My Mother's Family
I don't know what to do exactly, because I know that Rain is in danger, but, I don't know how much. Since, I don't know if I'm being paranoid and my dad isn't there or if he's really close to my wife.“We have to move fast.” I say to the wolves that surround me.“We have problems, sir.” says a wolf running.“Is there no way they can give me good news?” I ask frustrated.“Wolves are coming this way. It seems that the affected herds, they come looking for revenge.“Is Annia's family here?” I ask worried.“It's more than that.” says the wolf and I leave immediately, being followed by few wolves.And I don't blame them for not all following me, because the truth is, I'm walking into the danger that my father created for me. So, begging not to die for that, I fast forward until I meet the wolves who are watching me with hatred.“Are you going to stop me from going for my daught
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Chapter 180: Hatred
I was trying to tie things up, but even with everything my father has done, even with everything I've been told and I've seen what he's capable of, I don't know if I'm really prepared for everything that can happen because of my father.“I don't understand what it is…“We have to leave. As I see things, he has already taken revenge on Klauss' family and Annia.“I don't understand why he would take revenge on Annia “I say confused.“Possibly she tried to stop him or didn't want to give him something specific. The cause of his attack could be variant, as well as his mind is. It's true, my father has shown that he is capable of being ruthless with anyone, he was ruthless with Rain, even though he knew that his family had nothing to do with it. So, I would be able to do worse things.“I'm really sorry I didn't stop him.“Dionysus is not someone who is easy to deal with. So, we don't blame you for w
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