All Chapters of Rejected and pregnant by Alpha: Chapter 181 - Chapter 190
279 Chapters
Chapter 181: Fighting
The wolf lunges at us and I transform into a wolf ready to defend my pack. Every single thing I admired about Rain's pack comes to my mind and because of that, I think of myself as someone who is as good at being a leader as Rain and his family.The memory of his ambushes and how it was difficult to get out of them alive, make me see Rain as my opponent and therefore, prepare for the worst. Knowing what the weak points of a wolf are, I move quickly hiding these so that they do not seriously hurt me.Also, I try to stay calm, although the situation lends itself to worrying seriously. But, I understand that getting desperate will only announce a winner that logically won't be me. So, I focus on calming down and anticipating his movements, to defend and attack firmly.“Remember everything we have practiced, it's time to show that we are not weak.” I say firmly.The wolves move fast and I concentrate on attacking as much as possible, in the points that we
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Chapter 182: Mr. Lu's Visit
Coldly, I observe the wolf that has spoken, I do not know if he will continue with the confrontation, but, I also cannot attack first when my intention is to form alliances so that they do not attack us while I consolidate my pack.“My intention is that everything will turn out well for everyone. That's why I have to find my father first instead of wasting my time with this. So, go take care of your leader and tell him that I don't want to fight with him, but, I won't stand idly by if he hurts mine either.“I'm not your messenger.“Then don't tell him, but, if he makes a mistake by not knowing my warning, I will make life impossible for each of you. Now, get out of here, I can't waste any more time looking for my father.” I say angrily.The wolves are leaving, because they know they don't have the slightest chance of beating me, because they are all betas or omegas and I am an alpha, who has become stronger. But, that doesn't mean that the
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Chapter 183: Asking for help
I take a deep breath, count to a thousand so that I can ask without something betraying that I'm not all human, but, try as I might, it's not possible for me to calm down when my father has so much money in his hands.“Tell me it's a joke.“I'd like to say the same, sir. But, it's not like that.“How can my father know that I have money, even you don't know my password!” annoying scream.“It was with your identification and a piece of paper where you gave him a power of attorney to access the account.” says Mr. Lu and I take a deep breath.“In a situation like this, shouldn't they call me to confirm that what my father says is true?” curious question.Mr. Lu looks at me with concern and I grab the bridge of my nose, trying to channel my anger, because that's exactly how I feel now because of everything my father is doing to me.“They did, but, they couldn't reach you, that's why, I traveled here
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Chapter 184: Unwelcome news
Narra RainI take a deep breath. Even though I've had several braces removed, I still can't leave the hospital, because the babies are still unstable. Therefore, I have had to eat horrible food and receive medicine that is useless for something.“This is a waste of time, nothing that has been done to me has served any purpose.” I tell my mom to massage my legs.“You must be patient, we are wolves, so, human medicine takes time to show its effect.” says my mother and I take a deep breath.That's exactly what I don't understand, wolves don't have developed medicine because although we can get hurt, our body does its own healing and healing process.Therefore, we only have as medicine potions to inhibit the wolf part of our genetics or inhibitors to not go into heat. So, if something extraordinary happens to us, we should try human medicine and implore that the part we share with humans, genetically speaking, ends up being subdued by med
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Chapter 185: Mission Impossible
Although he failed to understand Lake's cause to say something like that, I do know that he is not someone who calls upset, just because he got scared seeing a spider. So, if I'm going to run, you should tell me how serious the problem I'm facing is.“What's going on?” I ask confused.“We just have to leave.” my brother says and I deny.“If you don't tell me what the reason is, I'm not going to allow them to transfer me to another place, I'm really sorry.” I mean right away.“Sister, please.“What's the matter? If you don't want to tell me that as your sister, then tell me what happens when your alpha orders you to. If even with that, you're not interested, then I'm not going to move from here.My brother walks back and forth, showing his frustration at my attitude. But, I'm not going to allow them to do with me what they want, just because others want it that way. That's not how I move.“Unders
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Chapter 186: Deciding something important
They all look at each other, because they know that they cannot move me if they do not fulfill the condition of ensuring the safety of my children and mine. Because that's exactly what they're worried about.“What are we going to do then? We can't stay here when so many people or werewolves come in and out who might betray us. So, if we can't leave her here, where they can attend to any difficulties, what can we do?” Sergey asks.“Staying is as risky as leaving and I'm talking to you in a general way” says my mother.I sigh deeply and confirm that their concern about what should or should not be done, will have to rest with me. So, I decide, after so much hesitation, I do it.“We'll have to move.” I say knowing that Dionysus must know where I am.“But how are we going to move you, if you feel so bad?” Nikolay asks.“It is true, although we can move you safely, there is a big problem and that is that
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Chapter 187: Taking action
My family smiles at me full of pride, using their lips and gaze, while raising their chest, full of pride for what I have said. Although being honest, I was not looking for them to approve of what I said, if not, that everyone understood that it is not necessary to discuss things that there is no need to ask.“My children will be born on my territory.“But, he knows…“You don't know him, modifications have been made after finishing with his informants and if still, he can get to where I am, then, my pack will protect me.“That's right!” my brothers say excitedly.“I'm not going to say that they will worry or defend in the same way as my parents or siblings, but, I know that I have been a good enough leader, to receive support now that I need it.“You'll get it, sister. Everyone in the pack respects you.” says Nikolay.“I know, because my babies are not only Serrano, but they are also Evan
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Chapter 188: Ask me for something
Fear invades me, but I remind myself that I should not think only negatively and stay suffering or waiting to be rescued when I am my own hero. So, as I can, I check around and get off the stretcher, to take a fork from the plate that they haven't picked up from lunch yet.“You must be strong, even if I am an alpha with advantages in strength and agility, you cannot forget that you are also an alpha and a very strong one, with six reasons to face me bravely.” I mean seriously.I take a deep breath, while I listen to the footsteps of the man, approaching the room where I am. Although I have my gun, I implore that it is Lake or someone else related to him and that he does not want to kill me, instead of Dionysus.'As much as I want to show myself strong, Dionisio is someone I couldn't handle right now. So, God, help me. I need you to please protect me from that animal.’ I tell myself mentally.Getting ready for everything, I look towards the door,
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Chapter 189: Imploring
I watch him feeling pain, from the bottom of my chest, I feel like something freezes and sends ice through my veins, to the point that I can feel my whole body lowering its body temperature.“So, you came all the way here running to get me to save your father, didn't you?” I ask coldly“Rain, understand that…“Exactly, help me understand. Please help me to understand what is happening, because I can't really understand what is happening, what makes you believe that I will spare the life of a potential murderer?“He's not a potential killer.“Oh, sorry for my mistake, how do you think I'm going to save a murderer? Do you think that by linking up with you I have forgotten the damage that your father did to my family?“I know that you will not forget it and I am going to commit to pay your family everything that we have ruined, just as you have said that you are going to repair the damage that you caused. Th
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Chapter 190: Having a crisis
I swallow hard and breathe several times because I feel like I'm going to die, my babies move and I understand why bonding causes so much fear. Since, I'm giving a lot of importance to my feelings, when it wasn't like that before.‘Why can't I suppress my emotions? Why is the reason that I use so much, now it does not appear?’ I ask myself mentally.“Take a deep breath, Rain, and do your thing. Pretend that you are not related to him, that he is not my husband.” I mean disappointed.The phone rings constantly, but, I don't answer because I know they are calling to annoy me because I have given too absurd an order. That's why I don't answer the calls and concentrate on my transfer.‘This is what should be important to me, the safety of my children and my own. He can do whatever he wants with his father.’ I tell myself mentally.I finish getting ready and the noise appears again, about half an hour before I have to leave. My
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