All Chapters of Rejected and pregnant by Alpha: Chapter 161 - Chapter 170
279 Chapters
Chapter 161: Going to a hotel
The car moves towards our new destination, where Lake looks around before leaving, showing himself alert to any possible danger, which he did not do when he was entering the clinic.“Stay in the car. Because of the insulation, they won't know you're in the car. So, let me find out if it's a safe place and then I'll come for you.“What if it's not?“The driver has the order to take you home or at least, close to it. This way, your own people will be able to protect you from what may happen and you don't need to worry if the car resists or not, because they took their time in creating it to protect you from those situations.I nod at his explanation and transform into a wolf, in case it's necessary to run, although I doubt that in my state, I'm faster than a beta. Because with this state... nourishing six babies... I'm almost like an omega who has a tough time recovering her energy easily.Time passes and I prepare for the worst, fo
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Chapter 162: On second thought
Her words and the way they say it, make my body prepared for something that I shouldn't prepare for, because I don't want to bond with Lake, I still don't feel safe to do it with someone with a past that is full of spite, pain, and wounds.But, his voice... and knowing what he is going to do to me, makes me feel that he is the right person to sin, that he is the devil with whom I want to challenge myself every night to the point that we are the best that each one expects from the other.As if that wasn't enough, he moves away from his mission of pampering my belly by placing moisturizer on it, too slowly go down to that part where everything feels warm. Therefore, I take a deep breath and try not to wait too long, although my body is exactly what it needs in that part, too much attention.“Are you ready?” Lake asks.'No, I'm not ready, much less sure that this is really a clever idea, but, it's what I need and I can't deprive myself of this, w
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Chapter 163: Deciding
As fast as I can, I walk to the bathroom door, where I start to fill the tub, so that the noise of the water falling, prevents him from hearing what I'm going to talk about on the phone.“Hello?” they ask as soon as they answer the call.“Mother…“Rain?” my mother asks.“Yes, Mother. It's me.“Oh, it's good that you called, I heard the howling and I panicked, but, Sergey didn't let me go with him to find out what's going on and I haven't been told what happened either.“It's a long story that you'll know when I get home. Now I need you to help me with something important.“Okay, tell me.I stay silent and not because I don't trust her to tell her my doubts, but because I don't know where to start, much less what she will tell me. Because I think that my relationship with her could be at risk, because my mind and body are leaning towards a big decision.“Speak up, Rain. Don
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Chapter 164: Taking the plunge
I don't understand at what moment I turned on a button on Lake, because quickly, he pulls me back and carefully sits me down on the bed, although that care is not felt in his kisses that are about to leave me without lips.The moans are not long in coming, as well as the pheromones and hormones that triple in the environment in such a way that it is not possible for me to calm down a little, because all the stimuli I am experiencing are too great.“Lake... don't be so rude, it's not that fast.” I say when he releases me from the prison of his kisses, because he is taking off my clothes.But, that doesn't seem to worry him. Apparently, the urge to get inside me prevents him from even listening to me, because he concentrates on kissing my neck and undressing me to such an extent that I have to bring my hands to his cheeks so that he stops for a moment.“Lake, stop.“Have you regretted it?” Lake asks sadly.“Is that what
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Chapter 165: A rebirth
The need is evident, even in Lake it is noticeable that he has been holding back too long, because his arms around me, are tensed in such a way that it seems that his veins are going to explode.So, I close my eyes, take a deep breath, and let him take care of everything, wishing that things will turn out well, that I really am not making a mistake. Although, when I feel how it makes its way into my entrance, doubts, or the fear of being wrong, it seems that they travel to the sun and burn with it, because they leave no trace of what once could have been.“God...” Lake whispers, while I bite my lower lip so as not to moan too much or in the worst case, growl, or scream.“Lake…“Give me a second, I need to control myself or everything will be too fast and painful.” Lake says and I stay quiet.From my body, the pheromones and hormones that should have been exhausted by everything I've shed during today shoot out,
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Chapter 166: Achieving it
Knowing that I must free myself and lose all fear that I have now, I free myself from the prison that our breasts have with my arms and I embrace him, wishing that this encounter is intimate in more ways than one. Cuddled and not moving, we stayed for several seconds, but, the insistence of the babies to move and my legs exhausted by the position, make me move away and end up sitting on Lake's legs.“For God's sake...” we both say in unison as we have not separated our intimacies and therefore, buried deep inside me.The invasion is complete, there is not a part of his member that is not invading me and that is why it is difficult for me to move. Because I was talking, because I was distracted, I forgot that I was running away and because of that, now I am being completely invaded by a man who has cut my breath because of it.As I can, I take a deep breath and try to get away from Lake, getting out of the trap that I have thrown myself into, but
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Chapter 167: Only You
The next dayAfter a few hours of sleep, I wake up because of the immense urge to urinate. So, although my body can't stand me getting out of bed, it's not possible for me to stay a little longer and that's why, as I can, I get up.“Where are you going? You must be tired.“The babies are pressing on my bladder; I need to pee.Lake gets up and as if it were a feather, takes me in his arms, causing me to hold my breath, to the amazement he causes me. With my eyes wide open, I look at Lake's sleepy face and since his hair is a mess, a sexy one.Has the connection already taken effect that I see him as beautiful?’ I ask myself mentally.But, I can't blame the bonding, when I'm about to have her babies. The attractive thing, I saw him a while ago, it's just that I was too upset with him. But, with four orgasms, the world looks better.Even the anger that I had, has stopped prevailing in me, because I feel full, complete, and most impor
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Chapter 168: Forgiveness
Her words reach my heart and that's why, I try to concentrate on everything in the bathroom, so that my pheromones and hormones don't give me away, but, it's too late, my body gives these away like a watering can.“Stop being cheesy.” I say blushing as Lake inhales hard.“As a human you smelled amazing, but, as a wolf, like my moon, you smell too good. so, impress me with your scent, I want to have it always with me.” Lake says and I bite my lower lip, trying to control the emotion that makes me live this.Lake, he extends his hand to me, so that I can take it and enter the tub with him. So, carefully, I take it and he attracts me to his body. Slowly, he caresses my belly and gives exactly six kisses on this one.“Good morning, children.” says Lake and I feel like I'm getting too weak.“Lake…“Sorry for being late and causing you a lot of inconvenience. Your father won't make that mistake anymore; I
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Chapter 169: Escaping for Now
Grateful, because he understands what it is difficult for me to recognize and say, I show agreement, kissing him and he corresponds to my kiss, leaving my shoulders light from the guilt, mistakes and worries that at the moment, seem unnecessary to keep.Lake, he's made it that way in just one night and I don't know if it's because of the bonding or something else, but, I really want to get rid of all that, for the sake of all of us. So, I let myself go and enjoy every gentle touch of Lake while we kiss.‘I've already suffered a lot in silence, now it's time for me to enjoy a lot whether it's in silence or not, but, I deserve to enjoy.’ I tell myself mentally.“I think there are too many words already. Let's move forward being better and let's leave the past behind.” I say and Lake nods, to kiss me again and thus, deepen what we feel in a kiss that is interrupted by the babies' kicks.“I think they're afraid that we won't let them sleep.“It seems so. Since, they have
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Chapter 170: Taking charge
Quickly, I walk to the elevator and get on it is noticing that the details of the corridors and the elevator, are beautiful, to the point that I am surprised that I did not notice it when I arrived yesterday.“Everything looks nice and clean.” I whisper when the doors open on the first floor where I go down in search of the restaurant.The lobby is big, even, there is a small library in the waiting room and everything around me, it smells good, it is a mixture of pheromones, hormones and human scents that do not affect me.The sensitivity is no longer there and the best thing is that the instability of my body is no longer perceived, so, I enjoy this moment that since my pregnancy, I could not enjoy for fear of what might happen.Asking for directions, I arrive at the dining room, where checking the food buffet, I take something and serve it on a plate, wishing that everything will go well with me and I can recharge a little of that energy tha
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